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  • Interview with an Ex-Gay

    This is a heartwarming story about how a former gay activist found Jesus and got saved, written by one of his old gay buddies.

    My Ex-Gay Friend

    Here are some great quotes from that article:
    “God loves you more than any dude will ever love you,” he told me at the cafe. “Don’t put your faith in some man, some flesh. That’s what we do when we’re stuck in the gay identity, when we’re stuck in that cave. We go from guy to guy, looking for someone to love us and make us feel O.K., but God is so much better than all the other masters out there.”
    “Homosexuality is a cage in which you are trapped in an endless cycle of constantly wanting more — sexually — that you can never actually receive, constantly full of emptiness, trying to justify your twisted actions by politics and ‘feel good’ language.”
    I don’t think the gay movement understands the extent to which the next generation just wants to be normal kids. The people who are getting that are the Christian right.
    “I don’t see people as gay anymore. I don’t see you as gay. I don’t see him as gay. God creates us heterosexual. We may get other ideas in our head about what we are, and I certainly did, but that doesn’t mean they’re the truth.”
    Homosexuality = Death. I choose Life.
    I linked to an article in the hyperliberal NY Times because it was written by a homosexual, and it is very telling to see the logical fallacies and strained justifications in an attempt to avoid the truth and come up with some other explanation. Here's an example of the "No True Scotsman" fallacy in action:

    In retrospect, more than you or me or anyone else who worked at the magazine, his sexuality almost felt more theoretical than real to me. ... At a very young age, he had all these very well thought out theories about identity and sexuality. Maybe this gay or queer identity that fascinated him, and that he had taken on, wasn’t really true for him.
    So if anyone ever successfully leaves the homosexual lifestyle, then they must not have REALLY been been gay to begin with.

    Here are some more articles, from a more balanced source:
    'Gay'-rights leader quits homosexuality
    How a 'gay rights' leader became straight
    Confessions of a former 'gay rights' leader
    To Ricky with love: You can resist (open letter to Ricky Martin)

    Next time some anti-gay bigot visits our forum with a message of hopelessness that gays are born that way and can't change, we can point to Michael Glatze and show them that they are wrong -- gays can be saved.

    Pastor Billy-Reuben
    Upon request I will cite scripture for all these facts in God's Holy Word.

    ✝ This is a Christian community and we worship GOD of the Holy bible, the only Living GOD. We worship Jesus Christ, Son of GOD and Savior. Anything else is absurd. ✝
    Trump / Arpaio 2016 -- The Government We Deserve


  • #2
    Re: Interview with an Ex-Gay

    how handy you refuse link to 'comments', where real Part 2 of the story is- the part where the world speaks out. Since you will not show comments, I do it here:

    3.Joel Chicago, IL June 17th, 2011 7:50 am
    I'm like Michael!! But just the other way around! I used to be right-wing christian and talk bad things about gay people. I spent 8 years preparing myself to become a minister. Then, things changed... I came to terms with my homosexuality and became somehow a gay activist of sorts. Now, I don't consider myself religious at all; just think of religion as a step on my search for truth. Somehow I understand Michael, but just the other way around.
    See- it is not all 'changing' one way. Mike is freeto 'change' but qwould I want a daughter of mine to marry him No. He might still be of the inner gay and if he says hes now changed 2 times in his life the skys the limit So watch out Girls!


    • #3
      Re: Interview with an Ex-Gay

      Originally posted by napa valley nan View Post
      Mike is freeto 'change' but qwould I want a daughter of mine to marry him No. He might still be of the inner gay and if he says hes now changed 2 times in his life the skys the limit So watch out Girls!
      What a hypocrite! On one hand, the gays are normal and totally acceptable. But on the other, keep them far away from me and my family. Why don't you just come out and admit it - gays are sick perverts that society needs to lock up for our safety.


      • #4
        Re: Interview with an Ex-Gay

        Ah, dear sweet Michael! I have not seen him in more than a year! I wrote about the last time we reconnected in this thread. He is very strong in the Lord.

        I do miss fellowshipping with him. I think I will get back in touch with him, I am sure he could use some of my expert ministering to reinforce his heterosexuality. Bless you for this thread Pastor Billy!
        Professor of Creation Science and Flood Geology at Landover Baptist University


        Sodomites! Stop being gay TODAY!

        Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. James 1:21


        • #5
          Re: Interview with an Ex-Gay

          Good for him. I've only ever met one ex-gay; he came to testify at my (old) church. He said that "the last thing to enter [him] was Jesus, 10 years ago, and He hasn't left yet!"

          "Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." - Deuteronomy 31:6



          • #6
            Re: Interview with an Ex-Gay

            Originally posted by Little Donkey View Post
            What a hypocrite! On one hand, the gays are normal and totally acceptable. But on the other, keep them far away from me and my family. Why don't you just come out and admit it - gays are sick perverts that society needs to lock up for our safety.
            im just concerned in the article he says hes dated 2 women and he thinks 'more dating an courtship is next'. Fine for him to do whatever he wants - like try to be straight / but any woman who's all set to be guinnie pig for his dipping toe in the water might want to go slow and not count on much. If some guy came up to me an said 'Hi Ive been with men my whole life and now I want to court you' I'd say "WHY?' then Id say 'I'm sorry but go practice the new lifestyle with someone else'.


