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  • Ask an Ex-Negro

    And once again the floor is open to questions...

    Brother Wiseman writes, "Why are so many nigras becoming terrorist? Why? Why do they go from bad to worse by becoming black Muslims?"

    Well, Marshall, it is known that Islam is a religion of degenerates. Degenerate inevitably end up in jails. Darkies are recruited into the jail bird gang of Islam just like any gang of thugs and punks recruit members for rape and shanking. No different than the Aryan Nation groups we hear about in jails.

    Brother Raptuaire writes, "Why do the kneegroids like the towel-heads releigion so well? I've noticed some similarities between the way the muslimoids and darkoids speak, like I have heard a darkie say "Ell'yeah nigga!" and I've heard the muslimoids say "Allah!" Also, I've heard "Gee, a hahd one nigga" and also "Jihad" by the sandcoon. While it seems the negroid and the muslimoid don't seem to always get along, they share that religion. Could you give an analysis on this?

    Raptuaire, both the sand and jungle coon being the primitive animals that they are would both look up to the sun and the moon, giving these celestial bodies undue admiration. When the slightly more developed a-rab ousted the false sun god Ra for the equally false moon god Allah the negroid followed suit because the moon has a relationship with nighttime. The cover of dark being the perfect situation to steal and rape. Also the a-rabs, in an attempt to make themselves feel superior, enslaved certain negroids and gave them the Moohamadean religion. Some negroids wishing to elevate themselves to a-rab status started mimicking a-rabs by adopting their false religion in hopes of no longer being Hamites.

    Brother Deaner writes, "Is it true that in the ghetto good manners is considered removing the dishes from the sink before urinating in it?"

    No, Deaner. In ghettos they urinate on the outside front steps and inside stairways. I do not believe that dishes are even washed in ghettos. The sinks are used to wash niglet babies, chitins, greens, and hair.

    Sister Thumper writes, "Is it true negras have an extra muscel in their legs?"

    I m afraid not, Sister T. However, hood rats are known to have fast twitch fibers in their musculature. This has developed do to jumping fences, running from authorities, playing basketball all day long instead of going to school, shucking & jiv'in, and from bobbing and weaving around bushes as they attempt to remain unnoticed as they stalk their next rape victim. This type of muscle development is not hereditary.

    Glendora has quite a few questions:

    Sister, Christianson writes,

    1. "How can colored folks afford the gas for those Cadillac Escalades and Lincoln Navigators with the rising price of oil?"

    They deal crack.

    2. Is it possible to NOT walk to the beat of rap music?


    3. I noticed colored folks have pink lips, tongues, and such . . . what color are the naughty bits?

    Depends of the skin tone. Your blue gummed blackies have pitch black naughty parts from top to bottom, while the high yellow fellers have a light brownish member with a pinkish peach colored tip. In between those two the coloration will get darker the closer you get to tar complexion. No purple/red coloration or visible green or red veins.

    4. a. Why do some colored gals have those great big stand-up butts, even though they aren't that fat?

    If you watched national geographic you' ll find that most animals perform the act with the male sneaking up from behind. The descendants of Ham are so degenerated by the time the sons of Shem and Japheth came to rightfully claim them that Satan gave the females a backside to absorb some of the shock from the wild animalistic thrusting brought on by the males.

    4. b. Do colored men actually like those great big stand-up butts?

    Yes. They absolutely love it. They hoot and hollar like howler monkeys whenever they see one.

    5. Finally, there's some young bucks at the liquor store and they keep saying they want to pull up my bumper and smack something, are they planning to valdalize my car?

    Did they say, "Smack datazz" ? Brace yourself... Although the negroid love those big round firm high backsides, they would kill their own mother to get a beautiful white woman such as yourself. I must assume that police frequent the area or they know that the owner has a shotgun behind the counter because you are unharmed.

    Those filthy degenerate punks want to... do things of a sexual nature... doggiestyle... *shudder*. The thought the common blue gummed negroid with a white woman is appalling. What store is this? Perhaps Elmer and his hunting buddies should pay these coons a visit for showing such disrespect.

