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  • A Hopkins in love.


    Lately, I have felt that Jesus was trying to tell me something. Then last night, Jesus touched me while I was sleeping. I was truly overcome, when I woke up this morning and found I had been given the gift of poetry.

    There is a certain young lady in Freehold whom I have long admired. Now, I'm not going to name her directly, as she might be shy of my attentions.

    And yet I hope, somehow, she will realize that the following poem is for her.

    I know it isn't more than a whimsical, romantic notion, but I wanted to share it with you folk.


    You fill me with,

    Jesus wants me,
    In our bed,
    And ours is yours,
    Oh Felicity.

    Let's be wed?

    I know, brethren. Only Jesus could have inspired that sweet, sacred poesy.

    I don't often cry, but I am crying right now.


  • #2
    Re: A Hopkins in love.

    Brother Matthew,

    Rest Assured that YOU are a very fine Upstanding True Christian that ANY woman of child bearing age would find irresistible.

    You posses many fine Capitalist qualities having more money than China and the wisdom to guide any woman closer to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and your knowledge of the One True Bible the KJV is exceptional.

    Your melodic words have also made me cry as I did feel your love for such a fine woman and this was after an epic battle against the welsh.

    Your seed is strong and more than capable of producing MANY SONS at a time.

    Brother, your in my prayers and deserve the Lords Good Grace and blessing for what would be a match made in heaven.

    @Felicity, Here is a 'mans man', strong of back, armed to the eye tooth and the Charisma that only could surpassed only by Jesus himself.
    Exodus 21:20-21 If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.


    • #3
      Re: A Hopkins in love.

      Thank you so much for your kind words and support, Brother.

      I am in constant prayer over this, and only hope that her father is prepared to negotiate. I do have more USD in my bank accounts than the Chinese government.



      • #4
        Re: A Hopkins in love.

        That is a nice poem!

        My father says the auction for my hand in marriage will be when I am a year older. I am sure he knows what is best.
        I Jesus!


        • #5
          Re: A Hopkins in love.

          Originally posted by Felicity View Post
          That is a nice poem!

          My father says the auction for my hand in marriage will be when I am a year older. I am sure he knows what is best.
          Why, Felicity! You guessed, even though my poem was full of semaphors and milises! Praise Him!

          Well, this is exciting news indeed, as next year is less than two weeks away!

          Do tell your father that I can pay in any currency. Including gold bullion.

          YBIC and fervently adoring,



          • #6
            Re: A Hopkins in love.

            Oh my, what a lovely poem.

            I will pray for you that the two of you will be joined together soon enough. I wish all the best of luck!



            • #7
              Re: A Hopkins in love.

              Why thank you, Sister Sophie, I know that baby Jesus listens to your prayers!



              • #8
                Re: A Hopkins in love.

                Originally posted by Matthew Hopkins View Post

                Lately, I have felt that Jesus was trying to tell me something. Then last night, Jesus touched me while I was sleeping. I was truly overcome, when I woke up this morning and found I had been given the gift of poetry.

                There is a certain young lady in Freehold whom I have long admired. Now, I'm not going to name her directly, as she might be shy of my attentions.

                And yet I hope, somehow, she will realize that the following poem is for her.

                I know it isn't more than a whimsical, romantic notion, but I wanted to share it with you folk.


                You fill me with,

                Jesus wants me,
                In our bed,
                And ours is yours,
                Oh Felicity.

                Let's be wed?

                I know, brethren. Only Jesus could have inspired that sweet, sacred poesy.

                I don't often cry, but I am crying right now.

                This is just beautiful.

                I can't imagine a young vibrant Christian lady more suited to a distinguished gentleman such as you Brother Hopkins.

                I will pray you get together with each other soonest.

                1 Corinthians 11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.

                Revelation 22:15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

                Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.


                • #9
                  Re: A Hopkins in love.

                  Originally posted by Laurence Niles View Post
                  This is just beautiful.

                  I can't imagine a young vibrant Christian lady more suited to a distinguished gentleman such as you Brother Hopkins.

                  I will pray you get together with each other soonest.

                  I do thank you from the bottom of my heart, Brother Laurence.

                  Somehow, I just feel this will go right. Surely Jesus wouldn't let this end in heartache, unless I sinned in some way? I don't know what it is, but the first, second, third and fourth Mrs. Hopkinses never had the same impact on me as dear, sweet Felicity does.

                  Somehow, although I mourned each one of their violent and untimely deaths, I feel God was leading me to this point. God punished those women, because they were sinners. That's just what God did to them.

                  I just know that Felicity, protected as she is by the Lord Jesus, would come to no harm under my roof. I just know it!

                  There I go, being a soppy old fool. Well, it is all in Jesus's hands now.


