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  • The Rio Olympics: Defacing the Mission of Jesus Christ with "cupping" and extreme homosexuality

    WHAT is THIS!

    A man, Michael Phelps, who is supposed to represent Pure American Bible-based values while visiting Papist Mexican Brazil, is appearing before a live audience scantily clad covered in suspicious bruises! Instead of using his time profitably to spread the Message of the Wrath of Jesus (Revelation 6:16), he strives to swim at a rapid pace flaunting these mysterious stigmata!

    What is going on? Even before scrutinizing the issue in detail, it is absolutely certain that it is nothing good! What does this mean? The secular media has proposed a simplistic solution of "cupping" or "cupulating", a method of scientifically and Biblically useless and extremely harmful form of therapy that involves the making of false hickeys with "cups".
    The technique, which is a form of acupuncture, is done by lighting flammable liquid in a glass cup.
    Once the flame goes out, the drop in temperature creates suction which sticks the cups to the body.
    The suction pulls the skin away from the body and promotes blood flow - and leaves those red spots, which typically last for three or four days.
    Athletes say they are using it to ease aches and pains, and to help with recovery from the physical toil of constant training and competing.
    There must be more to it. Now it is time to investigate this issue in its entirety by utilizing the well-established method of Bible Study. Immediately, we can see that the actual cause of this disastrous practice is not "recovery" but the Sinful State of the Nation!

    Isaiah 1:4-6
    Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.

    This fits the observations very well. Bruises, sores, not mollified by ointments, instead, they are using the method of "cupulation". Verily, now we know the cause of this.


    Next, we must assess if this is a useful way to show the world the sinful state of the U.S. athletes. Is it? Well, you guessed it! It isn't. In fact, it is a form of the worst blasphemy imaginable, because it is a travesty of the suffering of Sweet Jesus Christ on the Cross. These people using the "cups" are openly mocking Him! It is sad and terrible. Let us look at the secular source once more:
    Mr Long, who has practised cupping for 20 years, says the idea is to help the flow of energy - known as traditional Chinese medicine as "qi" - around the body, and rebalance its equilibrium - "ying and yang".
    The darker the mark left by the cup, he says, the poorer the blood circulation is in that part of the body.
    Now we know, it is also pagan practice. Combined, we can now see that the "cupulation" sucks the blood into the cups destroying the capillaries (see also 1 Corinthians 6:19), making people bleed under their skin to lose hemoglobin. Why would an athlete want to have a lower hemoglobin? There is no conceivable reason why anyone would have a hemoglobin count too high, as it would always enhance the secular performance of swimming. Thus, there must be other reasons why these people want to have "cups" filled with blood!

    There is.


    Again, let us turn to the Bible. The Cup is not something trivial. It is, in contrast, a pivotal issue for Jesus.

    Matthew 23:25
    Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
    The "cups" of the athletes are filled with excess blood. Mr. Phelps is, thus, a Pharisee.
    Matthew 26:42
    He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done.
    Here we come to the issue of Salvation. Jesus did not want to empty His cup of suffering but as God He knew that it was necessary. It is extremely bad manners and blasphemous to take this cup away from Jesus. The athletes are robbing Jesus of His chosen part - the cup of suffering was what was needed to realize Salvation and the re-emergence of the possibility of Heaven for all mankind. Mr. Phelps wants to shut down the path to Heaven by stealing the Cup of Jesus!
    Luke 22:20
    Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.
    The LORD's Supper, not the supper of some unknown athletes who wish to fill the cup with their own blood.
    • A therapy based upon Chinese Demonology.
    • A Cup stolen from Sweet Jesus to prevent Salvation.
    • A travesty of the Last Supper.

    Why? Why do the athletes want to destroy everything that is good and decent. The answer is obvious. Homosexuality. The gay agenda. They are all devoted to that. We only need to look at the dresses of these two Germanic Olympic athletes to know beyond any doubt why this is happening!


    AND they're making Jesus advertise this gathering of the worst of the worst!

    Yet another sign of the End of Times! Please Come Lord Jesus, I am Ready to Receive You!