    Sister Folger writes, "Remy, I can't help but admire you and note that you are an exceptional person. A true credit to your kind. Since I feel so safe with you and you haven't raped me or anything. Does this mean I can trust all high yellow coloreds?"

    No, Melissa. Not all coloreds of the lighter persuation are honorary white men. Although it is true that given equal conditions they are better than the tar baby variety, they are usually raised by their darker more savage bretheren. Only trust Landover Baptist Church® approved coloreds. The Reverend Dwight Williams is a darker complexion than myself, but he is a True Christian™ and church approved. Colin Powell is light in complexion yet has regressed and started making trouble for GWB's new head negro Condie. Make sure you consult with church staff before ever being alone with any colored.

    Sister Galvin writes, "Is it true that wetbacks private parts are shaped like an aztec spear?"

    Because many are uncircumsized in Mexico their privates look more like tamales or some kind of soft shell tortilla wrap. I hope that answered your question, Shannon.
    Master of Godly Debating

    Latest Conquest:Sacred Heart

    Debate Record
    Currently Undefeated
    Lastest Debates:
    Catholic - Not Christian: Former Altar Boy/Molestation Victim with "Stockholm Syndrome" admits catholicism is false
    James Peter: Idiotic Catholic Retard Thwarted
    Vayhr of the Warhost: Unrepentant wigger struck down.
    Teflon: See the post that nailed him.
    86 Victories
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    Past Victories (Archive):
    Uppity Atheist Pagan Witch finally keels over and DIES. America Wins Again!!!
    Uppity feeble minded witch needs to be taught how to debate
    Racist Nazi Feminazi Bulldyke CRUSHED in debate

  • #2
    Sister Fey writes, "Why is it that wherever nigra live, rats and cockroaches are also found in abundance? In my neighborhood none of us have ever seen a mouse or even a fly. Except in the chink restaurants..."

    Negroes don't clean up after themselves. They are too lazy. Filth attracts roaches and rats.

    Sister Christianson writes, "Thank you for offering this insight into the coon mind. I hope you will take continue to take questions from those of us who are morbidly curious want to understand nigras more."

    Of course. I am here for the chosen Elect of God(r).

    Sister Sue writes, "I'm not too late to ask a few questions about nigras..."

    No, it s never too late.

    "Why do they smell the way they do? Its like.....clay or something. I've smelled a dog after a hard hunt on a hot day, but negrows smell different. Like not human."

    The smell you speak of is not hereditary, but rather environmental. If you were feed feces lined pig intestines all your life you would smell too. The poop smelling pig rectum meal, known as chitlins, that negroes love to eat enters their blood and sweats out through their skin. These chemicals then interact with the excess melanin in their bodies producing the smell you refer to.

    Brother Zeke writes, "How do nigra bucks convince white women to be owned and sold into "white slavery"? I know women don't have much sense, but this has always seemed beyong belief to me."

    Crack kills brain ceils. They sneak crack into their food and drinks. And when the white women are hooked they will do anything for the drug dealer buck.

    Brother Matt writes, "Are nigras physically unable to speak proper American because of their huge pillow-lips? Is it some deformity they all have, or are their brains just unable to comprehend certain things?"

    They are just too stupid to realize how dumb they look and sound. They can certainly speak God s American if they chose to.

    Brother Zeke writes, "I have never heard of a nigra skiier or ice skater or hockey player. Is it because they have thin, weak ankles or because they are afraid of snow and ice?"

    There are negro hockey players. They are either mulattos or Canadian Negroes(which are tamed blue gummers due to the sissiness of Canada). Wild negroes can't skate in a "cool and hip" fashion so they don't skate at all. The only coloreds who ski are honorary white men like myself. Male ice skaters are all homosexuals. The majority of nigresses are too fat to skate because they crack the ice.
    Master of Godly Debating

    Latest Conquest:Sacred Heart

    Debate Record
    Currently Undefeated
    Lastest Debates:
    Catholic - Not Christian: Former Altar Boy/Molestation Victim with "Stockholm Syndrome" admits catholicism is false
    James Peter: Idiotic Catholic Retard Thwarted
    Vayhr of the Warhost: Unrepentant wigger struck down.
    Teflon: See the post that nailed him.
    86 Victories
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    Past Victories (Archive):
    Uppity Atheist Pagan Witch finally keels over and DIES. America Wins Again!!!
    Uppity feeble minded witch needs to be taught how to debate
    Racist Nazi Feminazi Bulldyke CRUSHED in debate


    • #3
      Sister Sue writes, "Why do they prefer the morbidly obese and crude White women to the more attractive quadroons and octoroons of their own species?"

