World map: simplified for children:
World Map: Full
Nations by ideology:
Bottom left nations are Godly conservative paradises, top right nations are socialist hellholes:
The World in Detail:
North America:
Why God hates America.
A full comparison: Red States VS Blue States.
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa|Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska|Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | West Virginia | Washington | Wisconsin | Wyoming
US 2020 Election map:
Caribbean Mexico
Jamaica | Cuba | Haiti | Puerto Rico | Grenada
Central Mexico
Costa Rica
South Mexico
Argentine | Brazil | Chile | Columbia | Falkland Islands | Venezuela
Cities: Rio
Rev. Jim Osborne's close up of Europe:
Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Ireland | Italy | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Malta | Netherlands | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russia | Scandanavia | Scotland | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Ukraine | United Kingdom | Vatican City
Middle East
Some Old Testament maps. Not very pretty, but it covers the basics. Gives you the geographical location of everything in the Bible! They wimped out and didn't add the Book of Revelation. Are they just pansies are are they a front-group for the AntiChrist?
Afghanistan | Bahrain | Dubai | Iran | Iraq | Israel | Kazakhstan | Kurdistan | Lebanon | Pakistan | Palestine | Saudi Arabia | Syria | Turkey | Uzbekistan | Yemen
Bhutan | Burma | Cambodia | China | Indonesia | Japan | Korea | Malaysia | Myanmar | North Korea | Philippines | Taiwan | Thailand | Tibet | Vietnam
North Africa
Algeria | Egypt | Libya | Morocco | Sudan | Tunisia
Horn of Africa
Ethiopia | Somolia
Eastern Africa
Kenya | Madagascar | Malawi | Mozambique | Uganda
Southern Africa
South Africa
Western Africa
Gambia | Ghana | Liberia | Nigeria
New Zealand
Study Hard, kids! Fail Geography, and you'll be stuck working for CNN:
World Map: Full
,_ . ._. _. . _ , . , _-\','|~\~~ ~~ ~~/ ;-'-' ~-', ,;_;_, ~~- /~~-\_/-'~'--' \~~| \,/' _-| [URL=""]Scand[/URL]/ / |_/~-/-/~~ ~~--~~~~'---_ / [URL=""]AK[/URL] ,/'-/~ '\./ ' , '|,'|~ ' ._/-, /~~ ~/-'~\_, [URL=""]Canada[/URL]'-,| '|. ' [URL=""]UK[/URL],\ /'~ [URL=""]Russia[/URL] / /_ /~ .-~ '| '',\~|\ _\~[URL=""]Euro[/URL] ,_ . . /| '\ /'~ |_/~\\,-,~' \ " ,_,/ | | [URL=""]USA[/URL] / . _-~'\_ _~|[URL=""]Mideast[/URL] [URL=""]China[/URL]\ ) /[URL=""]Japan[/URL] \ __-\ ./ ~ |\ \_ [URL=""]India[/URL] / ~ ., [URL=""]Mex[/URL]'\ |, ~-_ . | \\_' ~| /~\[URL=""]SE[/URL]\~ , [URL=""]Hawaii[/URL] ~-_' ;[URL=""]Carib[/URL] \ [URL=""]Africa[/URL] '-, \,' /\/ | '\_,~'\_ \_ _, /' ' |, /|' Oceania / \_ ~ | / \ ~'; -,_. | [URL=""]South[/URL] ~\ | | , '-_, ,; ~ ~\ \, [URL=""]Amer[/URL] / \ / /| ,-, , -, | ,/ | |' |/ ,- ~ \ '. ,| ,/ \ ,/ \[URL=""]Austral[/URL]| / | ~ -~~-, / _ | ,-' ~ / / ,' ~ ',| ~ ~'
Bottom left nations are Godly conservative paradises, top right nations are socialist hellholes:
The World in Detail:
North America:
Why God hates America.
A full comparison: Red States VS Blue States.
