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  • JcPenny: Pornography delivered to your home!

    Friends in the LORD JESUS CHRIST, I have had it with the perverts over at JcPenny! They keep sending dirty magazines to my house! Every time they send me one of their depraved 'catalogs,' I scribble Bible verses all over it and send it back, but they don't get the message!

    I am shocked and offended at the smut they plaster all over this lascivious magazine! Page after page of nothing but women in their unmentionables! Sometimes, if you look close enough, you can almost see the outline of a perverted nipple protruding with an exhibitionist's excitement!

    The danger is not only limited to my sensitive Christian mind, but also to my poor empty-headed wife! Side by side pictures of women in their panties is a lewd suggestion of lesbian activity!

    Also, they show pictures of men in their underwear as well, in attempt to excite harlots with credit cards and even the strongest of Christian men!

    Of course these images are cleverly hidden admist home decor and various bedding products, so that the perverted material can be snuck into any Christian home without alarm. Imagine the countless number of children who innocently stumble upon this pornography and are lured into a downward spiral of self-abuse! No wonders our country is in the shape it's in!

    I say a boycott is in order, along with a magazine burning in the streets! If you have any JcPenny catalogs, send them to me immediately so that I can organize the burning!
    The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.
    - Proverbs 15:3



  • #2
    Re: JcPenny: Pornography delivered to your home!

    Talk about intolerable.


    • #3
      Re: JcPenny: Pornography delivered to your home!

      I am with you Bob! I remember years ago we had the same problem with the Sears catalog. Bobby-Joe's security boys had an envelope with some 'compromising pictures' of key executives. Never saw another Sears catalog after that. I'll send a PM to the DOF.
      Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
      Amos 3:6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?
      Numbers 21:6 And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.
      Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
      Matthew 10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
      Matthew 10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.


      • #4
        Re: JcPenny: Pornography delivered to your home!

        Originally posted by James Hutchins View Post
        I am with you Bob! I remember years ago we had the same problem with the Sears catalog. Bobby-Joe's security boys had an envelope with some 'compromising pictures' of key executives. Never saw another Sears catalog after that. I'll send a PM to the DOF.
        Mercy Mr James, I was jist gonna say da same thing bout that Sears Wish book...well that thing sure had Ole Sam a wishin. He could disappear in da terlet for hours. I knows he was lookin at dem wommin in der brazeires and bloomer! Had to throw the damned thing away before I could even look at it!
        Everybodys Blested Ole Mammy


        • #5
          Re: JcPenny: Pornography delivered to your home!

          Brother Bob, I agree with you wholeheartedly. It is a well known fact that young teenagers and adults, if not granted access to hardcore smut like Playboy or internet porn, will satiate their carnal desires with a JC Penney or Sears catalog. There is absolutely no need to feature the lingerie on a living human model. Could not mannequins suffice?

          I will now show you some pictures of this crass filth that is being peddled into homes all across America. These are shown only for educational purposes so we know what disgusting pornography is being distributed. WARNING: If there are children under 18 have them leave the room.

          Look at this harlot! She is looking erotically into a camera, enticing the viewer to "come and get it". The soft brown hair drapes around her shoulders and her plump, firm bosom makes the viewer's heart beat faster. The worst part about it is she is not even wearing panties, allowing the viewer to entertain fantasies about what lies beneath...

          This young vixen is showing too much skin! Look how low her panties are. She as at serious risk for rogue pubes to come into view. Notice how this slut emphasizes her curvaceous hips, seducing the male viewer. Disgusting smut!

          JCPenney doesn't just sex it up with women...they do it with men too! This picture, believe it or not, came from JCPenney's official website. Needless to say, I do not need to explain this picture at all. Anyone who is not legally blind can tell you just how perverted and depraved JCPenney is when it comes to advertisements.

          Watch the #1 Televangelist Gospel Hour in the World! "Turn or Burn: Accept Christ or Go to Hell with Rev. Jim Osborne." Check your local cable listings.


          • #6
            Re: JcPenny: Pornography delivered to your home!

            God forbid people see what a piece of clothing looks like in a catalog. This website is so misinformed.


            • #7
              Re: JcPenny: Pornography delivered to your home!

              Originally posted by Bob4God View Post
              Friends in the LORD JESUS CHRIST, I have had it with the perverts over at JcPenny! They keep sending dirty magazines to my house! Every time they send me one of their depraved 'catalogs,' I scribble Bible verses all over it and send it back, but they don't get the message!

              I am shocked and offended at the smut they plaster all over this lascivious magazine! Page after page of nothing but women in their unmentionables! Sometimes, if you look close enough, you can almost see the outline of a perverted nipple protruding with an exhibitionist's excitement!

              The danger is not only limited to my sensitive Christian mind, but also to my poor empty-headed wife! Side by side pictures of women in their panties is a lewd suggestion of lesbian activity!

              Also, they show pictures of men in their underwear as well, in attempt to excite harlots with credit cards and even the strongest of Christian men!

              Of course these images are cleverly hidden admist home decor and various bedding products, so that the perverted material can be snuck into any Christian home without alarm. Imagine the countless number of children who innocently stumble upon this pornography and are lured into a downward spiral of self-abuse! No wonders our country is in the shape it's in!

              I say a boycott is in order, along with a magazine burning in the streets! If you have any JcPenny catalogs, send them to me immediately so that I can organize the burning!

              1. Do you even know what pornography actually is?

              2. If you don't like this pictures so much, why are you looking at them so closely to see the girls nipples?


              • #8
                Re: JcPenny: Pornography delivered to your home!

