This is a heartwarming story about how a former gay activist found Jesus and got saved, written by one of his old gay buddies.
My Ex-Gay Friend
Here are some great quotes from that article:
I linked to an article in the hyperliberal NY Times because it was written by a homosexual, and it is very telling to see the logical fallacies and strained justifications in an attempt to avoid the truth and come up with some other explanation. Here's an example of the "No True Scotsman" fallacy in action:
So if anyone ever successfully leaves the homosexual lifestyle, then they must not have REALLY been been gay to begin with.
Here are some more articles, from a more balanced source:
'Gay'-rights leader quits homosexuality
How a 'gay rights' leader became straight
Confessions of a former 'gay rights' leader
To Ricky with love: You can resist (open letter to Ricky Martin)
Next time some anti-gay bigot visits our forum with a message of hopelessness that gays are born that way and can't change, we can point to Michael Glatze and show them that they are wrong -- gays can be saved.
Pastor Billy-Reuben
My Ex-Gay Friend
Here are some great quotes from that article:
“God loves you more than any dude will ever love you,” he told me at the cafe. “Don’t put your faith in some man, some flesh. That’s what we do when we’re stuck in the gay identity, when we’re stuck in that cave. We go from guy to guy, looking for someone to love us and make us feel O.K., but God is so much better than all the other masters out there.”
“Homosexuality is a cage in which you are trapped in an endless cycle of constantly wanting more — sexually — that you can never actually receive, constantly full of emptiness, trying to justify your twisted actions by politics and ‘feel good’ language.”
I don’t think the gay movement understands the extent to which the next generation just wants to be normal kids. The people who are getting that are the Christian right.
“I don’t see people as gay anymore. I don’t see you as gay. I don’t see him as gay. God creates us heterosexual. We may get other ideas in our head about what we are, and I certainly did, but that doesn’t mean they’re the truth.”
Homosexuality = Death. I choose Life.
In retrospect, more than you or me or anyone else who worked at the magazine, his sexuality almost felt more theoretical than real to me. ... At a very young age, he had all these very well thought out theories about identity and sexuality. Maybe this gay or queer identity that fascinated him, and that he had taken on, wasn’t really true for him.
Here are some more articles, from a more balanced source:
'Gay'-rights leader quits homosexuality
How a 'gay rights' leader became straight
Confessions of a former 'gay rights' leader
To Ricky with love: You can resist (open letter to Ricky Martin)
Next time some anti-gay bigot visits our forum with a message of hopelessness that gays are born that way and can't change, we can point to Michael Glatze and show them that they are wrong -- gays can be saved.
Pastor Billy-Reuben