Joe Biden's "No Malarkey" campaign is winning. The left does not know what to make of it:

It could be that "the silent majority" really is a thing. Or it could be that there is life off of Reddit.
It could be that people don't like "Malarkey".
Strange word to make prominent. It sounds like the sort thing you'd only hear from an old guy. An old guy who has seen it all, who knows there's nothing new under the sun.
I'm starting to like the word. As I said here, the ALT-Right and CTRL-Left are two sides of the same coin. But what should I call the coin itself? Malarky. The ALT-right and the CTRL-left are two sides of the same malarky.
Wondering why, for the last 5 years the electorate has kept choosing the oldest, least hip, and least "woke" candidate available to them? And every time you point out how old fashioned the candidates are, they only get more popular?
Turns out the key to electoral victory is immunity to woke-o-virus. If I were a campaign consultant, I would divert all my money from advertising and spend it on researching life-extension technology. People will be willing to vote for a head-in-a-jar on a cyborg body as long as it's not anywhere near the social justice warriors.
And "nowhere near" is key, because by October, leftist activists will be doing all sorts of headline-grabbing stunts. They always do this right before an election.* There's not much a Dem candidate can do about this, except to be so old and doddering that you obviously have nothing to do with it. Joe Biden probably thinks that "womyn" is a typo, "trigger warning" must be some sort of gun-safety proposal, and "intersectionality" means someone who wants more traffic circles.
Well played Democrat electorate, you proved my optimistic predictions wrong.
Of course, I still have my faith in Jesus, which means I have faith that Joe will still be Stumped by Trump!
*In 2000 anti-globalization agitators got Democrats to vote for Ralph Nader, splitting their vote. In 2004 gay marriage activists caused multitudes of previously apolitical Christians to re-elect Bush. In 2016 there are a lot of activists to credit, but I'll give my credit to BLM, which should be renamed Back-Lash Matters. In 2018 Democrats snatched stalemate from the jaws of victory by funding a migrant caravan, and held a failed kangeroo-court because Brett Kavanaugh drank beer in the 1980's. None of their agenda has been carried out as a result of this stalemate.

It could be that "the silent majority" really is a thing. Or it could be that there is life off of Reddit.
It could be that people don't like "Malarkey".
Strange word to make prominent. It sounds like the sort thing you'd only hear from an old guy. An old guy who has seen it all, who knows there's nothing new under the sun.
I'm starting to like the word. As I said here, the ALT-Right and CTRL-Left are two sides of the same coin. But what should I call the coin itself? Malarky. The ALT-right and the CTRL-left are two sides of the same malarky.
Wondering why, for the last 5 years the electorate has kept choosing the oldest, least hip, and least "woke" candidate available to them? And every time you point out how old fashioned the candidates are, they only get more popular?
Turns out the key to electoral victory is immunity to woke-o-virus. If I were a campaign consultant, I would divert all my money from advertising and spend it on researching life-extension technology. People will be willing to vote for a head-in-a-jar on a cyborg body as long as it's not anywhere near the social justice warriors.
And "nowhere near" is key, because by October, leftist activists will be doing all sorts of headline-grabbing stunts. They always do this right before an election.* There's not much a Dem candidate can do about this, except to be so old and doddering that you obviously have nothing to do with it. Joe Biden probably thinks that "womyn" is a typo, "trigger warning" must be some sort of gun-safety proposal, and "intersectionality" means someone who wants more traffic circles.
Well played Democrat electorate, you proved my optimistic predictions wrong.
Of course, I still have my faith in Jesus, which means I have faith that Joe will still be Stumped by Trump!

*In 2000 anti-globalization agitators got Democrats to vote for Ralph Nader, splitting their vote. In 2004 gay marriage activists caused multitudes of previously apolitical Christians to re-elect Bush. In 2016 there are a lot of activists to credit, but I'll give my credit to BLM, which should be renamed Back-Lash Matters. In 2018 Democrats snatched stalemate from the jaws of victory by funding a migrant caravan, and held a failed kangeroo-court because Brett Kavanaugh drank beer in the 1980's. None of their agenda has been carried out as a result of this stalemate.