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  • My Christmas Wish

    Around the holidays, I often become emotionally overtaken by the joyousness of the Christmas season. Me and my wife Delores often stop by the Landover Baptist Prayer Center after Wednesday night Bible study, and we usually pray together in reflective thanks to the Lord for His loving gift to mankind in the form of Sweet Baby Jesus.

    What a wonderful time of the year this is, when the warmth and embrace of God's love protects us against the cold. Me and my wife Delores will often join hands in the Prayer Center and kneel-- praying softly and reverently to the Lord that all the poor children of the world-- black or brown, poor or hungry, in every nation throughout God's creation-- could be put up for auction to the highest bidder and carved up to be sold for human organ transplants.

    P.S. And this year, I'm praying especially hard that Patrick Swayze is dead by New Year's.

  • #2
    Re: My Christmas Wish

    Oh Brother Worthington, you and your darling wife are always so thoughtful and compassionate. We are soooo blessed to have you both in our congregation!

    Say, I was wondering if you could add Ted Kennedy to the prayer list?

    Merry Christmas Brother!

    Tweet me Here
    My GODLY Bio Here


    • #3
      Re: My Christmas Wish

      I don't know, does God approve of organ transplants?


      • #4
        Re: My Christmas Wish

        Originally posted by Heathen_Basher View Post
        I don't know, does God approve of organ transplants?
        We handle transactions like that. JESUS says to cut off everything that is offensive. He doesn't even mind if you cut off your John Thomas as long as you don't have some yellow chink try to make it into a cooter.
        Emeritus Professor of the Christ Jesus Chair of Theology at Landover Baptist University.
        "God loves you. Let us arrange for you to meet Him".
        Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth.--Psalms 58:6

