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  • Depressed by Obama's re-election? How to look on the bright side

    1. The media is waking up. Can anyone think of a single instance where the media said that Obama won because people like his policies, or being he's a better person? No - all they talk about is demographics. Even the media isn't bothering to hide that it's just a case of brown people voting against the white guy.

    2. The republican party is making it clear that we will change our advertising, not our product. Get ready for the Republicanista Party.

    3. We won't see another Mormon pansy from Boston Massofjewsex on the GOP ticket for a long time. Unless there's another one with as much money, anyway.

    4. The republican plan to obstruct, sabotage, and generally "make Obama fail" is unchanged. We are still standing by our plan to "be like the taliban" and just like the democrats surrendered to the real taliban, they will surrender to us.

    If you feel guilty about working to cause a second great depression, remember that Bush's speechwriter says that economic depressions are a good thing.

    5. Emigration is still an option. For those of us on the religious right, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Gambia, and the mountains of Pakistan follow socially conservative policy, though most of us don't want to convert to Islam. Free-market Republicans can try Somolia, which has little to no government, though it's hard to tell when you're going into a bad part of town, what with them all looking the same. China is very business friendly, and they execute pot-heads and cultists. But their conformism conforms to the wrong things and your pets will get eaten. Russia is the best compromise between social conservatism, business friendliness, and demographics. However, moving to America's #1 foe is a de facto admission that the Cold War is over, and I'm pretty certain that gets you kicked out of the GOP.

    Here's a more detailed map of emigration options. There may not be any red states out there, but the purple ones will have a conservative village or two. Pakistan didn't vote for the Green Party, they just hate Obama and Romney in equal amounts:

    Last edited by Jeb Stuart Thurmond; 11-12-2012, 11:48 PM.
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  • #2
    Re: Depressed by Obama's re-election? How to look on the bright side

    Thank you Brother Jeb. In times like these, it takes a compassionate man like yourself to help the rest of us to pick ourselves up, to remember the cause. We knew this would happen, as it is alluded to in the Bible countless times.

    Thank you for being such a bear of a man in these dark, dark times.
    Trump 2020: "For Real This Time"


    • #3
      Re: Depressed by Obama's re-election? How to look on the bright side

      Originally posted by Jeb Thurmond View Post
      1. The media is waking up. Can anyone think of a single instance where the media said that Obama won because people like his policies, or being he's a better person? No - all they talk about is demographics. Even the media isn't bothering to hide that it's just a case of brown people voting against the white guy.
      Even the liberals are saying this. I've only come across one who disagrees, and none of the other liberals are paying any attention.

      2. The republican party is making it clear that we will change our advertising, not our product.
      Today's Washington Post:
      The country doesn't need two liberal parties. Yes, Republicans need to weed out candidates who talk like mormons about rape. But this doesn't mean the country needs two pro-choice parties either. In fact, more women are pro-life than are pro-choice. The problem here for Republicans is not policy but delicacy -- speaking about culturally sensitive and philosophically complex issues with reflection and prudence.

      (Philosophically complex issues: That's another good rape euphemism, to go along with "other methods of conception". I've added it to the list of code-words.)

      Republicans running for office should not give up Godly but unpopular positions -- that they just need to learn how to mumble a little bit more when they get to the rapey bits.

      Little women really don't really want to worry their pretty little heads much about "philosophically complex issues" like how rape is god's gift - stuff that men understand much better than they do anyway. Republican candidates just need a couple of etiquette lessons and soon we'll sound more like the heroes of romance novels, and less like a bunch of drunk aluminum siding salesmen swapping locker room jokes while they try to grope the waitresses in a third-rate topless bar.

      The editorial goes on to suggest converting Mexicans with an innovative mix of total amnesty, napalm strikes and land mines on the Mexican border, and Marco Rubio giving misty-eyed orations about the American dream. Um, whatever. Otherwise he's absolutely implacable. No compromise, no surrender.

      ...The doomsayers warn, Republicans must change not just ethnically but ideologically. Back to the center. Moderation above all!
      More nonsense....

      So, why give it up? Republicans lost the election not because they advanced a bad argument but because they advanced a good argument not well enough. Romney ran a solid campaign, but he is by nature a Northeastern moderate. He sincerely adopted the new conservatism but still spoke it as a second language..... Romney is a good man who made the best argument he could, and nearly won. He would have made a superb chief executive, but he (like the Clinton machine) could not match Barack Obama in the darker arts of public persuasion.