    Yours in Christ,

    2 Kings 18:25 - Am I now come up without the LORD against this place to destroy it? The LORD said to me, Go up against this land, and destroy it.

    Check out our Research in Creation Science:

  • #2
    Re: The Rio Olympics: Defacing the Mission of Jesus Christ with "cupping" and extreme homosexuality

    Thank you, Professor Dr White, Sir, for drawing this to our attention.

    Okay, there is something about this abominable practice which does not add up.
    Mr Long, who has practised cupping for 20 years, says the idea is to help the flow of energy - known as traditional Chinese medicine as "qi" - around the body, and rebalance its equilibrium - "ying and yang".
    The darker the mark left by the cup, he says, the poorer the blood circulation is in that part of the body.
    And yet, and yet, Michael Phelps has these marks on his shoulders. I am told that Mr Phelps has just won a race involving swimming the "butterfly" for 200 meters (approximately 656 feet and 2 inches). The butterfly is less homo than it sounds and requires considerable upper-body strength, particularly in the shoulders. Why would he want poorer blood circulation in the area of the body he is using most?

    Proverbs 13:16 tells us Every prudent man dealeth with knowledge: but a fool layeth open his folly. In this case, the folly of Mr Phelps is laid open for all to see.

    I think this calls into question what other marks these bruises/burns are concealing. Needle marks, perhaps?


    On another matter, I was not familiar with the verb to cupulate and the only reference to the word I could find was a kind of beer:

    The glass in which it is served bears a strong resemblance to the cups illustrated in your post. Perhaps this is the connection?

    Vaccinated by the love of Jesus!!!


    • #3
      Re: The Rio Olympics: Defacing the Mission of Jesus Christ with "cupping" and extreme homosexuality

      If there is one thing this world does not need more of it is sexual stimulation. And, to think cupping is practiced by athletes from God's favorite country is just unthinkable.
      Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


      • #4
        Re: The Rio Olympics: Defacing the Mission of Jesus Christ with "cupping" and extreme homosexuality

        Disgusting. And you know what's worse? According to my set of 1961 Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 2, "Brazil was founded by Pedro Álvares Cabral, a Portuguese explorer, on April 22, 1500."

        So it was the disgusting Portuguese, a lazy, disgusting rude people who follow the Catholic superstition, and NOT the Spanish rapists and murderers who founded Brazil. Now it all makes sense, how they celebrate the MONGRELIZATION of the races, wanton sexural laciviousness--- mixing and matching races, religions and gender-bending unnatural inclinations in a toxic stew of sexuality--- and celebrating drug abuse over work, family, responsibility, and reverence to GOD.

        I think I'm going to throw up!!


        • #5
          Re: The Rio Olympics: Defacing the Mission of Jesus Christ with "cupping" and extreme homosexuality

          "Cupping" seems to have become a craze among the young and stupid. Yesterday, a man tried to climb the Trump Tower with the aid of cupping implements.

          Fortunately Mr Trump was not injured, but where will it all end?
          Vaccinated by the love of Jesus!!!


          • #6
            Re: The Rio Olympics: Defacing the Mission of Jesus Christ with "cupping" and extreme homosexuality

            I don't think I can sleep after looking at this stuff. One thing is certain, Trump is right about these trade deals with China - all this kung fu feng shui ying yang stuff is destroying our country. How is it that these athletes come back and then years later turn into transgender freaks anyway - blasphemy if you ask me. It reminds me of those tallywhacker pumps - that no doubt come from China.
            Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
            brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.
            ...and get off my lawn


            • #7
              Re: The Rio Olympics: Defacing the Mission of Jesus Christ with "cupping" and extreme homosexuality

              It was the godless Greeks, who have been known since ancient times as perverts, who invented the Olympics. Many people do not know these facts, as since they have adopted socialism they have declined to the point that they are only known for their awful feta cheese. I don't know what this cupping thing is, but I don't like the sound of it. I know in my heart that this is another Greek perversion.
              God judgeth the righteous, And God is angry with the wicked every day- Psalm 7:11

