With the Democrat party back in the White House after the stolen election, we're hearing more about how we need to ruin our economy and our Western lifestyle to stop global warming. Well, folks, I'm here to tell you that global warming is a hoax perpetrated by a massive cabal of so-called climate scientists.
What's my evidence? Well, these are the same scientist that tell us evolution is true, that smoking causes cancer, and that the COVID vaccines save lives. We know that evolution is not true both because the Bible says it is not true and because no evolutionary biologist has ever produced a fossil that is half crocodile and half duck. We know that smoking doesn't cause cancer because my grandfather smoked all his life and he died at 66 without ever having cancer--he died from emphysema, instead. And we know that COVID vaccines don't work because most people in the US have been vaccinated but we still have COVID. So how can we trust these lying scientists when they are so wrong about these other matters?
These "scientists" claim that carbon dioxide absorbs infrared radiation in the atmosphere and re-radiates it back to the Earth. Carbon dioxide doesn't even exist. Have you ever seen carbon dioxide? No! Is carbon dioxide mentioned in the Holy Bible? No! Yet these so-called scientists are telling us that something we have never seen has a profound influence on our lives. We Evangelicals aren't so gullible that we'd believe something without being able to verify it with our own eyes!
This is one of the main reasons we need Donald Trump back in the White House. When he was President, President Trump never let the scientists dictate scientific policy.
What's my evidence? Well, these are the same scientist that tell us evolution is true, that smoking causes cancer, and that the COVID vaccines save lives. We know that evolution is not true both because the Bible says it is not true and because no evolutionary biologist has ever produced a fossil that is half crocodile and half duck. We know that smoking doesn't cause cancer because my grandfather smoked all his life and he died at 66 without ever having cancer--he died from emphysema, instead. And we know that COVID vaccines don't work because most people in the US have been vaccinated but we still have COVID. So how can we trust these lying scientists when they are so wrong about these other matters?
These "scientists" claim that carbon dioxide absorbs infrared radiation in the atmosphere and re-radiates it back to the Earth. Carbon dioxide doesn't even exist. Have you ever seen carbon dioxide? No! Is carbon dioxide mentioned in the Holy Bible? No! Yet these so-called scientists are telling us that something we have never seen has a profound influence on our lives. We Evangelicals aren't so gullible that we'd believe something without being able to verify it with our own eyes!
This is one of the main reasons we need Donald Trump back in the White House. When he was President, President Trump never let the scientists dictate scientific policy.