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  • Quick Question About the Bible

    So, I've been reading the Bible a lot lately, as a heartful Christian should. But I've noticed something. My KJV lists the word Hell is used exactly 54 times. I went and counted them, Jesus guiding my hand with invisible grace.

    But Hell is used in different contexts each time, so I began to look for older and older versions of the Bible (KJV is still my favorite, though) to see what they said of hell. I was quite surprised to see that in all the places I could see it was implying the word pit or grave! And upon close lookance I noticed that the lake of fire in which Sodom and Gomorrah were cast was described as "unquenchable," not everlasting.

    I find my faith in Hell shaken. Why is it goodly Protestants as ourselves follow a tradition first made by those fanatical Catholics to scare the heathens and celts?

    I must pray on this, but I come here for answers.

  • #2
    Re: Quick Question About the Bible

    This world is "Hell".

    We are not exposed to it, and Earthly life, because we are being punished, but because we are supposed to learn something and improve. The gods united with the giants because they needed to be connected to something physical in order to influence the world physically. Jarl's kin is the tool of the gods, that they can communicate with and influence, and use to achieve their goals. Our minds and spirits are simply elves ("eternal"), that we can describe as "small bits and pieces" of the deity we know as Tīwaz/TīwaR/Týr ("honour", "god[s]"), Svarog ("heaven", "to create"), Jupiter ("father of the gods"), Divas/Deus ("god[s]"), and so forth. Every time we die the still pure ("white") parts of these "bits and pieces" are returned with the deity, before they are sent back to Earth, when we are reborn in the kin. The goal of each individual is to make sure the mind and spirit is not only "white" when we die, but also that it is strengthened and magnified, so that the deity we are apart of is strengthened by our existence. When the deity is strong enough, we will return to the deity and stay there - something the Judeo-Christians call "Heaven" or "Paradise", but it is also known as "Nirvana".


    • #3
      Re: Quick Question About the Bible

      Hell is not some kind of formula that can be divided into smaller pieces in order to determine its true nature. Do you really think that it's wise to have such a carefree nature regarding THE ETERNAL FUTURE OF YOUR SOUL?
      May you be a blessing to every life you touch.


      • #4
        Re: Quick Question About the Bible

        Originally posted by EvilBloodGnome View Post
        So, I've been reading the Bible a lot lately, as a heartful Christian should. But I've noticed something. My KJV lists the word Hell is used exactly 54 times. I went and counted them, Jesus guiding my hand with invisible grace.

        But Hell is used in different contexts each time, so I began to look for older and older versions of the Bible (KJV is still my favorite, though) to see what they said of hell. I was quite surprised to see that in all the places I could see it was implying the word pit or grave! And upon close lookance I noticed that the lake of fire in which Sodom and Gomorrah were cast was described as "unquenchable," not everlasting.

        I find my faith in Hell shaken. Why is it goodly Protestants as ourselves follow a tradition first made by those fanatical Catholics to scare the heathens and celts?

        I must pray on this, but I come here for answers.
        Hell definitely is eternal. False fluffy-bunny christians often try to deny it, but you can see a thorough rebuttal of their claims here.
        Sweet Lord Jesus,
        I want to pray for those who persecute me, my Lord.
        Please, treat their children as you treated those of Egypt, when they upset you! (Psalm 135:8-9)
        Dash their little children against the stones for their fathers iniquity! (Psalm 137:8-9)
        Hit them on the cheek, and smash out their teeth! (Psalm 3:7)
        Make their death and descent into Hell swift and terrible! (Psalm 55:15)
        Scatter their broken bodies over the streets of their evil cities, like Benghazi, Amsterdam, Tokyo and Mecca! (Psalm 110:6)
        Praised be Your Glorious Name™.


