Boy if THIS doesn't just burn me up. The false Christians at the Salavation Army are hellbound for sure.
Why are they encouraging illegal wetbacks to steal jobs from the American nigras anyway?
Language barriers strains Christmas cheer
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the Salvation Army will distribute gifts at its South Congress Avenue warehouse to 4,600 local families: 3,600 through its Christmas assistance program, another 1,000 through Toys for Tots.
Of those families, about 90 percent speak only Spanish, said Raul Munoz, the Salvation Army's community development director.
"We have a record number of people that just speak Spanish and we want the process to be as smooth as possible," he said.
Now the nonprofit group is looking for bilingual volunteers to help distribute presents several days next week. The volunteers must speak and read at least conversational Spanish and English.
Until this year, the Salvation Army has made do with the three Spanish speakers on its gift-giving staff. But with 90 out of the 100 families to be served per hour only speaking Spanish, the nonprofit says it needs help.
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the Salvation Army will distribute gifts at its South Congress Avenue warehouse to 4,600 local families: 3,600 through its Christmas assistance program, another 1,000 through Toys for Tots.
Of those families, about 90 percent speak only Spanish, said Raul Munoz, the Salvation Army's community development director.
"We have a record number of people that just speak Spanish and we want the process to be as smooth as possible," he said.
Now the nonprofit group is looking for bilingual volunteers to help distribute presents several days next week. The volunteers must speak and read at least conversational Spanish and English.
Until this year, the Salvation Army has made do with the three Spanish speakers on its gift-giving staff. But with 90 out of the 100 families to be served per hour only speaking Spanish, the nonprofit says it needs help.