      In the beginning everywhere the white man went every savage thought they were the zombies of drowning victims, ghosts, evil spirits, etc. and killed them on sight. The dark masses who didn't want to have relations with pale zombies. This was God's plan to keep the distinction between Hamite and Shemite intact, but the secular media and the general overal system of racism that the DEMONcraps and other LIEberal SUCKularist promote in conjunction with the Joos and Hollywood gays has programmed the wild negro to lust after the white woman by constantly bombarding the negroes with images of half nake white women from the day they first sit down in front of a TV(this is why wild negroes should have their own TV network). Unlike a light skinned, well mannered, successful person of color with a large thallywhacker like myself, the majority of negroes are hideous blue gummed thugs with tar colored skin, big oversized lips, no money, a nose wide enough to tatoo their full name across, and a propensity to rape first and ask questions later. White women tend not to want a colored who doesn't act normal. But the fire to satisfy animal lust does not burn out no matter how many big bottom hoochies the buck manages to get pregnant. When you mix the wild negroes unquenched thirst for white copulation with a morbidly obese white woman's inability to get even the most redneck of white trash hill billies you have a recipe for "blimp on tar" action.

      It's not that morbidly obese white women are what they wish for, it's just that in desperation they take any white woman they can get.They envy me severely for marrying a beautiful blonde white woman. It almost kills them to see me so happy. Especially nigras like Logolight.

      Sister Sue continues, " Do you know of any who are looking for one Right now? Just in case I meet some un$avED "woman" so I can offer her something more tangible than the usual Tracts and Scripture in order to get her to come to Jesus, that is "

      Oh, Sue, you know I don't associate with wild negroes. I couldn't trust them not to rape my wife or any of my white female True Christian(tm) friends. They would probably try and kill me out of jealousy. That was a good joke though. "Do I know any..." LOL. However, I do figure Logolight would take one...
      Master of Godly Debating

      Latest Conquest:Sacred Heart

      Debate Record
      Currently Undefeated
      Lastest Debates:
      Catholic - Not Christian: Former Altar Boy/Molestation Victim with "Stockholm Syndrome" admits catholicism is false
      James Peter: Idiotic Catholic Retard Thwarted
      Vayhr of the Warhost: Unrepentant wigger struck down.
      Teflon: See the post that nailed him.
      86 Victories
      0 Defeats

      Past Victories (Archive):
      Uppity Atheist Pagan Witch finally keels over and DIES. America Wins Again!!!
      Uppity feeble minded witch needs to be taught how to debate
      Racist Nazi Feminazi Bulldyke CRUSHED in debate


      • #4
        Sister Thumper writes, "What is" bling-bling"......and why do neegrow like it so much? Is it a cheap drug?"

        "Bling-bling" is ooga-booga speak for "shiny things". More specifically it's gaudy jewelry typically made of either brass, stainless steel, and/or zircon meant to resemble gold, silver, platinum, and/or diamonds. The more sparkly it is the better. Our tax dollars that are funneled to these freeloaders is spent on this "bling-bling" instead of the food and utilities it's intended for.

        Sister Sue writes, "Why are neegrows obsessed with shiny things? (wheel caps, teeth, ect)"

        Simply minds are overloaded by bright contrasting light. You'll find that fireworks, sparklers, anything using neon colored bulbs, glow sticks, etc. can keep wild negroes ages 1-55 in awe for hours on end. I have always suggested that if you're a white woman and you happen to be alone and approached by a wild buck to carry a sparkler instead of pepper spray. Tazers work as well. The electricity coursing between the two ends of a tazer will also occupy their simple minds, but the problem with those is that you have to stand there holding the darn button until a good white sumaritan shows up to put the nigra down.

