Sister Wintersnow has been under considerable pressure lately with her enormous workload of Gods work here in Australia.

In addition to her day to day True Christian™ responsibilities there is her Gals 4 God™ program, her Gold Coast based counseling service for wayward whores, her house keeping and pie making duties, her tithing programs, hours on end in the prayer closet and the responsibility in reforming sinners such as myself .
Unselfishly Sister Wintersnow has undertaken all of these gruelling tasks and much more so as to ensure that the work of Jesus and the good work of Landover Baptists can continue and so Australian sinners can be assured of being condemned to the fiery depths of Hell
I understand that all of this Godly work is leaving Sister Wintersnow exhausted and I fear that it may be affecting her health and well-being. It had been suggested by some new age, leftist, atheist, freaks that she should see a “Doctor” but we all know that they will only prescribe the elixirs of Satan
With this in mind I feel that a True Christian™ Prayer™ for Sister Wintersnow is the best / only way in which to reenergise her and restore her health and continue the delivery of the True Christian™ message

In addition to her day to day True Christian™ responsibilities there is her Gals 4 God™ program, her Gold Coast based counseling service for wayward whores, her house keeping and pie making duties, her tithing programs, hours on end in the prayer closet and the responsibility in reforming sinners such as myself .
Unselfishly Sister Wintersnow has undertaken all of these gruelling tasks and much more so as to ensure that the work of Jesus and the good work of Landover Baptists can continue and so Australian sinners can be assured of being condemned to the fiery depths of Hell

I understand that all of this Godly work is leaving Sister Wintersnow exhausted and I fear that it may be affecting her health and well-being. It had been suggested by some new age, leftist, atheist, freaks that she should see a “Doctor” but we all know that they will only prescribe the elixirs of Satan
With this in mind I feel that a True Christian™ Prayer™ for Sister Wintersnow is the best / only way in which to reenergise her and restore her health and continue the delivery of the True Christian™ message
