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  • Ezekiel Bathfire
    Re: Some help remembering a name...

    Originally posted by Regens Kuechl View Post
    So what w a s his repeated crime, Bitte ?

    It didnt habe anything to do with little boys? ; )
    Or dit it ???
    Did you read my remarks? The man was at Landover Church. There are no Catholics allowed in Landover.

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  • Regens Kuechl
    Re: Some help remembering a name...

    So what w a s his repeated crime, Bitte ?

    It didnt habe anything to do with little boys? ; )
    Or dit it ???

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  • Ezekiel Bathfire
    Re: Some help remembering a name...

    Yes! That was him! Jerry Bolton! He got out in 2010 and married some woman, but he was sent back down the Swanee for doing the same thing again! Just goes to show you can't end a sentence with a proposition.

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  • Joanna Lytton-Vasey
    Re: Some help remembering a name...

    I just called my mom, who was there at the time, and she thinks his name may have been Jerry Bolton. But she's not 100% sure.

    She asked "Is he still in jail?"

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  • Ezekiel Bathfire
    started a topic Some help remembering a name...

    Some help remembering a name...

    Can you help me here? You must remember the miracle cures that Pastor Zeke did back in the 90s. They were a real success with the ratings outpacing Benny Hinn until CNN started upsetting everyone and calling Landover,and Zeke, a fake.

    I’m asking as I’m writing a piece for “Landover Truth and Light” and I’ve forgotten the name of the guy from the line of hopefuls who came on stage and Zeke, playing to a packed house, calls out “What’s your worry, friend? You know that there’s nothing to big for Jesus! Put your whole faith in Him and He’ll see you right.”

    Well, the guy answers, “It’s my hearing…” and Zeke’s straight in there. He grabs the guys ears and shakes him back and forward, all the time calling out “Oh Jesus, have pity on our brother! Use your mighty Powers through me and through the faith of all the congregation…etc”.

    Well, after about 2 minutes, Zeke stops and looks the guy and says “How’s your hearing?”

    There's the usual dead silence, and the guy replies “I don’t know, it’s not until Tuesday at the courthouse.”

    I’m sure his name was something like “Boston” or “Berry”…Anyone?