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  • Mayor Hold Announces 2020 Reelection Campaign

    This is a message to my Brothers and Sisters of the Landover Baptist Church and the few new citizens of Freehold who are yet to be converted. I am running to remain your Mayor and Brother in Christ in the upcoming Freehold Mayoral election.

    I am running for reelection because there is much yet to do. Making certain Freehold remains a strong representative of the Baptist faith means guarding its door against the sin that always wants to enter.

    Then there is Freehold's economic development. I am vigilant in my search for Christian businesses that will locate in Freehold. Hobby Lobby and Chic fil a are two I hope to land. We will not tolerate businesses that trade in sex like Victoria's Secret. Also important is our work force. I have been vigilant in keeping to a minimum workers with names and ethnic history which do not fit the Christian culture of Freehold. It goes without saying that certain kinds of people bring with them crime and lower moral standards.

    I'll add one more comment. I'm hoping this announcement is the end of the campaign--that no one will file against me. Frankly, I am very busy and an opponent will just take time away from governing the City of Freehold.

    It remains an honor to serve the Citizens of Freehold.

    Yours in Christ
    Johny Joe Hold, Mayor
    Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2) the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.

  • #2
    Re: Mayor Hold Announces Reelection Campaign

    Mr Hold, I am so sad to have to come here and post in your forum, but I have filed all the paperwork for running for Mayor this upcoming election and I still don't have an answer.

    You know me, I am Alejandra Larguez, I am a resident in Freehold since I was a little girl. My father used to work for you.

    After my graduation studies in the University of Iowa I decided to come back to the city I love and start working for the people you don't see: maids, houseboys, gardeners, drivers. They all live in the city, but they are not taken into account. Like my abuelita used to say "aunque no los veas ellos estan" (even if you don't see them, they are here)

    Also, I think what this city needs the most is some diversity. White males have run this place for so long, now is time for the youth, the women, the colored people to start helping and taking decisions.

    You have to know, "Mayor", that I will not back down. This election is going to happen and I am going to run for it.



    • #3
      Re: Mayor Hold Announces Reelection Campaign

      Originally posted by Alejandra Larguez View Post
      You know me, I am Alejandra Larguez, I am a resident in Freehold since I was a little girl. My father used to work for you.
      Hello Mrs Larguez. I have three questions for you:

      1. Who is your husband?

      2. Do you have his permission to do this?

      3. If so, who does he work for?

      Would you please be so kind as to introduce yourself on the Introduction Forum for the benefit of those of us who have never heard of you? Thank you.

      (Although that appears to be a fourth question, it is more in the nature of a polite request.)

      Joanna Lytton-Vasey (Mrs)
      Vaccinated by the love of Jesus!!!


      • #4
        Re: Mayor Hold Announces Reelection Campaign

        Originally posted by Alejandra Larguez View Post
        Mr Hold, ...I have filed all the paperwork for running for Mayor this upcoming election

        You know me, I am Alejandra Larguez, I am a resident in Freehold since I was a little girl. My father used to work for you.

        They all live in the city, but they are not taken into account. Like my abuelita used to say "aunque no los veas ellos estan" (even if you don't see them, they are here)

        You have to know, "Mayor", that I will not back down. This election is going to happen and I am going to run for it.
        YES WE CAN!
        Alegandra--Of course I remember your father, a hard working gardener, and his little daughter, you. That you have decided to run for Mayor is most exasperating. Your application to run will, of course, be approved.

        Where I must take issue with you is in your platform where you claim those with the lowest income need to be heard. That is not Biblical. In Mark 14: and Matthew 26:11 Jesus tells us that it was OK to help the poor before his crucifixion but afterwards they are on their own.

        I must run now and meet with my alarmed supporters.
        Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2) the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


        • #5
          Re: Mayor Hold Announces Reelection Campaign

          Originally posted by Alejandra Larguez View Post
          After my graduation studies in the University of Iowa I decided to come back to the city I love and start working for the people you don't see: maids, houseboys, gardeners, drivers. They all live in the city, but they are not taken into account. Like my abuelita used to say "aunque no los veas ellos estan" (even if you don't see them, they are here)
          Excuse me, Miss Largeass, but that's simply not true. Unfortunately, the working class is painfully, hideously visible to job creators. I can't speak for Mayor Hold, but I can give you my own personal testimony.

          As a motel owner, I see Mexican maids all the time. I see them when they walk onto my property at 4:30 AM for their daily training session of thoroughly cleaning my house in order to prepare them for the day ahead. I see them when I wake up again at 9:45 to inspect their work and make sure they haven't stolen anything. I see them when they clock in at 10:00 and proceed to clean the rooms. I see them when they pass out in the early afternoon from laziness and need to be kicked awake. I see them attempt to hide their tears, the greedy wretches, when I deduct these unscheduled breaks (time theft!) from their pay. I see them at 4:30 when I check the rooms for cleanliness and stolen property. I see them as they clock out at 5:00 and then, bless them, as they volunteer to stay for several hours afterwards to help out with chores as needed. I see them at 8:00 PM when I line them up for inspection to make absolutely sure they haven't stolen anything, performing full body cavity strip searches as necessary. I see them shamble away down the lonely highway into the darkness, their heads hanging low, as they leave work for the day. I see them kick and scream and sob as ICE drags them away if they've been found to have broken the rules.