        Sister Rebecca writes, "Why do neegrows always want collard greens? In the diner I work at (not because I have to, but because I want to bless this wonderful church) the neegrows always want green things to eat. Why? I thought MacDonald's was their favorite place, and we all know that the only thing green there is the slime in their floors!"

        Actually their favorite place to eat is Kentucky Fried Chicken. But if they are trying to be fancy they'll go to Red Lobster.

        They eat collard greens because they remind them of money. Wild negroes are typically dirt poor(unless they deal drugs) because they are lazy and spend all their time blaming good decent white people for all their problems. It's how their primitive animal mind comprehends wealth. Food = Money. Remember they were domesticated when brought here. Their minds haven't caught up yet. It's the same reason that they have so many babies they can't take care of... a raw animal drive to spread their seed. You'd have to watch National Geographic for a more detailed explaination.

        Sister Rebecca continues, "One day at work, a neegrow told me that I had to show him the "junk in my trunk". I told him that I was not keeping "junk" in the trunk of my's full of Bibles that I throw at little kids as I drive along. The word of our bloody living Lord is not junk! He then said that he would "cap" me. What does this mean?"

        "Junk in the trunk" refers to a butt. Wild negroes are degenerates who always have sex on the brain. "Cap" means to shot someone. It's typically an empty threat as they rather rape you than kill you. Glynndie had a similar experience with nigra howlers giving her a hard time. I don't let my blonde haired, blue eyed, fair skinned wife leave Freehold without a firearm or a sparkler.
        Master of Godly Debating

        Latest Conquest:Sacred Heart

        Debate Record
        Currently Undefeated
        Lastest Debates:
        Catholic - Not Christian: Former Altar Boy/Molestation Victim with "Stockholm Syndrome" admits catholicism is false
        James Peter: Idiotic Catholic Retard Thwarted
        Vayhr of the Warhost: Unrepentant wigger struck down.
        Teflon: See the post that nailed him.
        86 Victories
        0 Defeats

        Past Victories (Archive):
        Uppity Atheist Pagan Witch finally keels over and DIES. America Wins Again!!!
        Uppity feeble minded witch needs to be taught how to debate
        Racist Nazi Feminazi Bulldyke CRUSHED in debate


        • #5
          Brother Zeke writes, "I have a question for you. Why is it that buck nigras seem to have fornication on their minds? It seems as though they never stop fornicating, or at least talking about it in their "rap" music. The nigra bucks make new little niglet babies all the time, out of wedlock and with no intention of supporting their litter. Is there something in their hot blood that makes them want to fornicate with everything in sight? I heard that the reason God created the orgasm was just to give the nigras a signal to stop....Are they animals or human?"

          The answer to this question requires a brief telling of a chapter in Negroidial History.

          Our Creation Science department has been studying this very phenomenon. It is our conclusion that at some point after Ham gazed at his drunken father's nakedness Satan, being the Prime Nympho, saw fit to mimick God it would seem by taking advantage of the upcoming curse upon Canaan's seed and engineering a people in his image. He wished to created a people so dark, so hideous, and so depraved as he was in order that they would not fear Hell. Satan is no Jesus and all he ended up with were mindless beast men instead of Hell's Army on Earth. They developed pubes on there head because their brain tissue became linked to their genitals. Oral sex was the result. Yes, facial copulation seemed natural to the negroidial seeing that when the male of the species would look down he would see a mass of pubes and assumed, with his primitive mind, that he was entering through the proper parts.

          As we know, the pure blooded african negroidials in all there 5000 or so years of history have invented nothing. Not a written language, weaved cloth, a calendar, a plow, a road, a bridge, a railway, a ship, a system of measurement, or even the wheel. The pure blooded african negroidial has never cultivated a single crop or domesticated a single animal for his own use. They have never progressed beyond the common mud hut, a construction of which a beaver or muskrat is capable.

          What this means is that they were starving. Eating grass, slow moving insects, and mud was simply unsatisfying. They could use fire, but the plants would just be incenerated and the bugs reduced to burnt exoskeletons. This was before a primitive tribe of A-rabs got lost in Africa and taught them how to make a spear. They discovered that everytime they mated a tasty hardy meal that wouldn't completely burn away would arrive 5 months later(In those days nigresses had litters of 3-5 niglets in 5 months). This is were cannabalism originated. They so loved the taste of baby flesh that they adopted a culture of rampant sexual degeneration. They began to mimick the more sophisticated beasts of the savanna and rear entry became the norm. All that brutal animalistic pounding has caused the nigress heinie to swell up. That's why they have those big ole ghetto booties.