            • #7
              Re: Interview with an Ex-Gay

              Nan, not to put too fine a point on it, but you don't strike me as the type to "turn" a gay guy.


              Z. Smyth
              Posted via Mobile Device


              • #8
                Re: Interview with an Ex-Gay

                LOOK AT MY POINT / if he wants to try out being straight -if he can even do that I mean with his body) Im not going to stand in his way. But really the 'ex gays' are usually just someone going into celebicy dont know how to spelkl that - and okay so now half the math is done: no more man/man woman-woman contact. But there is more: now he must 'perform' and I do not want to be graphically inclined to you but well how to say this.../;

                I am saying it may not work out for him with the ladies even after he turns from the men


                • #9
                  Re: Interview with an Ex-Gay

                  Originally posted by Zechariah Smyth View Post
                  Nan, not to put too fine a point on it, but you don't strike me as the type to "turn" a gay guy.
                  you are rite in that- I would not 'turn away' a 'gay guy' because we're practical matters speaking Family, thru the connections of my daughter. BUT i would not "turn away' a straight man or a previouslythoughtIwasgay man because we're all in the Family Way of being humans on same planet: earth


                  • #10
                    Re: Interview with an Ex-Gay

                    Originally posted by napa valley nan View Post
                    LOOK AT MY POINT / if he wants to try out being straight -if he can even do that I mean with his body) Im not going to stand in his way. But really the 'ex gays' are usually just someone going into celebicy dont know how to spelkl that - and okay so now half the math is done: no more man/man woman-woman contact. But there is more: now he must 'perform' and I do not want to be graphically inclined to you but well how to say this.../;

                    I am saying it may not work out for him with the ladies even after he turns from the men
                    Am I reading this correctly? You (Nan), who have been crying on these boards since December about how everyone should treated equally no matter their orientations, are now telling someone who wants to explore another side of his sexuality not to even bother trying, because it "may not work"? Way to be supportive!


                    • #11
                      Re: Interview with an Ex-Gay

                      Originally posted by Didymus Much View Post
                      Am I reading this correctly? You (Nan), who have been crying on these boards since December about how everyone should treated equally no matter their orientations, are now telling someone who wants to explore another side of his sexuality not to even bother trying, because it "may not work"? Way to be supportive!
                      nO I am fine with him exploring whatever he wants I am also just saying, he has his eyes on marriage now and that will take a lady becaus marriage is about TWO 2 people, and for her parts of the deal- does she really want to be guniiee pig in MARRIAGE? Im just sayin it could be a rocky road


                      • #12
                        Re: Interview with an Ex-Gay

                        You have no moral foundation for your beliefs. You might as well be making it up as you go along adding stuff every so often so people don't get bored and abandon you.

                        Following your logic its just fine and dandy for me to take my dog to the altar and ravage it on the honeymoon as long as its just me and him. You're sick.

                        And you wonder why decent Christians want nothing to do with you. Eventually all that crap coming out of your mouth piles up until its so thick we Christians can't wade through it to witness to you.
                        Posted via Mobile Device


                        • #13
                          Re: Interview with an Ex-Gay

                          Originally posted by napa valley nan View Post
                          if he wants to try out being straight . . . Im not going to stand in his way.
                          Well, we are making some progress here Nan! You have finally admitted that people choose to be either gay or straight. You have always denied that it is a simple lifestyle choice. There may be hope for you yet!

                          Originally posted by napa valley nan View Post
                          But really the 'ex gays' are usually just someone going into celibacy and okay so now half the math is done: no more man/man woman-woman contact. But there is more: now he must 'perform'
                          Nan, as you already have been told, I am a 100% cured Ex-Gay© and the fact that I have not had intercourse with a woman has nothing to do with my former orientation choice. Firstly, I have never been married and if I had intercourse with a woman, God would consider it would be fornication, which is a sin. Since I am a True Christian™ I cannot sin, ergo I could not have sex with a woman I was not married to.

                          Secondly, as you also already know, unless you have forgotten, there were complications with the surgical aversion therapy portion of my Ex-Gay© treatment and I lost most of my genitals to necrotizing fasciitis. But that does not make me any less heterosexual.
                          Professor of Creation Science and Flood Geology at Landover Baptist University


                          Sodomites! Stop being gay TODAY!

                          Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. James 1:21


                          • #14
                            Re: Interview with an Ex-Gay

                            Originally posted by New Creation View Post
                            You have no moral foundation for your beliefs...Following your logic its just fine and dandy for me to take my dog to the altar and ravage it on the honeymoon as long as its just me and him. You're sick.
                            i have moral foundation /to use your word/ of people treating others in equal ways- not playing favorites. Don't know how you got to marrying housepets from my sayin ladies shoeld be careful marrying this guy whos to put it blunt fashion ERRATICATED of mind and acts. very erratic! Has never been with a woman but now wants to marry 1? very erratic after p-ast with men

                            Maybe your confused and bringing in animals because I said guiniiee pig?


                            • #15
                              Re: Interview with an Ex-Gay

                              Okay, spelling in my last saying was bad even for me I will try to concentrate more. My fingers slip on the keys sometimes and I also have to keep an eye on the door - store's open.

