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  • Re: Does God hate Finland?

    Originally posted by Account View Post
    No it's just that most finns doesn't use literary language at internet conversations and your english isn't perfect either.
    Of course my English is not perfect. I'm not True Christian and I'm not native English speaking. But I understand enough Finnish to see that you can't even write it properly. Looks like the form they write near the Россия-Матушка.
    Romans 1:18 - For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;


    • Re: Does God hate Finland?

      Originally posted by MisterM View Post

      3. You are not True Christian.
      Is there a problem with somebody not having the same beliefs as you?

      And to clarify few things. I think I know Finland quite well, I have lived there some time.. What comes to Korpiklaani, it is one of the most known Finnish folk bands touring all over the world.

      Finland = Sinland.

      Of course even Finland has a few True Christians. But you are not one of them. You could be. Just get The Bible, KJV 1611, read it and start to follow it to the letter and you can be saved. Glory!

      With all respect,
      How is Finalnd evil? I struggle to see it. Yes there may be people living there that are but you are steroetyping an ENTIRE NATION. America is not any better, niether is England or any other country in the world.

      Originally posted by Two-Dollar Bill View Post
      Of course we don't bend, these are our beliefs and our convictions. This isn't a forum for debating the words of the Lord, this is a forum built around following them...to the letter. If the message is that God hates Finland, well, then God hates Finland. Sorry, that's the way it goes. Deal with it. Telling us that you don't believe that and that we are incorrect, frankly, makes no difference whatsoever.
      How can you follow something so blindly without having proof? Before you call me an atheist I am niether. I am agnostic. I do agree with religion however I cannot simply follow something so blindly, to every letter when my morals say otherwise.


      • Re: Does God hate Finland?

        Originally posted by Granyaski View Post
        Is there a problem with somebody not having the same beliefs as you?
        Well, he got big problem. He is going to burn in hell

        How is Finalnd evil? I struggle to see it.
        Then I call you blind as bat. Did you read single post here?

        How can you follow something so blindly without having proof?
        I don't know. I follow something that is proven by the Bible! Glory!

        Repent! Accept Jesus in your life! Follow the Bible to the letter and you will be saved

        Romans 1:18 - For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;


        • Re: Does God hate Finland?

          Originally posted by Granyaski View Post
          How can you follow something so blindly without having proof? Before you call me an atheist I am niether. I am agnostic. I do agree with religion however I cannot simply follow something so blindly, to every letter when my morals say otherwise.
          It's called faith. People who aren't atheists or agnostics have it. It's what keeps us from spending eternity in hell.
          Daniel 5:16-18 "Let thy gifts be to thyself, and give thy rewards to another; yet I will read the writing unto the king, and make known to him the interpretation."


          • Re: Does God hate Finland?

            Originally posted by MisterM View Post
            Well, he got big problem. He is going to burn in hell

            Then I call you blind as bat. Did you read single post here?

            I don't know. I follow something that is proven by the Bible! Glory!

            Repent! Accept Jesus in your life! Follow the Bible to the letter and you will be saved

            Originally posted by Two-Dollar Bill View Post
            It's called faith. People who aren't atheists or agnostics have it. It's what keeps us from spending eternity in hell.
            I have no issue with you reading the bible or having faith and I thank you for trying to save me but I don't want to be insulted or have others insulted because they do not.

            Much like how I do not believe the world will end tomorrow.


            • Re: Does God hate Finland?

              Originally posted by Granyaski View Post
              I have no issue with you reading the bible or having faith and I thank you for trying to save me but I don't want to be insulted or have others insulted because they do not.
              I have simple solution for you. Press the cross in the upper right corner of the window (or left corner if you use mac or use sudo killall browsername with LIEnux).

              Romans 1:18 - For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;


              • Re: Does God hate Finland?

                Originally posted by Granyaski View Post
                Much like how I do not believe the world will end tomorrow.
                Are you talking about Camping's Rapture Fail? We don't belive in that anyone knows when the rapture will happen, only the Lord!

