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  • #91
    Re: Marijuana Makes You Gay

    Originally posted by jennabenna View Post
    Okay, I just have to say, because I'm realy freaking stoned right abouut now (got some Orange velvert KB! How lucky am I?), I love you all. I love everyone and everything. Even if you don't love me back.

    Peace, my brothers, my sisters, for the years of love are upon us.
    I'll smoke to that, peace & Love mann


    • #92
      Re: Marijuana Makes You Gay

      Brothels are built with the bricks of religion.

      You fellas (except for the stoned ones) are quite a self-righteous group of egomaniacs, aren't you? (i.e. "men only"... here you are talking about fags all day, and you're going to make your forum for men only? That's pretty counter-intuitive. Is there something you're trying to say, reverend? Little bit of little boy lusting going on?) You honestly believe that your perception of one dead philosopher's teachings gives you the right to judge others in an insanely unfounded method of thought and conclusion. You are the exact kind of people that make organized religion a terrible institution. Just because some grizzly rapist lured you into his olds mobile with a doobie some twenty-five years ago, then let your poor little chocolate starfish have a beating, doesn't give you any right to make totally preposterous judgments and give all the "credit" to your Invisible Pal Jesus. Guess what, I'm stoned right now, and my girlfriend is tonguing my ballsac as I type this. Unless I go flaccid in the next thirty second, before she's done, I'm not going to quit-- oh shit, there I went... guess I don't have to stop smoking. I'd go ahead and bet that Jesus of Nazareth would much rather prefer to enjoy a glass of wine with me or any one of my stoner friends before any of you gay-raging scoundrels. (Jesus and I both have something in common to talk about -- we both bang hookers). Go have fun praying for your wives' destitution, you lousy inbreds.


      • #93
        Re: Marijuana Makes You Gay

        Originally posted by you rock View Post
        Brothels are built with the bricks of religion. (Remainder of drug-addled rant snipped.)
        Dear friend:

        Since you seem to know so much about Jesus, you'll surely have no problem backing up what you say with the King James Bible.
        This church is dedicated to preaching True Christianity™ and the King James Bible exactly as they are, with no alterations to make them more politically correct for modern liberals. If you think that we've misquoted or twisted Scripture or quoted any verse out of context, please explain in detail how we've done so. Otherwise, if what you read on this site offends you, then you're offended by Almighty God and His Word, not by us.

        Questions to ask liberal "Christians"Things that the Bible doesn't sayTolerance



        • #94
          Re: Marijuana Makes You Gay

          Originally posted by Gaps View Post
          I have never been approached by a gay guy for sex, while stoned - what about you?
          how did you survive a public stoning? you must live in Britian where they are all pansies and don't have the arm strength to properly stone a person the way a True Christian would, I suggest we reschedule your stoning for a date in america after the holiday's so that we can properly stone you!
          Deuteronomy 6:5
          Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.


          • #95
            Re: Marijuana Makes You Gay

            Originally posted by despising david View Post
            ...... public stoning.......to properly stone......stone...
            Yeah man I'm stoned Your down man is up
            Viva the starlight in the sun starflower return to...
            peace mann


            • #96
              Re: Marijuana Makes You Gay

              Originally posted by One-Love-man View Post
              Yeah man I'm stoned Your down man is up
              Viva the starlight in the sun starflower return to...
              peace mann


              • #97
                Re: Marijuana Makes You Gay

                Originally posted by One-Love-man View Post
                I'll smoke to that, peace & Love mann
                No doubt you're a dirty debauched Faggot there, MAN! , since you kept going on and on about Man-love, Lovin-Man & all.


                • #98
                  Re: Marijuana Makes You Gay

                  Originally posted by Hubert Hope View Post
                  Brother, everytime I came to post a good suggestion out of the Bible, that auntie Jemima person seems to always persecuted me for my faith! ... Too bad I'm not living in the 1800's anymore or other wise she would've been picking the cottons, cleaning my laundry, & be whipped till she screams the name of JESUS out loud!! Where then I would've forcefully spread her heart and put some Jesus's grace inside her fishy stinking dark soul.
                  You speak like a poet inspired by the Lord Himself. Bless you, brother. Pleased to meet you.


                  • #99
                    Re: Marijuana Makes You Gay

                    Originally posted by Hubert Hope View Post
                    No doubt you're a dirty debauched Faggot there, MAN! , since you kept going on and on about Man-love, Lovin-Man & all.
                    monogamy=monotony reconnect, unplug then plug-in to hyperspace mann
                    the omni mind mann
                    Mann life is a hallucination on the domed walls of THE dreaming time on the river of the ecology of souls DMT DMT DMT wow it's good wow. push the button to the other side, sail threw, mann peace man


                    • Re: Marijuana Makes You Gay

                      Originally posted by One-Love-man View Post
                      monogamy=monotony reconnect, unplug then plug-in to hyperspace mann
                      the omni mind mann
                      Mann life is a hallucination on the domed walls of THE dreaming time on the river of the ecology of souls DMT DMT DMT wow it's good wow. push the button to the other side, sail threw, mann peace man

                      Can someone offer a translation?
                      Reverend of St. Thaddeus's Church


                      • Re: Marijuana Makes You Gay

                        The earth sings the life into the moon-bow consciousness, but you'll never listen. We live. We love. We hear the young and old spirits through our very hearts, but yours are empty.
                        If you want to post here, you will abide by the rules. Admin


                        • Re: Marijuana Makes You Gay

                          Greetings brothers. I am new to this forum, but it is truly divine providence that led me here. I wish to share my story about marijuana and homosexuality. My unsaved cousin is 17, and recently began 'experimenting' with drugs. In the space of a few months, he has gone from looking like any unsaved heterosexual male, to wearing pink and purple t-shirts, dying his hair, wearing skin-tight jeans and getting an ear peircing.

                          The unbelievers take drugs at risk of eternal damnation. I pray for my cousin daily.


                          • Re: Marijuana Makes You Gay

                            Originally posted by Feelsgoodman View Post
                            Greetings brothers. I am new to this forum, but it is truly divine providence that led me here. I wish to share my story about marijuana and homosexuality. My unsaved cousin is 17, and recently began 'experimenting' with drugs. In the space of a few months, he has gone from looking like any unsaved heterosexual male, to wearing pink and purple t-shirts, dying his hair, wearing skin-tight jeans and getting an ear peircing.

                            The unbelievers take drugs at risk of eternal damnation. I pray for my cousin daily.
                            Moving testimony, son. Now, if we could just get rid of that chantarded username.
                            Christians are superior because we possess an understanding that unbelievers lack. It is through the Power of Jesus only the converted mind is able to understand what is going on in the world; what the Communists are really up to; what Satan's intentions are. Most unbelievers do not even believe in Satan and cannot understand his tactics.



                            • Re: Marijuana Makes You Gay

                              Originally posted by jennabenna View Post
                              The earth sings the life into the moon-bow consciousness, but you'll never listen. We live. We love. We hear the young and old spirits through our very hearts, but yours are empty.
                              Moderation is important. Especially with crack.


                              • Re: Marijuana Makes You Gay

                                I don't take crack. Just a little of this:
                                [satanic image deleted]
                                If you want to post here, you will abide by the rules. Admin