          So what exactly do you mean when you say I "don't see" these awful people? And that goes for the honorable Mayor Hold and all other Republican businessman! I don't live in Freehold, and thus will not be voting in the election, but I endorse Hold for Mayor.

          If you really need a job, send me your resume (in English please) and also photographs of your body... so I know what size uniform you need. Proof of right to work in U.S. not required.
          I was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore,
          Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more;
          But the Master of the Sea heard my despairing cry,
          From the waters lifted me, now safe am I!


          • #6
            Re: Mayor Hold Announces Reelection Campaign

            Mister Hold, it would appear you have a challenger. Have you considered doing opposition research? Surely this young gardener girl has some sort of herself on the Internet. What’s your stance on asking Russia for help? I would vote for you but unfortunately I am not a resident of Freehold. As well, I am a firm believer of the times before women’s suffrage. It’s a man’s duty. A female simply can’t have the mental capacity to make an informed decision 1-7 days out of each month.
            My name is Maxine Levantine. I am 17 and follow the KJV Bible to a T. If you are wanting to hit on me you can turn away. THIS is reserved for Jesus and my future husband (whoever that may be).


            • #7
              Re: Mayor Hold Announces Reelection Campaign

              Originally posted by Joanna Lytton-Vasey View Post
              Hello Mrs Larguez. I have three questions for you:

              1. Who is your husband?

              2. Do you have his permission to do this?

              3. If so, who does he work for?

              Would you please be so kind as to introduce yourself on the Introduction Forum for the benefit of those of us who have never heard of you? Thank you.

              (Although that appears to be a fourth question, it is more in the nature of a polite request.)

              Joanna Lytton-Vasey (Mrs)
              Ms Joanna, I am a strong independent woman and none of my private life is of anybody's business. Even if I had to, it would be hard to explain who my husband and who my boyfriend is, and why I have a special BFF to fool around with. Mainly because we change roles very often.
              And that is it with my private life. As I understand, this is a forum to praise God, so I will leave as soon as the election is over and I am Mayor Larguez.
              By the way: my father, el senor Larguez, has passed away last year. I am doing this on his memory as well.

              Thanks Mayor, the approval has arrived. I am officially running for Mayor. The launching party is going to be on Wednesday, all residents (ALL) are invited; word in the street is Bernie is going to stop by and say hello.

              No, no THAT Bernie, Bernie the grocery store employee. He is cute.


              • #8
                Re: Mayor Hold Announces Reelection Campaign

                Originally posted by Alejandra Larguez View Post
                none of my private life is of anybody's business.
                So, I take it that you've changed your mind about going into politics?
                I was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore,
                Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more;
                But the Master of the Sea heard my despairing cry,
                From the waters lifted me, now safe am I!


                • #9
                  Re: Mayor Hold Announces Reelection Campaign

                  As a True Christian(TM) male, and as an intelligent, well-built, handsome certified equine gnathologist on my way to becoming a doctor of divinity, I place my endorsement behind Johny Joe Hold, the obvious candidate for mayor. Why?

                  1. EXPERIENCE: Mayor Hold has led the city of Freehold for many years. His knowledge of all things Freehold is one of the city's greatest assets.

                  2. CHRISTIAN EXAMPLE: Under Mayor Hold, Freehold has become the most Christian city in America. All ordinances are based on scripture. The closed gates of the city speak of the commitment to maintaining a pure, untouched city for all. Jesus Himself approves.

                  3. HE'S NOT A SPIC: Mayor Hold is American. He speaks American. He writes American. He reads American. Everything about him is American. He's not a spic.

                  4. HE LIKES PUPPIES: Mayor Hold likes puppies and has petted them on occasion. Just keep them off his lawn, please.

                  5. MAYOR HOLD IS NOT A SEXUAL PREDATOR: Brother Johny Joe has never been arrested or convicted of any sexual offenses. I did one of those internet searches for background information and the closest I found was a Johnny Hold who has a few counts of criminal deviation but that's not him because this was a Des Moines man with a PO Box.

                  In short, there is NO OTHER PERSON for this job but Mayor Hold.

                  I believe in him as a brother in Jesus and as the leader of my future residence if the lame office that does these things ever gets around to approving it and not sending me on some lame missionary tour to a deserted island.
                  Proverbs 21:31 KJV 1611:
                  “The horse is prepared against the day of battell: but safetie is of the Lord.”

                  Lord, may I serve my equine brothers and sisters just as I do my fellow man.
                  Amen and Amen


                  • #10
                    Re: Mayor Hold Announces Reelection Campaign

                    Originally posted by BrotherLarry View Post
                    In short, there is NO OTHER PERSON for this job but Mayor Hold.
                    And there is no one else for this job who would honor our handshake agreement to funnel westward-departing missionaries and eastward-incoming visitors and travelers to my motel for the night. It has been very lucrative and above board for the both of us.