                Proverbs 14:1

                Every wise woman buildeth her house:
                but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.


                • Re: Does God hate Finland?

                  You are pretty sad people.

                  I posted some answers to you and what do you know,,,,they were deleted

                  now why does god hate America:

                  America Persecutes the Saints of God.
                  Mar 26, 2008 -- The 15th Anniversary of the Vintage Massacre! 15 years ago, in a conspiracy between members of the police, media, city government, and a crooked lawyer/judge/strip joint owner/bloody jew, america sought to silence WBC by beating her members bloody on the sidewalks outside the Vintage Restaurant in Topeka. Every day since (not most every day, not every day except bad weather, not most days... but EVERY DAY), WBC has stood on those same sidewalks to remind you of your crimes and hatred, and that God will avenge our blood, which cries to him from that ground (Gen 4:10). June 22, 1993 the corrupt law enforcement known as the Shawnee County Sheriff’s Department along with the lawless District Attorney set it upon themselves to persecute the WBC by raiding their church property. They knew full good and well that there was NO criminal activity taking place, the only reason they participated in that raid was to STOP the word of God from being preached. They failed as will everyone else who try to stop God. His arm is not shortened and He will retaliate!
                  August 20, 1995 the children of Satan set a pipe bomb off outside the house of WBC members. The Lord knows how to protect His own from violent attacks by you brute beasts. We know how you satanic freaks roll, you’re not happy unless you are attempting to kill the Lord’s prophets. John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
                  August 2, 2008 – The lawless doomed americans once again attempt to silence the saints by trying to burn down the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. All of you depraved souls need to be warned that you are dealing with the wrong God. He is the One who holds the breath of life in His hand, He is the One whom vengeance belongeth, He is the One that will repay you to your face (Romans 12:19). You will reap what you have sown (Galatians 6:7)!
                  We say THANK GOD for ALL the persecutions that we gladly endure for the service of our King.
                  Matthew 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

                  Chew this

                  And check your facts

                  Finland never had Eskimos.

                  During Finlands independent there has been 1 civil war but no massacre.

                  And cranky old man should keep his mouth shut if he cant argue with reason. Besides i truly feel sorry for you if you really have sex with your relatives. I hope someone cuts of your genitals.


                  • Re: Does God hate Finland?

                    Originally posted by FINMAN View Post
                    You are pretty sad people.
                    I am sorry little Eskimo, but you are mistaken. We are not sad, we are happy.

                    Anyway, what this liberal group known as WBC has to do with anything?


                    • Re: Does God hate Finland?

                      Originally posted by Account View Post
                      A funny JOKE:

                      A Finn and a Baptist was arguing:
                      The Baptist: I'll bet what's in my head that the world is flat.
                      The Finn: And I'll bet what's in my pockets that the world is round.
                      The Baptist: But your pockets are empty!
                      The Finn: Then our bets are equal.

                      Moral of the story: Don't make a bet with a Finn, he'll welsh!


                      • Re: Does God hate Finland?

                        I do believe he was refering to the other form of the adjective 'sad'.


                        • Re: Does God hate Finland?

                          Originally posted by Granyaski View Post
                          I do believe
                          You believe in lot of stuff don't you? Why don't you believe in God? Why do you hate baby Jesus?


                          • Re: Does God hate Finland?

                            Who ever said he hated Jesus? I doubt he really does. He's actually said himself that he has no problem with people practicing their religion or faith.


                            • Re: Does God hate Finland?

                              Originally posted by computernerd View Post
                              Who ever said he hated Jesus? I doubt he really does. He's actually said himself that he has no problem with people practicing their religion or faith.
                              He did. He said he don't follow the bible. So maybe you should not talk about matters you have no idea about. You just insulted him by calling him a liar.


                              • Re: Does God hate Finland?

                                I did? When did I call him a liar?

                                Also, just FYI, I'm a Christian myself. And I was raised in a Christian home for my entire life; I'm not all-knowing, but I do think I know a little bit of what I'm talking about

