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  • Lets do our own scientific study on the effects of Cannabis

    The 2018 Midterm elections are a referendum on The Devil's Weed.

    Clearly we need to facts to make the right decision. Yet when people look at the existing scientific studies, they end saying that nationwide pot legalization would lead to

    – 20,000 fewer prisoners (but they might switch to other criminal enterprises)

    – 700,000 fewer arrests
    – $2 billion less in law enforcement costs
    – Some amount of positive gain (let’s say $5 billion) in taxes
    – 4500 fewer road traffic deaths (if you believe the preliminary alcohol substitution numbers)
    Two words: FAKE SCIENCE.

    We can do better. Here's my research so far.

    Data Point 1: Pot smokers like to get sucked by leaches. Or something:

    Maybe the leeches drop off because they got high on your blood? Or do they get the munchies and suck you more? I don't get it.

    Data Point 2: A talking gay hallucination tells kids that reefers are unhealthy like cigarettes, make you talk weird, will reduce your boner frequency (because every young man is plagued by a lack of boners):

    Were they trying to get people to switch to LSD instead? Is pot so bad even LSD is better?

    Data Point 3: Hmmm. It must have been really hard to keep up with youth culture, before Urban Dictionary and Knowyourmeme.com.

    This is harder than I thought. I'm going to need a stiff drink.
    Disagree? By failing to register and debate me, you prove that liberals are factless frauds who only persuade through intimidation. To prove otherwise, debate me!
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  • #2
    Re: Lets do our own scientific study on the effects of Cannabis

    Thank you Brother Jeb. If any more evidence were needed, just look at the places that have legalized the Wacky Tabacky.
    • Netherlands
    • Portugal
    • California
    • Colorado
    • Washington
    • Uruguay
    • Canada

    Now look at places where it is fully criminalized and punishable by death sentence.
    • Saudi Arabia
    • Malaysia
    • East Timor
    • Afghanistan
    • Florida
    • Kansas
    • Chad

    This list speaks for itself. Unbelievable.
    If I have seen further, it is by standing on the heads of others.


    • #3
      Re: Lets do our own scientific study on the effects of Cannabis

      Jesus loves you seriously bigtime. He’d hug you until your eyeballs exploded out of your skull if he ever met you. He’d windsurf across oceans of dead Nazis which he personally slaughtered just to tell you that your new haircut is the bee’s knees. Jesus is like the monster truck of love and you are an old Geo Metro which he will roar his massive engine over and crush your pathetic fiberglass frame into a crumpled heap. Praise Jesus, especially when it’s sunny outside because Jesus would totally be cool with you praising while you get a nice tan.

      - Ecclesiastes xii.7


      • #4
        Re: Lets do our own scientific study on the effects of Cannabis

        Originally posted by Dutch Girl View Post
        Strung out on dope, as usual. If being drug addicted makes you so creative, how is that Dutch people never invent anything useful? The only thing the Netherlands gave to the world was the idea of riding your bicycle everywhere to avoid a DUI. Try that in a full-size country not a tiny scrap of swamp that's soon-to-be Germany's beach.
        If I have seen further, it is by standing on the heads of others.


        • #5
          Re: Lets do our own scientific study on the effects of Cannabis

          Originally posted by Dr. Anthony J. Toole View Post
          Strung out on dope, as usual. If being drug addicted makes you so creative, how is that Dutch people never invent anything useful? The only thing the Netherlands gave to the world was the idea of riding your bicycle everywhere to avoid a DUI. Try that in a full-size country not a tiny scrap of swamp that's soon-to-be Germany's beach.
          There is one other thing the Dutch people gave the world: dykes!
          Vaccinated by the love of Jesus!!!


          • #6
            Re: Lets do our own scientific study on the effects of Cannabis

            Someone once said, and I can't remember who although I am sure he was a great man,

            There's only two things I can't stand in this world. Those who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch.
            Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?
            1 Corinthians 11:13


            • #7
              Re: Lets do our own scientific study on the effects of Cannabis

              In case she's having trouble reading today, I'm only too happy to post a pictorial reminder of the dangers we face when ignoring God's Inerrant Word.

              Matthew 6:22-23 The light of the body is the eye.
              If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
              But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.
              If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!


              • #8
                Re: Lets do our own scientific study on the effects of Cannabis

                My partner also uses CBD oil to cope with migranes and anxiety issues. Though if you’re going to deal with serious medical issues, I’d recommend you to get a higher concentration oil, there are a lot of weak ones on the market that do little to nothing. I tolerate ***porn link removed*** and judge marijuana use to get high.


