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  • We've Got to Stop This Testing Nonsense

    This morning's headlines were about the 25% increase in coronavirus cases in Florida. It is unfair to have these headlines coming out day after day about Texas, Arizona and wherever. People blame the President instead of China, Obama and Joe Biden.

    I see only one solution. It is to stop testing. If people have a fever and dry cough doctors can treat them as if they have the virus, but if they don't test there are no statistics. With no statistics there is no pandemic. The President said the same thing in Tulsa and now has reaffirmed he wants testing stopped.

    The public's health would not be affected by stopping the testing. Some people would get sick and die with or without these statistics. The difference is that without cornavirus statistics we would reelect the greatest President our nation has ever had. That's what is important.

    Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.

  • #2
    Re: We've Got to Stop This Testing Nonsense

    Testing = Treason.
    The Christian Right: The Only Right Way to Be a Christian!


    • #3
      Re: We've Got to Stop This Testing Nonsense

      There is an example US can follow.

      Chile does not test every dead person with pneumonia for COVID19. So they don't have fewer cases, but they have fewer deaths.

      If you have a lot of cases but few deaths, then it follows your health system is the best of the planet. You can cure everybody.

      Now, there is a problem, some people may see the rise in "non specific" pneumonia cases, and try to relate them with the China Virus. Do not hear them: they are leftist sent by Venezuela to disrupt the right-wing paradise.

      SANTIAGO – The Chilean Health Ministry published on Saturday, June 20, its weekly report by its Department of Statistics. According to that report, written fo
      1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the TRUMP of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.


      • #4
        Re: We've Got to Stop This Testing Nonsense

        Follow the money, my father always taught me.

        So who is demanding all the testing? Scientists. Who created the virus in a research lab? Scientists. They're like puppet masters controlling the fate of the world. And why? That's right, gay sex. They want us to debase our bodies with "testing" so we can't object when our anus is penetrated.
        If I have seen further, it is by standing on the heads of others.


        • #5
          Re: We've Got to Stop This Testing Nonsense

          Originally posted by Brother Gonzalez View Post
          Chile does not test every dead person with pneumonia for COVID19. So they don't have fewer cases, but they have fewer deaths.
          Testing dead people would be a complete waste of resources. After all, they are already dead and so it makes no difference as they can't be treated. You might as well check all corpses for leprosy, scurvy or fungal toenail conditions.
          I couldn't help noticing that "Chile Today" was founded by a Dutchman who worked in Colombia and Suriname. He certainly must be quite the expert on Chile, then!
          Vaccinated by the love of Jesus!!!


          • #6
            Re: We've Got to Stop This Testing Nonsense

            Many people get very stressed out by tests and provide the wrong answers.
            His left hand should be under my head, and his right hand should embrace me.

            Guns For God and the Economy


            • #7
              Re: We've Got to Stop This Testing Nonsense

              I take a personal interest in this. If it wasn't for those nasty tests I could have kept my job! https://www.landoverbaptist.net/show....php?p=1267023

              I don't have symptoms so nobody would have known it me who had it and I could have kept going into work without anyone knowing. Now I'm under unbelievable persecution!

              Yes, some people may have been infected from me, but I mostly only search terrorists anyway, and only bad people really, really get sick, and who's flying on public airlines now anyway? Anyone rich enough will have their own private flights.

              So it's a small price to pay in my book.

              "Covid-19 positive" is the new discriminated against class in America. A bunch of people protesting black's rights to freedom. What about the people who tested positive and want to continue living their lives anyway? No testing means nobody knows who's sick, and without people knowing it's harder for covidists to discriminate.

              We need to put a stop to these tests NOW.
              Close minded people are just right people who don't want to spend time arguing.


              • #8
                Re: We've Got to Stop This Testing Nonsense

                The atheist medical community fails to understand that the principal risk of this mild but highly contagious and often lethal flu is not the fact that it causes hundreds of thousands of deaths but the risk that it poses on the Nation's Future: It may prevent President Trump's re-election. That would mean many more Second Deaths, i.e., Eternal Hell for many more people (Revelation 20:14). Without President Trump we'll lose many more potential Christians to homosexual anal sodomy, intramarital anal sex, contraception and female emancipation. Testing just makes the Biblically uneducated anxious and keeps them home from Trump rallies.

                Which is more important? Saving souls, at least one, for eternity or saving the physical life of millions for only a few decades? The answer is obvious. The Bible tells us about the situation today!

                Deuteronomy 32:5
                They have corrupted themselves, their spot is not the spot of his children: they are a perverse and crooked generation.

                The Nation is perverted. This is caused by hormones, tiny molecules invented by Starling and Bayliss in 1902-1905. Without hormones this would not have happened. The transsexuals and tantric sexuals manipulate their hormones to produce she-males from Caucasian Heterosexual Youth. Only the re-election of President Trump can save us. We must forget the Covid as it is just a distraction. Testing produces more distractions from election rallies. Trump is our Hero. We must trust Jesus. Trump knows best.

                Yours in Christ,

                2 Kings 18:25 - Am I now come up without the LORD against this place to destroy it? The LORD said to me, Go up against this land, and destroy it.