          Now that they do not eat their young anymore they don't know what to do with them. They don't even remember why they spread their seed so carelessly. Now it's just an outdated instinctual urge brought on my Satan's interference no different than the urge to rape white women and steal pies. So there you have it, Brother Zeke.

          Next question, please.
          Master of Godly Debating

          Latest Conquest:Sacred Heart

          Debate Record
          Currently Undefeated
          Lastest Debates:
          Catholic - Not Christian: Former Altar Boy/Molestation Victim with "Stockholm Syndrome" admits catholicism is false
          James Peter: Idiotic Catholic Retard Thwarted
          Vayhr of the Warhost: Unrepentant wigger struck down.
          Teflon: See the post that nailed him.
          86 Victories
          0 Defeats

          Past Victories (Archive):
          Uppity Atheist Pagan Witch finally keels over and DIES. America Wins Again!!!
          Uppity feeble minded witch needs to be taught how to debate
          Racist Nazi Feminazi Bulldyke CRUSHED in debate


          • #6
            Sister Sue writes, "When they're all so busy a-hippin' and a-hoppin' and a-bippin' and a-boppin' are any of them remembering to PRAISE JESUS?"

            I'm afriad not, Sister. The only thing that they are thinking about is hippin and hoppin into some nigress's pants in order to churn out more niglet pups for our tax dollars to support. Their shuckin and jiving is merely a form of exercise to condition their thrusting hips for more and more carnal pleasure. All that thrusting, gyrating, humping, and pumping give them what the jooish media calls "rhythm".

            Pastor Bob writes, "What is it about the black female that leads good christian men such as Strom Thurmond to go astray? Should we worry that the Godly President will be influenced by the negress who works for him? Why would a any man be him white, negro, chink or whatever allow themselves to be seduced by a negress? Is it true that their fuller hips and larger bosoms make some men weak in the flesh? Or is it some kind of combination of voodoo and drugs?"

            As loyal, obedient, and Godly as she may be, Condelleza Rice is still a most hideous and gap tooth nigress who couldn't tempt even a young Vinnie Testeroni in the throngs of puberty after a night of boozing, watching incest porn, and being too drunk to overpower his sister. The lovely Laura Bush is so far out of Condie's league that it isn't even funny.

            Those firm high supple buttocks and curvy full hips & thighs are not what makes white men weak in the flesh. No, True Christian™ white republican men like an old fashioned pancake butt. Preferrably with the tail bone slightly protruding and the sexy illusion of the back spliting directly into two legs instead of some cumbersome round firm mound of soft flesh in the way which only hinders procreation. It is always voodo witchery, alcohol, and familiar spirits that turn would-be christian men from the path of Salvation®. All that buttocks flesh (which serves as a natural cushion against a nigra buck's animalistic carnal thrusting) would do for a white man is bounce him right of a nigress's firm high backside if he dared try and mount her. Obviously an evil spirit of satan gave Thurmound the strength to engage the nigress in sickening carnal pleasures.
            Master of Godly Debating

            Latest Conquest:Sacred Heart

            Debate Record
            Currently Undefeated
            Lastest Debates:
            Catholic - Not Christian: Former Altar Boy/Molestation Victim with "Stockholm Syndrome" admits catholicism is false
            James Peter: Idiotic Catholic Retard Thwarted
            Vayhr of the Warhost: Unrepentant wigger struck down.
            Teflon: See the post that nailed him.
            86 Victories
            0 Defeats

            Past Victories (Archive):
            Uppity Atheist Pagan Witch finally keels over and DIES. America Wins Again!!!
            Uppity feeble minded witch needs to be taught how to debate
            Racist Nazi Feminazi Bulldyke CRUSHED in debate


            • #7
              Question for Remy, are you happy with your degree of 'whiteness', or do you plan to go for the full 'Michael Jackson'?
              Wake up and smell the 21st Century!!