                • #9
                  Re: Lets do our own scientific study on the effects of Cannabis

                  Originally posted by Jeb Stuart Thurmond View Post
                  The 2018 Midterm elections are a referendum on The Devil's Weed.

                  Clearly we need to facts to make the right decision. Yet when people look at the existing scientific studies, they end saying that nationwide pot legalization would lead to

                  Two words: FAKE SCIENCE.

                  We can do better. Here's my research so far.

                  Data Point 1: Pot smokers like to get sucked by leaches. Or something:

                  Maybe the leeches drop off because they got high on your blood? Or do they get the munchies and suck you more? I don't get it.

                  Data Point 2: A talking gay hallucination tells kids that reefers are unhealthy like cigarettes, make you talk weird, will reduce your boner frequency (because every young man is plagued by a lack of boners):

                  Were they trying to get people to switch to LSD instead? Is pot so bad even LSD is better?

                  Data Point 3: Hmmm. It must have been really hard to keep up with youth culture, before Urban Dictionary and Knowyourmeme.com.

                  This is harder than I thought. I'm going to need a stiff drink.

                  When people, government, or anybody says that they want to legalize marijuana, they don't mean make smoking weed a legal activity. What they are talking about is making the non-addictive part of the marijuana plant - i.e, the CBD or cannabidiol extract legal for medicinal purpose.

                  Marijuana contains a special substance, a chemical known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that is responsible for producing mind-altering states. This psychoactive substance puts people in an intoxicating trance which users colloquially call as a “high”.

                  However, CBD or Cannabidiol is much different from the run-of-the-mill marijuana, even though both are derived from the same plant. While marijuana is a psychedelic substance used exclusively for recreational purposes, CBD or Cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive entity found in the resin of the Cannabis Sativa plant. CBD oil is prepared by extracting the resin from the stalk (hemp) or flowers then diluting the derivative with olive or coconut oil.
                  Medical marijuana comes with a host of health benefits. If you are genuinely interested in understanding how it positively impacts your health, you can give this article a read.


                  • #10
                    Re: Lets do our own scientific study on the effects of Cannabis

                    Friend, thanks for the link.

                    Just remember when you cut and paste, always do it into a text-editor first (e.g. notepad or emacs) to erase the evidence of the original font.
                    If I have seen further, it is by standing on the heads of others.


                    • #11
                      Re: Lets do our own scientific study on the effects of Cannabis

                      Originally posted by Dutch Girl View Post
                      Last edited by Jeb Stuart Thurmond; 09-19-2024, 01:52 AM.
                      #forevertrump: Supporter of The Donald as president-for-life! #MAGAlomaniac!


                      • #12
                        Re: Lets do our own scientific study on the effects of Cannabis

                        Originally posted by Dr. Anthony J. Toole View Post
                        Now look at places where it is fully criminalized and punishable by death sentence.
                        • Saudi Arabia
                        • Malaysia
                        • East Timor
                        • Afghanistan
                        • Florida
                        • Kansas
                        • Chad

                        This list speaks for itself. Unbelievable.

                        I don't have the pleasure of living there, me thinks Freehold belongs on this list, if not the whole of Iowa.


                        • #13
                          Re: Lets do our own scientific study on the effects of Cannabis

                          OMG we need to devote all science research to understanding simulations, and the glitchs that are possible in simulations, because that's how we can find the glitch in the simulation that lets us do whatever glitches in simulaton do
                          Founder and CEO of Trickle-Down Charities™, LLC.

                          Current Project: Bedmates For Billionaires: Biblical eldercare straight from King David
                          $500,000 Currently raised: $0.11 DONATE NOW! Yes, we accept Biblecoins!

                          True Christians™ believe they they exist to serve the Bible-revealed will of God.
                          False Christians believe the Bible exists to serve their will. GOD IS NOT YOUR YES-MAN!


                          • #14
                            Re: Lets do our own scientific study on the effects of Cannabis
                            BeHolD The FAce OF Dog!!!!!!!!!!

                            Disagree? By failing to register and debate me, you prove that liberals are factless frauds who only persuade through intimidation. To prove otherwise, debate me!
                            Got Questions? See Frequently Asked Questions, or use Forum Search, tag system, or our guides on Geography, History, Science, Comparative Religion, Civics, and Current Events.
                            Did I use a new word you've never heard? Definitions here. | Vote! Everything you need to vote here!


                            • #15
                              Re: Lets do our own scientific study on the effects of Cannabis

                              I was just thinking about how I can feel myself shifting between parallel universes, which is the only way to explain consciousness and free will, every choice taking me to a different unchangeable clockwork-like universe of atoms bouncing off each other, and then OMG my soul just rejoined the Universe.