                Originally posted by PlanetF1 View Post
                1. Do you even know what pornography actually is?
                Yes! It's anything other than the Holy Bible KJV 1611 or Chick Tracts! Satan uses all manner of perverted secular literature to lead us into temptation!

                2. If you don't like this pictures so much, why are you looking at them so closely to see the girls nipples?
                As a True Christian, I pay close attention to all things that outrage and disgust me so that I can know how to avoid them and warn others!
                The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.
                - Proverbs 15:3




                • #9
                  Re: JcPenny: Pornography delivered to your home!

                  They get your address from mailing lists, even the phone book.

                  Sure, you can tell them not to send it, but the damage is done.
                  Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
                  Amos 3:6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?
                  Numbers 21:6 And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.
                  Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
                  Matthew 10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
                  Matthew 10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.


                  • #10
                    Re: JcPenny: Pornography delivered to your home!

                    Originally posted by Lailar
                    And the way they get on mailing lists and in the phone books is you approve your address of being put in there.
                    Actually, no, you have to contact most companies and ask to be excluded (opt-out), which does not always work.
                    Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
                    Amos 3:6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?
                    Numbers 21:6 And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.
                    Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
                    Matthew 10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
                    Matthew 10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.


                    • #11
                      Re: JcPenny: Pornography delivered to your home!

                      Because you guys are SO much better than them "sluts" for calling them sluts, whores, harlots, etc. What if they saw you calling them this when this is their job and what they do to put food on the table and a roof over the house. What if I called you Christians sluts and whores. You'd hate it.

                      Stop being elitist jerks and ruining the name of Christians everywhere.


                      • #12
                        Re: JcPenny: Pornography delivered to your home!

                        correct me if I am wrong ,but what we have here a two perverts.


                        • #13
                          Re: JcPenny: Pornography delivered to your home!

                          Originally posted by ihumpmypillow
                          I could tell you more stories but I don't think I should.
                          Oh no! Why not?

                          Are you worried Daddy will wake up and hear you clicking on the keyboard and come up for his nightly 'visit'? Don't worry, he'll lose interest in a couple of years when you turn 14.


                          • #14
                            Re: JcPenny: Pornography delivered to your home!

                            I also found one of these porno-mags littering my doorstep today. And on CRUSADE DAY of all days!

                            Wondering if you should put "return to sender" on it or use it as toilet paper? I did BOTH!
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                            • #15
                              Re: JcPenny: Pornography delivered to your home!

                              Originally posted by Bob4God View Post
                              I am shocked and offended at the smut they plaster all over this lascivious magazine! Page after page of nothing but women in their unmentionables! Sometimes, if you look close enough, you can almost see the outline of a perverted nipple protruding with an exhibitionist's excitement!
                              What kind of sick person would want to see that? Not I!

                              Originally posted by Rev. Jim Osborne View Post

                              JCPenney doesn't just sex it up with women...they do it with men too! This picture, believe it or not, came from JCPenney's official website. Needless to say, I do not need to explain this picture at all. Anyone who is not legally blind can tell you just how perverted and depraved JCPenney is when it comes to advertisements.
                              How would they feel if their mothers saw this kind of raw, virile, well-formed masculinity on display?

                              Originally posted by BobMover View Post
                              Because you guys are SO much better than them "sluts" for calling them sluts, whores, harlots, etc.
                              We're better than sluts for a lot of reasons.

                              What if they saw you calling them this when this is their job and what they do to put food on the table and a roof over the house.
                              I'd say that the Bible tells men to support their wives and daughters, not the other way around. Why aren't their menfolk building the roofs and hunting the food?

                              Rev. Jim has a ministry devoted to the reclamation of nubile young models like these. After months of kneeling in prayer and hard study of the Bible, these reborn women settle down with fine, more mature Christian men who are not afraid to use the rod if needed to see these women do not go astray again.

                              What if I called you Christians sluts and whores. You'd hate it.
                              No, we'd be rolling around on the floor lauging abut what a retard you are.

                              Stop being elitist jerks and ruining the name of Christians everywhere.
                              What ruins the name of Christians everywhere is people claiming to be Christians who don't follow the Bible. God gave us the Bible for a reason.

                              Originally posted by ihumpmypillow
                              You guys should all be ashamed of yourselves these women are trying to make an honest living and you slander them and call them horrible names like "sluts" and "whores" but you do not know how the live for all you know they are all virgins but no since they almost show a nip they are the worst smut on the face of the earth.
                              Generally, in English, it's wise to put one thought into one sentence, not to slap five different thoughts together using the words "and," "but," "for all you know," and "but" again.

                              I called the JC Penny company, and their spokesman told me that none of the models is a virgin, except the guy in the photo that Rev. Jim posted. And even he's not a virgin if you stretch the term virgin by about 3 inches to the rear.

                              artists will draw animals with "penises" and "vaginas" and they are in some very provocative positions, they should be ashamed of themselves
                              Why should the animals be ashamed, they never ate of the Tree of Life, so they don't know right from wrong.

                              Now let's be rational here
                              Please avoid littering our forums with meaningless phrases like that one.

                              when I was younger my parents forced me to go to church and wouldn't let me date
                              And your nickname, Pizzaface, might have had something to do with that, too.
                              when I was given the chance (college) I lashed out and experimented with drugs and alcohol
                              But apparently the acne was still there, since you didn't seem to experiment with women. At least there's some hope for you.

                              Honestly I get off to JC Penny catalogs and Sears catalogs all the time
                              That's really more information than we needed.

                              I could tell you more stories but I don't think I should.
                              No, you shouldn't, since we plan to introduce them as evidence in your mental sanity hearing.
                              The Christian Right: The Only Right Way to Be a Christian!

