As someone who was once unSaved and ignorant of God's love until very recently, I'm sure it'll come as no surprise to everyone that I was not taught how to cook a proper meal or to sew or really any other things a true, God-fearing wife should know.
How can I possibly find a True Christian husband to serve if I can't make even the most basic dinner or fix a button on his clothes?
I long to be worth rubies (Psalm 31:10), but I'm worth no more than gravel at this point in time.
Which is why I've decided to seek the help of the wonderful ladies here. Recipes for beginners, sewing tips, and any knowledge of other wifely duties that you would be kind enough to share with me will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and for your kindness.
How can I possibly find a True Christian husband to serve if I can't make even the most basic dinner or fix a button on his clothes?
I long to be worth rubies (Psalm 31:10), but I'm worth no more than gravel at this point in time.
Which is why I've decided to seek the help of the wonderful ladies here. Recipes for beginners, sewing tips, and any knowledge of other wifely duties that you would be kind enough to share with me will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and for your kindness.