              • #8
                Brother Remy, why do the negroes I see on TBN - during their coloured-only church services - snivel and holler with such enthusiasm? Is there some belief within the negro christian community that the more snot and sweat one produces, the better the mansion Christ will prepare for you in heaven?

                And why do elderly coloured ladies wear such huge and terrifyingly garish hats in the Lord's House? Is it a sort of perverse vanity, or are they trying to maintain a physical boundary between themselves and elderly black men; repelling any bumbling attempts the randy old bucks might make at geriatric groping?
                True Christians are Perfect!

                Signs that you belong to a FALSE Christian Church.

                Persecution You Have Endured for CHRIST: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger in Christ.

                For True Christians™ only: please send me Project Habakkuk updates at Thank you.


                • #9
                  Brother Remy, I've been longing to know................

                  Why is it that all the Negras I've ever sen are always good at running?
                  My Pa-pa always told me it was because all the slow Negras were in Jail.
                  Is this true?

                  Sister Talitha

                  Markswoman, Circumcisionist, Platinum Tither.

                  HE took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha Cumi; which is,
                  being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise!...Mark 5:41


                  • #10
                    Rachael Van Helsing writes, "Question for Remy, are you happy with your degree of 'whiteness', or do you plan to go for the full 'Michael Jackson'?"

                    I've translated your sinner code talk!!!

                    Question for Remy, are you happy with your [white, blonde, blue eyed wife's degree of beauty], or do you plan to go for [a white, burnette, and degenerate hussy of criminal ancestry(i.e you)]?

                    This thread is solely to ask questions about the negro "culture" and even some questions about chink, injun, spic, and a-rab habits. It is not to proposition honorary or naturally born white men. Because you are a simple minded woman I'll spare you the warning point this time.

                    Mrs. Rogers writes, "Brother Remy, why do the negroes I see on TBN - during their coloured-only church services - snivel and holler with such enthusiasm? Is there some belief within the negro christian community that the more snot and sweat one produces, the better the mansion Christ will prepare for you in heaven?"

                    Having Satan in one's blood is painful in the face of the Lord. You may have heard that nigra are hot blooded. This is because a little drop of the Lake of Fire runs through their veins. Some say that their tar skin is the result of being burnt alive from the inside out? In any case, it is painful for a nigra to experience the love of Jesus and my Creation Science department has concluded that this is why 98% of wild nigras refuse to truely accept the whole Bible. It's like a vampire holding a cross. So sometimes you'll see them hollering and then fainting from the pain.

                    Mrs. Rogers continues, "And why do elderly coloured ladies wear such huge and terrifyingly garish hats in the Lord's House? Is it a sort of perverse vanity, or are they trying to maintain a physical boundary between themselves and elderly black men; repelling any bumbling attempts the randy old bucks might make at geriatric groping?"

                    It identifies them as females. For some animals in the wild Jesus has given colorful parts to make heads or tails out of the males and females. Nigresses aren't all that pretty and when you're old and a nigress you need alittle more to tempt the senior bucks to have their way with you. It's not to keep the bucks away, it's to attract them. Just like a peacock uses those feather to attract a mate.

                    Sister Talitha writes, "Brother Remy, I've been longing to know................

                    Why is it that all the Negras I've ever seen are always good at running? My Pa-pa always told me it was because all the slow Negras were in Jail. Is this true?"

                    Yeah, your pa pretty much nailed it...
                    Last edited by Remy Lebeau; 09-16-2006, 10:38 PM.
                    Master of Godly Debating

                    Latest Conquest:Sacred Heart

                    Debate Record
                    Currently Undefeated
                    Lastest Debates:
                    Catholic - Not Christian: Former Altar Boy/Molestation Victim with "Stockholm Syndrome" admits catholicism is false
                    James Peter: Idiotic Catholic Retard Thwarted
                    Vayhr of the Warhost: Unrepentant wigger struck down.
                    Teflon: See the post that nailed him.
                    86 Victories
                    0 Defeats

                    Past Victories (Archive):
                    Uppity Atheist Pagan Witch finally keels over and DIES. America Wins Again!!!
                    Uppity feeble minded witch needs to be taught how to debate
                    Racist Nazi Feminazi Bulldyke CRUSHED in debate


                    • #11
                      Question About Gold Jewellry

                      Do colored folks know or even care that their gold jewellry looks fake?
                      Attached Files
                      Jesus - gentle, dependable overnight relief.