                    In the last Podunk election, our White Citizens' PAC was very successful in crushing the Hispanic farm laborers who attempted to mobilize and run for office at the prodding of socialist agitators. It is primarily funded by the Podunk Bible Baptist Church, Monsanto, the Blood of Christ Motel, the Knebraska Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (and its ladies' auxiliary), Tyson Foods, the Nebraska Volunteer Border Patrol, the Podunk High School MAGA Club, ADM, the Podunk High School Darkies Football Team Booster Club, and the Midwest Slaughterhouse Owners' Association. The White Citizens' PAC has been a force against change in politics in eastern Nebraska and, more recently, in western Iowa (Steve King country).

                    At the next board of directors meeting, I will propose that we send a sizeable donation to the Johny Joe Hold campaign. He's been carrying out God's work since he was elected nine years ago, and what's good for God is good for America.
                    I was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore,
                    Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more;
                    But the Master of the Sea heard my despairing cry,
                    From the waters lifted me, now safe am I!


                    • #11
                      Re: Mayor Hold Announces Reelection Campaign

                      Mayor, I have no concerns about your re-election again. However, if I can be of service to say, truck in voters, I'll be happy to do so. I am also able to provide secure transport for ballots.
                      While this might seem premature to those that do not know how tight a ship you run and that you base your platform on 'God First, God Last, God Always', I want to congratulate you on your success.
                      Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
                      Amos 3:6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?
                      Numbers 21:6 And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.
                      Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
                      Matthew 10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
                      Matthew 10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.


                      • #12
                        Re: Mayor Hold Announces Reelection Campaign

                        Originally posted by James Hutchins View Post
                        Mayor, I have no concerns about your re-election again. However, if I can be of service to say, truck in voters, I'll be happy to do so. I am also able to provide secure transport for ballots.
                        While this might seem premature to those that do not know how tight a ship you run and that you base your platform on 'God First, God Last, God Always', I want to congratulate you on your success.
                        Thank you for that, Brother Hutchins. As we get a little closer to the election let's touch base and see what is needed to bring this election home. I have to admit it's a little worrisome to realize I have a Mexican opponent--never thought that would happen in Freehold.
                        Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2) the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


                        • #13
                          Re: Mayor Hold Announces Reelection Campaign

                          Originally posted by Alejandra Larguez View Post
                          Ms Joanna, I am a strong independent woman and none of my private life is of anybody's business. Even if I had to, it would be hard to explain who my husband and who my boyfriend is, and why I have a special BFF to fool around with. Mainly because we change roles very often.
                          And that is it with my private life. As I understand, this is a forum to praise God, so I will leave as soon as the election is over and I am Mayor Larguez.
                          By the way: my father, el senor Larguez, has passed away last year. I am doing this on his memory as well.

                          Thanks Mayor, the approval has arrived. I am officially running for Mayor. The launching party is going to be on Wednesday, all residents (ALL) are invited; word in the street is Bernie is going to stop by and say hello.

                          No, no THAT Bernie, Bernie the grocery store employee. He is cute.
                          Yes, Miss Larguez, I am Harsha Shah and I am also a strong independent woman and I am supporting you, yes. I am hoping that I am not offending you but I have been working very actively in my country and I am being engaged in politics with the SNP, yes. I will not be voting in your election as I am living in Scotland but I am offering you my help when your are spreading your case for equality and tolerance, yes. I am hoping that I am not offending the other nice people of this forum but I am thinking that they have not been minding when foreign powers were meddling with the US presidential election so they will be accepting my participation, as well, yes. I am very happy to see a strong independent woman of higher education to be winning yet another election, yes. I am also speaking some French and Scottish Gaelic if you are needing translations, yes.
                          "Ecclesiastes 3:7
                          A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak."
                          Yes. Women are saving lives. It is time we are speaking! Yes!


                          • #14
                            Re: Mayor Hold Announces Reelection Campaign

                            Ms Shah, how good to receive your much needed sorority. I don't mind where you leave, as long as you send me your good energy it will help a lot.

                            I am reaching Gallup this next week to conduct a survey poll for the election, to see where we are standing. I will need help doing the analysis of those polls. Also, I can send you a list of Facebook contacts and you can help me deal with how to engage with them in my campaign.

                            Many people are helping this cause. YES WE CAN.


                            • #15
                              Re: Mayor Hold Announces Reelection Campaign

                              Originally posted by Alejandra Larguez View Post
                              Ms Shah, how good to receive your much needed sorority. I don't mind where you leave, as long as you send me your good energy it will help a lot.

                              I am reaching Gallup this next week to conduct a survey poll for the election, to see where we are standing. I will need help doing the analysis of those polls. Also, I can send you a list of Facebook contacts and you can help me deal with how to engage with them in my campaign.

                              Many people are helping this cause. YES WE CAN.
                              Hello. I'm sorry to hear your owner died. If I could offer some advice it would be to understand that people who follow the false teachings of devils would create a very bad impression and if you were to get one on your staff, how likely would you be to build a heathen temple for them? Genuine voters are concerned about this and perhaps that would be an issue to address directly when meeting them?

                              It's certainly a question that hasn't needed answering before and it's bound to be a concern for many—if not most—of the voters you meet.