,__ _, \~\| ~~---___ , | \ | [URL=""]Wash[/URL]./ | ~~~~~~~|~~~~~| ~~---, [URL=""]VT[/URL]_/,[URL=""]ME[/URL]> /~-_--__| | [URL=""]Montana[/URL] |[URL=""]N Dak[/URL]\ [URL=""]Minn[/URL]/ ~\~~/[URL=""]Mich[/URL]. /~| ||,' |[URL=""]Oregon[/URL] / \ |------| { [URL=""]WI[/URL] / /~) __-[URL=""]NY[/URL]',|_\,[URL=""]NH[/URL] / |[URL=""]Ida[/URL].|~~~~~~~~|[URL=""]S Dak[/URL].\ \ | | '~\ |_____,|~,-'[URL=""]Mass[/URL]. |~~--__ | | [URL=""]Wyoming[/URL]|____ |~~~~~|--| |__ /_-'[URL=""]Penn[/URL].{,~[URL=""]Conn[/URL] ([URL=""]RI[/URL]) | | ~~~|~~| | ~~\ [URL=""]Iowa[/URL]/ `-' |`~ |~_____{/[URL=""]NJ[/URL] | | | '---------, [URL=""]Nebr[/URL].\----| [URL=""]IL[/URL]|[URL=""]IN[/URL]|[URL=""]OH[/URL],' ~/~\,|`[URL=""]MD[/URL] ([URL=""]DE[/URL]) ', \ [URL=""]Nev[/URL].|[URL=""]Utah[/URL]| [URL=""]Colo[/URL]. |~~~~~~~| \ | ,'~~\[URL=""]WV[/URL]/ [URL=""]VA[/URL] | |[URL=""]Cal[/URL]\ | | | [URL=""]Kansas[/URL]| [URL=""]MO[/URL] \_-~ [URL=""]KY[/URL] /`~___--\ ', \ ,-----|-------+-------'_____/__----~~/[URL=""]N Ca[/URL]r./ '_ '\| | |~~~|[URL=""]Okla[/URL].| | [URL=""]Tenn[/URL]._/-,~~-,/ \ |[URL=""]Ariz[/URL].| [URL=""]New[/URL] | |_ |[URL=""]Ark[/URL]./~~|~~\ \,/[URL=""]S Car[/URL]. ~~~-' | [URL=""]Mex[/URL]. | `~~~\___|[URL=""]MS[/URL] |[URL=""]AL[/URL] | [URL=""]GA[/URL] / '-,_ | _____| | / | ,-'---~\ `~'~ \ [URL=""]Texas[/URL] |[URL=""]LA[/URL]`--,~~~~-~~,[URL=""]FL[/URL]\ \/~\ /~~~`---` | \ \ / \ | \ | '\' `~'
US 2020 Election map:
Caribbean Mexico
Jamaica | Cuba | Haiti | Puerto Rico | Grenada
Central Mexico
Costa Rica
South Mexico
Argentine | Brazil | Chile | Columbia | Falkland Islands | Venezuela
Cities: Rio
Rev. Jim Osborne's close up of Europe:
Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Ireland | Italy | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Malta | Netherlands | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russia | Scandanavia | Scotland | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Ukraine | United Kingdom | Vatican City
Middle East
Some Old Testament maps. Not very pretty, but it covers the basics. Gives you the geographical location of everything in the Bible! They wimped out and didn't add the Book of Revelation. Are they just pansies are are they a front-group for the AntiChrist?
Afghanistan | Bahrain | Dubai | Iran | Iraq | Israel | Kazakhstan | Kurdistan | Lebanon | Pakistan | Palestine | Saudi Arabia | Syria | Turkey | Uzbekistan | Yemen
Bhutan | Burma | Cambodia | China | Indonesia | Japan | Korea | Malaysia | Myanmar | North Korea | Philippines | Taiwan | Thailand | Tibet | Vietnam
North Africa
Algeria | Egypt | Libya | Morocco | Sudan | Tunisia
Horn of Africa
Ethiopia | Somolia
Eastern Africa
Kenya | Madagascar | Malawi | Mozambique | Uganda
Southern Africa
South Africa
Western Africa
Gambia | Ghana | Liberia | Nigeria
New Zealand
Study Hard, kids! Fail Geography, and you'll be stuck working for CNN: