Foreknowing that millennia spent in gross darkness would make this group utterly atrophied toward service, nevertheless in His Wisdom and Mercy the only true and living God revealed Himself to those miserable Jews of old, and committed unto them His oracles. Jews as a people were the first fruits of God’s elect church. God gave a goodly number of Jews to Christ in the Covenant of Grace, and as an indelible brand of how He delivers and protects His own He tenderly guided and protected the Jewish people for many centuries. God’s elect among national Jewry were chosen to serve as pure and righteous prophets, priests, and kings in the earth; again providing a sample to Christians on practical divinity in their daily work in loving and serving God while tenderly and patiently loving and ministering to His elect saints.
Jews as a nation and people maliciously and treasonously turned against God and His word and His prophets, again providing a type for True Christians™ today of how our very spouses, brethren and children will turn against God and against His elect precious. Their apostasy was punctuated with the violent taking of Christ, their appointed Messiah, and with cruel hands delivering Him up to torment and death. God displayed His wrath against the whole of Jewry by opening the time of the Gentiles; when Gentiles would put Jewry under their feet and elect among the Gentiles would be given the Word of God and the guidance of the Holy Ghost.
When modern time comes to a close, the Jewish prophets and Apostles have told us, 144,000 Jews will be granted repentance and return to God in truth and full love for Christ as their Messiah. After a period of great tribulation, those righteous Jews will be restored to service in the new temple made by God. There, the Jews will live under the direct blessing of Christ, as He rules the nations with a rod of iron. Christ tells the spiritually developed church that he will bring those Jews to “come and worship before thy feet” (Revelation 3:9), that they may learn how properly to give glory and honor to Christ. Landover Baptist Church is the only fully spiritually developed church, guaranteed by the Holy Spirit. We welcome Jews to come and grovel at our feet for a taste of sanctification.
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Concerning the Jew
- Created by: Pastor Ezekiel
- Published: 07-17-2023, 09:11 PM
- 1 comment
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Foreknowing that millennia spent in gross darkness would make this group utterly atrophied toward service, nevertheless in His Wisdom and Mercy the only true and living God revealed Himself to those miserable Jews of old, and committed unto them His oracles. Jews as a people were the first fruits of God’s elect church. God gave a goodly number of Jews to Christ in the Covenant of Grace, and as an indelible brand of how He delivers and protects His own He tenderly guided and protected the Jewish...
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Channel: Articles
06-20-2023, 07:16 PM -
I know she was defiled at one point—by Shechem the Hivite prince—and that all his minions were killed off as a result. Their heathen wives were repurposed as slave girls but would the defilement they transmitted to their new owners be any less poisonous than that visited on Dinah by the wretch Shechem? Clearly whatever contamination there was had worn off by the time of choosing a thousand gross for Heaven—they are explicitly described as undefiled—so would the befouling have also expired for Dinah's progeny?