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  • Seth Campbell
    Re: Pray they are caught

    Originally posted by Shela Tansper View Post
    I apologize in advance for this not being very Christian of me but pray that th e police find the two lowlife thieving scum that broke into my house on Sunday of all days before i do.

    Laptop, camera, credit cards and the house ransacked. Annoying thing is i saw them eyeing the house up earlier in the day and they waited for me to go out, they are not from the village so myself and some friends are scouring the nearby towns on the look out.
    I suggest you contact these people

    We breed protection Rottweilers over here, and I can tell you that I have never been robbed. You are right that these people case houses and they're not going to rob the one with a large dog staring back at them.

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  • Brother Temperance
    Re: Pray they are caught

    Friend, with God, all things are possible. I am 100% confident that these gypsies (because, let's be honest, they will almost certainly turn out to be gypsies) will be caught and God will return all your possessions to you, because He takes such excellent care of His flock.

    Unless it turns out that His plan is for the criminals to never get caught and that He will heap up more and more tribulations and undeserved suffering on your innocent head to test you, in which case it will still be part of His plan and so all fine. Praise Him!

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  • Phebe Carlyle
    Re: Pray they are caught

    Originally posted by Shela Tansper View Post
    Thank you Sister Phebe, i spent around 5 hours at the police station looking at "mug shots" and drinking some superb cups of tea and was even taken on a tour of the station during one of the breaks.
    I am glad that the tea was delicious. Tell me, did they serve a scone or two as well?

    That was an interesting thought of yours about the hippies which i put to the police but the footprints picked up at the scene was from a Reebok and they won't wear them as it's against their beliefs something about asian sweat shops or something.
    Well, then it must be a dead lead. Those greenie hippies are always harping on about the minor things they deem as so important. They are just so selfish with their wacky liebral ideals!

    Anyway i have picked out some pictures and will see what happens but i fear the stolen goods have gone forever.
    Were you insured at all? If nothing else at least you may be able to replace the goods or at least some of them with the insurance payout.

    I will let you know though that both James and myself prayed on this all last night and as the both of us prayed, there is no doubt in my mind that God will come through!

    Jesus (through Matthew) shows this Truth to us:

    Matthew 18

    19Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

    20For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

    Sister, please keep us all posted with the marvellous updates as to these wretches having been caught!


    Sister Phebe.

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  • Shela Tansper
    Re: Pray they are caught

    Thank you Sister Phebe, i spent around 5 hours at the police station looking at "mug shots" and drinking some superb cups of tea and was even taken on a tour of the station during one of the breaks.

    That was an interesting thought of yours about the hippies which i put to the police but the footprints picked up at the scene was from a Reebok and they won't wear them as it's against their beliefs something about asian sweat shops or something.

    Anyway i have picked out some pictures and will see what happens but i fear the stolen goods have gone forever.

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  • Phebe Carlyle
    Re: Pray they are caught

    Originally posted by Shela Tansper View Post
    I apologize in advance for this not being very Christian of me but pray that th e police find the two lowlife thieving scum that broke into my house on Sunday of all days before i do.

    Laptop, camera, credit cards and the house ransacked. Annoying thing is i saw them eyeing the house up earlier in the day and they waited for me to go out, they are not from the village so myself and some friends are scouring the nearby towns on the look out.
    Sister Shela,

    My heart goes out to you at this time and certainly, you will be included even more so in my prayers today.

    One bonus I suppose is, you were able to catch these thieves on camera, so that will be able to aid with the investigations.

    Tell me, I know it is probably a long shot, but it was not a few of those hoodlums you were having problems with just a week ago? The ones who were in your back area eyeing off your apples?

    Their real intention could have been that they were casing the place to check out your movements so as to pull of this heist, and your delicious fruit was just a perk of their demon plan!

    I know you said the burgulars were white, but gosh, those hippy's could have had a wash and a haircut prior to committing the fiendish deed!


    Sister Phebe.

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  • WinnerNotSinner
    Re: Pray they are caught

    I always stay in on the Sabbath.

    I will pray those two negras are caught for you, Sister!

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  • Shela Tansper
    Re: Pray they are caught

    Thanks will have a look, bit of a breakthrough though, my main computer was running along with the webcam, the thief came into the room and i got about 30seconds of footage of him before he knocks the webcam away so the footage was collected by the police earlier.

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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: Pray they are caught

    Originally posted by Shela Tansper
    Thats the thing that surprised me they were actually white..
    as soon as you said that, I thought CRACKHEADS
    and there just a few words on:
    ..crackheads from the nearby major town.
    About 4 or 5 years ago there was a court-case somewhere (Suffolk, maybe?) about a man who put hydraulic steel spikes in a raised flower bed just outside a window (he was a hydraulic engineer). I looked for the story yesterday, but couldn't find it. He was convicted - yes the device worked, and how!! - but only because the spikes (which were substantial enough to not only pop up through the feet but about 18" straight up into the legs as well) were outside. I think that if you fitted such a device just inside an open window you'd be OK; only a burglar would be inside, whereas anyone admiring that man's flowers whilst, for examole sniffing amyl nitrite which may be legally purchased in the U.K., might stumble forwards in all innocence and - oops!
    See if you can find the court notes, maybe enquire at the local police station? they'll remember the case I should think.
    Kind Regards,

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  • Shela Tansper
    Re: Pray they are caught

    Thats the thing that surprised me they were actually white, go to go to look at some photo fits tomorrow. They reckon they were crackheads from the nearby major town.

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  • Talitha
    Re: Pray they are caught

    This is what comes of living in a country with no Christian morals or values.

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  • Warner S. Davidson
    Re: Pray they are caught

    Sister Shela:
    My Prayers also for the return of your property.

    I am guessing that there won't be too many darkies in your village so I am confident that Jesus will guide the police to them quickly and your property will be soon back in your possession.

    Praise Jesus

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  • Lisa H
    Re: Pray they are caught

    I will say a pray for you that all your things are returned and the thieves caught.

    Exodus 22:2 If a thief be found breaking up, and be smitten that he die, there shall no blood be shed for him.

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  • Shela Tansper
    started a topic Pray they are caught

    Pray they are caught

    I apologize in advance for this not being very Christian of me but pray that th e police find the two lowlife thieving scum that broke into my house on Sunday of all days before i do.

    Laptop, camera, credit cards and the house ransacked. Annoying thing is i saw them eyeing the house up earlier in the day and they waited for me to go out, they are not from the village so myself and some friends are scouring the nearby towns on the look out.