                      • #12
                        Ooh ooh Brother Remy! Ooh!

                        Why are neegroes so in Love with the "Name" "Tyrone" and what are they going to get little Tyrone for Christmas this year?



                        • #13
                          and don't forget Sister Sue...all the little girl niglets have "qua" in their names....Sheniqua, Uniqua,Tamiqua and so forth.

                          A lot of them sounds like they have been named after medicine. Why, I remember one day I was at a Super Walmart and overheard one of the yelling at a little nig "Dammit Minoxodil, put that chicken leg down and git yer ass over here and help me carry this watermellon"!!!

                          Originally posted by Sister Sue Vera View Post
                          Ooh ooh Brother Remy! Ooh!

                          Why are neegroes so in Love with the "Name" "Tyrone" and what are they going to get little Tyrone for Christmas this year?


                          Tweet me Here
                          My GODLY Bio Here


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BibleThumpinBlonde View Post
                            A lot of them sounds like they have been named after medicine. Why, I remember one day I was at a Super Walmart and overheard one of the yelling at a little nig "Dammit Minoxodil, put that chicken leg down and git yer ass over here and help me carry this watermellon"!!!
                            Dear Sister BTB, you have reminded me of a dreadful TRUE story regarding the naming of a negro child. The mother was in the process of delivering the baby, when she heard the doctor say "here comes the meconium" ... she thought the doctor was bestowing upon her baby a negro-flavoured moniker, and thus little Meconium was so named.

                            Even 'Placenta' would've been better.
                            True Christians are Perfect!

                            Signs that you belong to a FALSE Christian Church.

                            Persecution You Have Endured for CHRIST: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger in Christ.

                            For True Christians™ only: please send me Project Habakkuk updates at Thank you.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Mrs. Rogers View Post
                              Dear Sister BTB, you have reminded me of a dreadful TRUE story regarding the naming of a negro child. The mother was in the process of delivering the baby, when she heard the doctor say "here comes the meconium" ... she thought the doctor was bestowing upon her baby a negro-flavoured moniker, and thus little Meconium was so named.

                              Even 'Placenta' would've been better.
                              I have read that the name "Robitussin" is far and away the most popular name in the nigra world. They think its a kind of magical ooga-booga medicine cure-all provided by the White Man. They even pour it over broken bones, thinking it will have some effect.

                              The name is popular for both male and female niglettes, so they can look forward to an even more confusing future, not knowing even who their mother or father might be.
                              Who Will Jesus Damn?

                              Here is a partial list from just a few scripture verses:

                              Hypocrites (Matthew 24:51), The Unforgiving (Mark 11:26), Homosexuals (Romans 1:26, 27), Fornicators (Romans 1:29), The Wicked (Romans 1:29), The Covetous (Romans 1:29), The Malicious (Romans 1:29), The Envious (Romans 1:29), Murderers (Romans 1:29), The Deceitful (Romans 1:29), Backbiters (Romans 1:30), Haters of God (Romans 1:30), The Despiteful (Romans 1:30), The Proud (Romans 1:30), Boasters (Romans 1:30), Inventors of evil (Romans 1:30), Disobedient to parents (Romans 1:30), Covenant breakers (Romans 1:31), The Unmerciful (Romans 1:31), The Implacable (Romans 1:31), The Unrighteous (1Corinthians 6:9), Idolaters (1Corinthians 6:9), Adulterers (1Corinthians 6:9), The Effeminate (1Corinthians 6:9), Thieves (1Corinthians 6:10), Drunkards (1Corinthians 6:10), Reviler (1Corinthians 6:10), Extortioners (1Corinthians 6:10), The Fearful (Revelation 21:8), The Unbelieving (Revelation 21:8), The Abominable (Revelation 21:8), Whoremongers (Revelation 21:8), Sorcerers (Revelation 21:8), All Liars (Revelation 21:8)

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