This is a message to my Brothers and Sisters of the Landover Baptist Church and the few new citizens of Freehold who are yet to be converted. I am running to remain your Mayor and Brother in Christ in the upcoming Freehold Mayoral election.
I am running for reelection because there is much yet to do. Making certain Freehold remains a strong representative of the Baptist faith means guarding its door against the sin that always wants to enter.
Then there is Freehold's economic development. I am vigilant in my search for Christian businesses that will locate in Freehold. Hobby Lobby and Chic fil a are two I hope to land. We will not tolerate businesses that trade in sex like Victoria's Secret. Also important is our work force. I have been vigilant in keeping to a minimum workers with names and ethnic history which do not fit the Christian culture of Freehold. It goes without saying that certain kinds of people bring with them crime and lower moral standards.
I'll add one more comment. I'm hoping this announcement is the end of the campaign--that no one will file against me. Frankly, I am very busy and an opponent will just take time away from governing the City of Freehold.
It remains an honor to serve the Citizens of Freehold.
Yours in Christ
Johny Joe Hold, Mayor
I am running for reelection because there is much yet to do. Making certain Freehold remains a strong representative of the Baptist faith means guarding its door against the sin that always wants to enter.
Then there is Freehold's economic development. I am vigilant in my search for Christian businesses that will locate in Freehold. Hobby Lobby and Chic fil a are two I hope to land. We will not tolerate businesses that trade in sex like Victoria's Secret. Also important is our work force. I have been vigilant in keeping to a minimum workers with names and ethnic history which do not fit the Christian culture of Freehold. It goes without saying that certain kinds of people bring with them crime and lower moral standards.
I'll add one more comment. I'm hoping this announcement is the end of the campaign--that no one will file against me. Frankly, I am very busy and an opponent will just take time away from governing the City of Freehold.
It remains an honor to serve the Citizens of Freehold.
Yours in Christ
Johny Joe Hold, Mayor