      Yes. Yes. Finally. Someone with the guts to stand up and tell the truth about the role of the dark arts in Obama's campaign -- that the real reason Obama won was because he was trained in secret Satanic Jedi techniques of mass hypnotism by Indonesian/Kenyan witch doctors or something like that. Didn't anyone else notice the "these are not the droids you're looking for" hand gestures Obama was making at the camera during the second debate?

      I'm working on reverse-engineering that, by the way.
      Last edited by Jeb Stuart Thurmond; 11-12-2012, 05:19 PM.
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      • #4
        Re: Depressed by Obama's re-election? How to look on the bright side

        Emigration is a huge topic on the email list. I'll post a few snippets, organized by County:

        I was hoping to get away to a relatively wealthy nation. Unfortunately, all the other countries in the list of top ten nominal GDPs, outside of the United States, have national healthcare, even India and Brazil. In fact, to find a country without a national healthcare system, we have to go all the way down to lucky number 18, Indonesia.

        Yes, this will take a bit of getting used to, but when you think of it, he's basically a white person, if you figure that his saucer-lips and squinty eyes cancel each other out.

        And look in the background - none of America's draconian anti-littering laws over there. There are a couple of problems, however. Even though Indonesia doesn't currently have a national healthcare system, they are in the process of implementing a program that will provide 100% coverage by 2014. The country was also the home of Barack Hussein Obama for four years, and it might not have recovered yet.


        Following the collapse of communism and a civil war, Somalia became a Libertarian paradise. The country has no functional government, which should set every job-creating heart a twitter. There really is no better place to let your free-market spirit run free than Somalia. Sure, you may have to battle pirates and rape gangs, but that's a small price to pay for freedom.

        Of course, Somalia is on the eastern most cost of Africa, so, you know, those people.

        Somalia's yaught club takes it's second amendment rights seriously.


        In Honduras, the quality and availability of healthcare is directly tied to income level. Sure, they speak Spanish in Honduras, but will will everyone in America by 2016. In the past 20 years, Honduras has continuously moved toward decentralization and privatization of just about everything.

        If you decide to move to Honduras, you might want to hire a bodyguard, as Honduras has the highest homicide rate in the world. Don't worry, though, there are surely plenty to find in this free-market paradise.

        That's all I've got for now. It took me literally hours to track down even three countries that didn't have some kind of universal healthcare.
        - ThatPoshGuy

        U.A.E. and Bahrain.

        Apart from that whole, non-christian thing... Not that America will be any different soon...

        They have kings! Which you know, is kinda like what the bible tells us to bow down to, or something. I'm kinda fuzzy on the whole philosophy. I hear Muslims believe in a Turbo-Jesus with an AK...

        We'll be free to engage in our free-market ways all they want. Heck, the head Honcho from -Blackwater- -Xe- Academi moved there, so you know it's good!

        Only downside is the healthcare.

        Course, if we're willing to include a few nations with universal health care that's a relic from the soviets... Soon to be done away with as the "Free Market" takes over...

        We could go to Uzbekistan. Obviously no environmentalists over there, how many countries give you the economic freedom to DRAIN AN ENTIRE OCEAN:

        Freedom on the march: Aral Sea, 1989 (left), 2008 (right).

        CIA sent folks there for extraordinary rendition... And they have regular religious purges for non-approved religions!

        Islam Karimov is even better than Romney, he's a leader all patriots could love. Book banning, torture, media censorship, executions by boiling in oil, holy rape by the police: all these are things held just as dear by karimov as by patriots here in this country. He's not a Christian but neither is Romney. -JesusforLife


        I've been there four times in the past four years. Absolutely no social safety net! And forget universal healthcare, they barely have healthcare. Don't think I'm biased just because my name is also Stan. -StanfromAlabam

        Mordor (?)

        I keep hearing about a place called "Mordor". It sounds interesting, but I can't find it on the map. - AntiRainbowPeril

        Zimbabwe. No international banker ZOG stuff there. Maybe I'll meet Glen Beck there. People live in gated, guarded communities so must be republicans.
        Oh, and they have a zoo. So that would be fun for the kids.


        No, seriously, bear with me. Once Obama completely opens the floodgates, all the Mexicans will invade America, and there should be hardly any left in Mexico itself. Just enough to be gardeners and maids and mistresses. - Christianluv


        Greece isn't much now, but wait the Golden Dawn takes over:

        THIS IS SPARTA!!!!

        ISRAEL - Not

        I was looking into Israel, but it turns out 70% of Jews voted for Obama. So no doubt God will soon be sending even more terrorists to to punish the kikes even harder than usual.


