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  • Johny Joe Hold
    Re: God smites Japan for claiming to have higher "cultural standards"

    God does not like these parties in Japan:

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  • WWJDnow
    Re: God smites Japan for claiming to have higher "cultural standards"

    By higher cultural standards, did he mean drunken recitals of haiku by sararimen at 3:00 in the morning or was he referring to pornography in which they pixilate out the tentacles?

    If any nation in the history has the world has needed churching up, it's Japan.

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  • handmaiden
    Re: God smites Japan for claiming to have higher "cultural standards"

    From what I have heard, Japan's "cultural standards" went up impressively right after we occupied their sorry little nation.

    Apparently, the generation of Japanese children after WWII was so much taller and heartier as a result of the generosity of American dietary influence, that the whole country had to buy new school desks.

    Oh, and the fact that the kids got bigger and stronger should also stand as proof that nuclear bombs aren't such a bad thing, after all.

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  • Johny Joe Hold
    Re: God smites Japan for claiming to have higher "cultural standards"

    All of us at Landover Baptist were waiting for God to do His thing with Japan. Eating rice with chop sticks is not what God intended and it was only a matter of time.

    The only "higher cultural standard" is living without sin. Japan has no history of Jesus and now it will pay the price.

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  • God smites Japan for claiming to have higher "cultural standards"

    Finance Minister Taro Aso said Thursday that Japan’s relatively low mortality rate from the new coronavirus reflects the country’s higher “level of cultural standards.”

    “I have received phone calls (from overseas) asking ‘Do you have any drug that only you guys have?’ My answer is the level of cultural standards is different, and then they fall silent,” said Aso

    And then cometh the justice.

    But now the island nation is facing a formidable resurgence, with Covid-19 cases hitting records nationwide day after day.
    The lesson: For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. Galatians 6:3