Originally posted by Paul
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“In these, the Last Days of time and sin and grief and pain, what can we expect?” I wondered. Rather than thinking something up myself, merely taking a look around was sufficient. Satan is in his final paroxysm, as though bitten by a rabid bat, I was dreaming about bats, horrid things hovering all around me staring straight ahead as though I wasn't there, and what is he targeting? So-called connubial duties! Ridiculous ideas are coming in thick and fast. Recently it was suggested to me that Paul was trans. Talk about spin!.
Originally posted by handmaiden
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“When he wrote ‘even as I myself,’” I was informed, “he didn't include what he himself was. ‘Therefore’ Paul continued addressing WIDOWS and the unmarried, they should ‘abide even as I’ because everyone knew what Paul had in common with widows: Paul was trans.”
Other suggestions have been that Paul was the gay or a eunuch or just about anything contradicting God's message, so clearly spelled out on this topic rating about #2 on the list after idols. In fact idols are very frequently compared to prostitution and some of the devices reportedly sold today (and probably in Corinth) combine both elements of debauchery in a single purchase.
Satan's minions are introducing bold new ways to interpret The Bible, particularly in this respect. How should a Christian respond to their suggestions?
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