                Check out our Research in Creation Science:


                • #9
                  Re: We've Got to Stop This Testing Nonsense

                  Originally posted by Elmer G. White View Post
                  Without President Trump we'll lose many more potential Christians to homosexual anal sodomy, intramarital anal sex, contraception and female emancipation. Testing just makes the Biblically uneducated anxious and keeps them home from Trump rallies.
                  Deuteronomy 32:5
                  They have corrupted themselves, their spot is not the spot of his children: they are a perverse and crooked generation.

                  The Nation is perverted. This is caused by hormones, tiny molecules invented by Starling and Bayliss in 1902-1905. Without hormones this would not have happened. The transsexuals and tantric sexuals manipulate their hormones to produce she-males from Caucasian Heterosexual Youth. Only the re-election of President Trump can save us.
                  Yours in Christ,

                  Thank you for that, Dr. White. So few people understand as you do that this election is about sodomy and she males. Eternity is not about the virus. It is about sin.
                  Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


                  • #10
                    Re: We've Got to Stop This Testing Nonsense

                    The Trump administration is ending funding and support for local COVID-19 testing sites around the country this month, as cases and hospitalizations are skyrocketing in many states.

                    Well praise Jesus.

                    The Trump administration is ending funding and support for local COVID-19 testing sites around the country this month, as cases and hospitalizations are skyrocketing in many states.

                    The federal government will stop providing money and support for 13 sites across five states which were originally set up in the first months of the pandemic to speed up testing at the local level.

                    Local officials and public health experts expressed a mixture of frustration, resignation, and horror at the decision to let federal support lapse.

                    Texas will be particularly hard hit by the decision. The federal government gives much-needed testing kits and laboratory access to seven testing sites around Texas. But in the state, which is seeing new peaks in cases, people still face long lines for testing that continues to fail to meet overwhelming demand.

                    In Dallas County, Texas, the federal government will end support on June 30 for two testing sites it has been been supporting since March, Rocky Vaz, the director of emergency management for the city of Dallas, confirmed to TPM.

                    “Cases are continuing to rise in Dallas County, and we want to continue with the testing,” Vaz said.

                    The city of Dallas asked the federal government for an extension beyond June 30, but was refused, Vaz said.

                    “They told us very clearly that they are not going to extend it,” Vaz said. “We are not expecting it to continue beyond June 30, but things change.”
                    This Vaz person is being selfish by wanting to test. What he should want is to cover up the positive test results so Trump has the best numbers he can have come November.

                    Trump tweeted further affirmation for this Tuesday.

                    Cases are going up in the U.S. because we are testing far more than any other country, and ever expanding. With smaller testing we would show fewer cases!
                    Trump is so dedicated to helping out the American people that he just can't bare to let it go into ruin under a Biden administration. How many other Republicans are dedicated enough to America to end those expensive tests and help get America to stay on track?
                    Close minded people are just right people who don't want to spend time arguing.


                    • #11
                      Re: We've Got to Stop This Testing Nonsense

                      Originally posted by Prayer Warrior View Post
                      Trump is so dedicated to helping out the American people that he just can't bare to let it go into ruin under a Biden administration. How many other Republicans are dedicated enough to America to end those expensive tests and help get America to stay on track?
                      We all knew the President would come up with one big bold move to bring the election home. This is it.

                      We have to remember, however, those nasty Dems are up to no good 24/7. Governors, Mayors and hospitals may start testing on their own. These liberals will generate statistics that could be just as dangerous to the President as those of the Fed. We need a law right now that prohibits testing for the Coronavirus by anyone for any reason.

                      The old rule, out of sight out of mind, is always a good rule in politics.
                      Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


                      • #12
                        Re: We've Got to Stop This Testing Nonsense

                        Mr. President, STOP the rampant testing. It's absolute lunacy to measure things and make decisions based on results. Where will it end?! The scientists have induced a testing hysteria in everyone #DefundNASA
                        If I have seen further, it is by standing on the heads of others.


                        • #13
                          Re: We've Got to Stop This Testing Nonsense

                          If Sleepy Joe Biden gets elected, everybody who wants a test will be able to get one, and we'll be paying for it. It's pro-minority, godless communism, plain and simple.

                          Besides, as President Trump said, the virus is going to disappear this summer as it gets warmer, almost like magic. Not that we Christians condone magic.
                          The Christian Right: The Only Right Way to Be a Christian!


                          • #14
                            Re: We've Got to Stop This Testing Nonsense

                            Originally posted by WWJDnow View Post
                            Besides, as President Trump said, the virus is going to disappear this summer as it gets warmer, almost like magic. Not that we Christians condone magic.
                            Absolutely, Brother Dnow! Temperatures in parts of Godless Britain have reached an unprecedented 90 degrees today* and Mr Johnson ("The Bozza") has responded by promising to open up pretty much everything on July 4th - note the symbolic solidarity with The Donald there.

                            People have been inspired by this to flock to the beaches, 10 days early.

                            * N.B. This phenomenon may of course be caused by heat rising from the Lake of Fire.

                            Vaccinated by the love of Jesus!!!


                            • #15
                              Re: We've Got to Stop This Testing Nonsense

                              Look at today's news and you can see the liberal strategy playing out. Just when numbers start looking better, liberals increase testing so there are more cases. Liberals will stop testing if Biden is elected.

                              We need some kind of law or Presidential order to stop the testing. Only then can we re elect the greatest leader in the free world.

                              Townhall is the leading source for conservative news, political cartoons, breaking stories, election analysis and commentary on politics and the media culture. An information hub for conservatives, republicans, libertarians, and liberty-loving Americans.
                              Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.

