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  • Pray for Rev. Mark Driscoll and His Junk


    Pastor Mark Driscoll, who was the victim of satanic oppression after simply speaking his mind back in 2014:

    "The first thing to know about your penis is, that despite the way it may see, it is not your penis," Driscoll allegedly wrote. "Ultimately, God created you and it is his penis. You are simply borrowing it for a while.

    "While His penis is on loan you must admit that it is sort of just hanging out there very lonely as if it needed a home, sort of like a man wondering (sic) the streets looking for a house to live in," Driscoll's post continued. "Knowing that His penis would need a home, God created a woman to be your wife and when you marry her and look down you will notice that your wife is shaped differently than you and makes a very nice home."

    Now I ask you, friends, what about the statement above is wrong? No part of my body is truly mine. (1 Corinthians 6:19) Yet, satan doesn't want anyone to know that, so he created a big bunch of kaplooey when Brother Driscoll simply stated the truth.

    So let us pray that even though Driscoll's megachurch in Seattle is now defunct, that his NEW church in Arizona will continue to grow just like his - well, you know. And let us ask the LORD to endow Mr. Driscoll with the courage to continue talking about penises. (Genesis 18:14) We should direct our prayers and our support in such a way that the world knows there is no shame in the fact that a woman is the home for our (God's) genitalia. Even Jesus had erections (Luke 24:34) and we are created in His image! (Genesis 1:26-27) We mustn't be ashamed of God's Temple!

    Let us pray for the Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Arizona, that it may bring many men and women to come before the LORD on their knees. Amen?
    Proverbs 21:31 KJV 1611:
    “The horse is prepared against the day of battell: but safetie is of the Lord.”

    Lord, may I serve my equine brothers and sisters just as I do my fellow man.
    Amen and Amen

  • #2
    Re: Pray for Rev. Mark Driscoll

    Originally posted by BrotherLarry View Post

    Pastor Mark Driscoll, who was the victim of satanic oppression after simply speaking his mind back in 2014:

    "The first thing to know about your penis is, that despite the way it may see, it is not your penis," Driscoll allegedly wrote. "Ultimately, God created you and it is his penis. You are simply borrowing it for a while.

    "While His penis is on loan you must admit that it is sort of just hanging out there very lonely as if it needed a home, sort of like a man wondering (sic) the streets looking for a house to live in," Driscoll's post continued. "Knowing that His penis would need a home, God created a woman to be your wife and when you marry her and look down you will notice that your wife is shaped differently than you and makes a very nice home."
    Better a man's wife than his neighbor's garage.

    Euphemistically Yours,

    His left hand should be under my head, and his right hand should embrace me.

    Guns For God and the Economy

