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  • Prayer for the delightful Sister Wintersnow

    Sister Wintersnow has been under considerable pressure lately with her enormous workload of Gods work here in Australia.

    In addition to her day to day True Christian™ responsibilities there is her Gals 4 God™ program, her Gold Coast based counseling service for wayward whores, her house keeping and pie making duties, her tithing programs, hours on end in the prayer closet and the responsibility in reforming sinners such as myself .

    Unselfishly Sister Wintersnow has undertaken all of these gruelling tasks and much more so as to ensure that the work of Jesus and the good work of Landover Baptists can continue and so Australian sinners can be assured of being condemned to the fiery depths of Hell

    I understand that all of this Godly work is leaving Sister Wintersnow exhausted and I fear that it may be affecting her health and well-being. It had been suggested by some new age, leftist, atheist, freaks that she should see a “Doctor” but we all know that they will only prescribe the elixirs of Satan

    With this in mind I feel that a True Christian™ Prayer™ for Sister Wintersnow is the best / only way in which to reenergise her and restore her health and continue the delivery of the True Christian™ message
    2 Samuel 22:31

    As for God, His way is perfect;
    The word of the LORD is proven;
    He is a shield to all who trust in Him.

  • #2
    Re: Prayer for the delightful Sister Wintersnow

    I will pray for that Brother.
    5 Reasons why GOD HATES WOMEN!
    To most "Christians" The Bible is like a license agreement. They just scroll to the bottom and click "I agree". All those "Christians" will burn in Hell!
    James 2:10 "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."


    • #3
      Re: Prayer for the delightful Sister Wintersnow

      Sister Wintersnow's busy schedule doesn't prevent her from caring for the men in her life, does it?

      I loved Newt before Newt was invincible


      • #4
        Re: Prayer for the delightful Sister Wintersnow

        A prayer for Ms W
        • I believe Thou art the Creator of Goodness and Nourishment, and of Sustenance. I thank the Pasta, and the Sauce, and the Meatballs, for they provide me all my needs.
        • I thank Thee for the Many Beverages that Thou provides, for they engender true fellowship, and I will quaff them heartily, be they Beer, or Wine, or Sweet Iced Tea (in the South), or even Milk or Kool-Aid, for it is not good to withhold fluids, and I need to take care of my Body, as Beneficiary of Thine Holy Goodness.
        • I thank Thee for the giving of healthful Green Salad, the Yummy Garlic Bread, and the Blessed Cheese for the top of my Spaghetti, and also I am most thankful that If I eat All my Dinner, a Dessert of Extreme Chocolateness will surely follow, preferably Dark Chocolate, for it is Good.
        • I believe that Thou are neither Male, nor Female, but are instead beyond the reaches of the gender confusion of Man and Woman Kind, yea, thou are ageless, timeless and all-encompassing.
        • I most humbly thank Thee, oh Noodly Appendaged One, for Touching me with the mental capacity to adapt the mythologies of This Universe to aid and comfort me here, until that day I am able to join together with my Pastafarian Brothers and Sisters at the foot of the Beer Volcano, and enumerate my specifications at the Stripper Factory, so that happiness and contentedness and good cheer be present for all, forever and forever,
        Posted via Pasta

        True Pastafarian™

        May my Sauce be with you!
        Read the TRUE Gospel The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (ISBN 978-0-00-723160-7)
        Get one and get with The Flying Spaghetti Monster
        The Loose Canon - HTML version
        Loose Canon Fan Page
        North American? Speak English? Thank a Pirate.
        I have been to The Volcano!


        • #5
          Re: Prayer for the delightful Sister Wintersnow

          There does not seem to be much about Sister Wintersnow in your "prayer".

          How much does Pizza Hut pay you for all this advertising?
          5 Reasons why GOD HATES WOMEN!
          To most "Christians" The Bible is like a license agreement. They just scroll to the bottom and click "I agree". All those "Christians" will burn in Hell!
          James 2:10 "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."


          • #6
            Re: Prayer for the delightful Sister Wintersnow

            Originally posted by Cranky Old Man View Post
            There does not seem to be much about Sister Wintersnow in your "prayer".

            How much does Pizza Hut pay you for all this advertising?
            COM, really, we all come here to offer up prayers for Ms W and you just have to jump in and lower the tone by attacking other posters. You should be ashamed of yourself, I suggest you go to a quiet place on your own and think about what you have done.
            Just what make you think that Mr Davidson works for Pizza Hut?
            Posted via Pasta

            True Pastafarian™

            May my Sauce be with you!
            Read the TRUE Gospel The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (ISBN 978-0-00-723160-7)
            Get one and get with The Flying Spaghetti Monster
            The Loose Canon - HTML version
            Loose Canon Fan Page
            North American? Speak English? Thank a Pirate.
            I have been to The Volcano!


            • #7
              Re: Prayer for the delightful Sister Wintersnow

              Brother Swish, I agree the medical/industrial complex does indeed dispense many satanic elixirs and it is a good idea to avoid them.

              I, myself, have been blessed with the ability to dispense an elixir that many women here in the trailer park find quite rejuvenating.

              Being a True Christian(TM), I freely administer it as often as possible - but seldom more often than twice a day because my age requires I have a suitable rest period between adminstrations.

              It's pity Sister Wintersnow is confined to that island and I haven't the financial resources readily available to fly to her side to give her a dose.

              I will just have to utter a prayer for her.
              The Honorable HTannor (Pro NRA, Anti-Homer Marriage), Judge, Freehold Supreme Court

              "Credo elvem etiam vivere"


              • #8
                Re: Prayer for the delightful Sister Wintersnow

                Prayers from my family heading her way.
                Drama queen