        Forget the liberal media lies, the troops were welcomed with flowers and so will we. - Crusaderiffic


        I have heard this talk around some of my circles but the big question pops up, "Where to go???"... We quickly conclude that there shouldn't be anymore 'white flight' and only offer 'white fight'. - DanAK

        One of the best tactics we have now is to starve the beast. Retire early if you can. Quit paying money to Uncle Sambo.

        If you can go on food stamps do it. Don't be too prideful to take government money. We want to bankrupt the evil federal government, which is headed by a Black communist.

        The Confederacy


        It the US did split up into a patchwork of White and non-White states, the liberal-brainwashed White people, who tried to stay in the non-White states would quickly find themselves taxed into poverty.

        Oregon actually had a law banning Black people from moving to that state, but (idiot) liberals voted that law out in the 1920s. I'm sure the Jewish controlled press and Jewish political activists played a role in getting rid of that law.
        Last edited by Jeb Stuart Thurmond; 11-12-2012, 11:53 PM.
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        • #5
          Re: Depressed by Obama's re-election? How to look on the bright side

          Another vote for Honduras:

          Honduras is the country for which the term "banana republic" was coined. We can call ourselves the Banana Republicans. It's a perfect fit.

          The peasants work for bare subsistence, with no benefits, on the plantations. Political power is held by the military and its fronts, who are in turn fronting for the rich planters. So there is no way that the peasants can vote themselves into a better state; any opponent is declared a "communist" and can be killed for it. There is a small "middle class" of tradesman and merchants who are essentially the vassals of the wealthy; they provide soldiers, police, and other enforcers who help keep the much larger peasant class from threatening their status. So it's the .1% in control, the 10% providing their muscle, and the 90% doing the hard work for nothing.

          And of course it's strongly Catholic, but no doubt tolerating evangelicals too. None of those mooselmen like in the UAE or Indonesia. Perfect.


          It is a tough situation in Russia On the one hand, Putin could be supported because ZOG is against him, but on the other hand , we see the these new black 'Russians' coming in and getting citizenship...The Soviet Union used to invite thousands of blacks as a sign of "people's friendship" (basically to spread communism into Africa). What was the result? Thousands of mulatto children left to white mothers, while only some of the men went back to Africa.

          Still better than America though.
          - American7

          Time for us self-reliant individuals, us makers and job creators, to take personal responsibility, pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, and move ourselves to some sort of "Romney's Gulch", to get away from the loathsome American people, aka "takers." That's it, build our own paradise!

          Only problem is I might need someone to fix the toilet...or install the toilet in the first place...or build the house around it...or a road...or a bridge...I guess we'll need a second gulch, for useless moochers who happen to be useful.
          - 88Pride

          Cayman Islands

          How about the Cayman Islands?

          I'll be a lot closer to my money.
          - Patriot32
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          • #6
            Re: Depressed by Obama's re-election? How to look on the bright side

            Obama re-election is worst than ever. A lot of people aren't pleased that Obama was re-elected and are looking for ways to punish those who voted for him. It came to a point that one Colorado landlord is guaranteeing an Obama-voters-rent hike.

            Have a review on this internet page!


            • #7
              Re: Depressed by Obama's re-election? How to look on the bright side

              Originally posted by BettyW View Post
              Obama re-election is worst than ever. A lot of people aren't pleased that Obama was re-elected and are looking for ways to punish those who voted for him. It came to a point that one Colorado landlord is guaranteeing an Obama-voters-rent hike.
              It would help so much if the Republican Majority House of Representatives would establish a national I'm Sorry Day.

              All people who voted for Obama would find a Republican and say I'm sorry, I apologize, I voted for Obama.

              It would help those of us who are still spittin' angry, and it would lift all that guilt off of those who know they voted against God and America.
              Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


              • #8
                Re: Depressed by Obama's re-election? How to look on the bright side

                Originally posted by Johny Joe Hold View Post
                It would help so much if the Republican Majority House of Representatives would establish a national I'm Sorry Day.

                All people who voted for Obama would find a Republican and say I'm sorry, I apologize, I voted for Obama.

                It would help those of us who are still spittin' angry, and it would lift all that guilt off of those who know they voted against God and America.
                That's a brilliant idea, your Honor, you should start a thread on it so everyone can see.
                Thinking of Abortion?
                That fetus will be in Hell, because they never had a chance to repent their sinful ways (Psalms 51:5) (1 Kings 8:46)
                Think of the children. Stop being a slut.


                • #9
                  Re: Depressed by Obama's re-election? How to look on the bright side

                  Russia truly is the Land Of Freedom. Ever wondered why you've never heard of a rape or school shooting happening in Russia? Well, here they are teaching 14-year old girls to shoot machineguns! And the trainer is keeping a good watchful eye on them as well...

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