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  • "Progressive" taxes - UNFAIR to the POOR!

    Reposted from here - http://libertychristianpatriot.blogs...r-to-poor.html

    It's a known matter of FACT that so-called "progressive" taxes are UNFAIR to the rich. By WORKING HARD, the wealthy are PUNISHED by being forced to give up a bigger percentage of their OWN MONEY to the government so that LAZY welfare queens can get their crystal meth and the ride down to purchase it paid for by DECENT CITIZENS.
    But what LIEberals don't quite get is that "progressive" taxes are also unfair to the POOR! Can you imagine finishing a tough day of cooking freedom fries or a long night of cleaning toilets only to be told by the IRS that sorry, your money is NO GOOD!
    Those in our society who aren't as well off as the people who work that much harder to get into a higher tax bracket have DIGNITY! By not taxing them EQUALLY, the government is GOOSESTEPPING all over that dignity! Sure, they have jobs, but to treat them like this is DEMEANING to them as PEOPLE!
    Just as abolishing the minimum wage would give the poor a sense of SELF-RESPECT AND ACCOMPLISHMENT, scrapping "progressive" taxes would also help them feel that they are CONTRIBUTING TO AMERICA.
    Then there is the matter of INCENTIVE. These lucky duckies who don't have to pay ANY tax get to enjoy EVERY PENNY they earn, so why should they put in the effort to try to make more? This is what SOCIALISM does! IT DESTROYS INCENTIVE!
    It also takes away empathy. If someone isn't paying taxes, they aren't going to care about electing people into public office who will work to cut taxes. TAX RELIEF is a VITAL issue, yet we are created HEARTLESS AND SELFISH ingrates who will USE government services paid for the sweat of the brow of their betters! Do you know how many poor folk I've been seeing at Tea Party rallies? VERY FEW! How can they get the message that we're Taxed Enough Already if they're not being fairly taxed?
    If LIEberals TRULY CARED about the poor, they would be DEMANDING that they pay their FAIR SHARE of taxes! But then DemocRATs wouldn't have anyone to BRIBE FOR VOTES, would they?
    Posted via Prayer

    1 Timothy 2:13-15 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
    Bearing my husband's heirs and being SAVED!

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  • #2
    Re: "Progressive" taxes - UNFAIR to the POOR!

    Why yes. The best thing to do for the poor is to make them more poor.


    • #3
      Re: "Progressive" taxes - UNFAIR to the POOR!

      Originally posted by Callisto View Post
      Why yes. The best thing to do for the poor is to make them more poor.
      Why do you want to make it harder for poor people to get into Heaven? What do you have against the poor?
      O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames of summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring Thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it--for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amen.

      God being truth, justice, goodness, beauty, power, and life, man is falsehood, iniquity, evil, ugliness, impotence, and death. God being master, man is the slave. Incapable of finding justice, truth, and eternal life by his own effort, he can attain them only through a divine revelation... he who desires to worship God must harbor no childish illusions about the matter, but bravely renounce his liberty and humanity.


      • #4
        Re: "Progressive" taxes - UNFAIR to the POOR!

        Bless you, Sister. You certainly have a very good grasp on economics and justice, especially for a woman.


        • #5
          Re: "Progressive" taxes - UNFAIR to the POOR!

          Originally posted by Callisto View Post
          Why yes. The best thing to do for the poor is to make them more poor.
          Maybe if we stop rewarding the poor for failure with free lunches they wouldn't chose to be poor. The people who are taxed the most should earn the least, that way people will be chose to be rich.

          Think what a great society it would be if everyone was in the top 10% of earners?

          Time to reclaim our FREEDOM from the “Mullah in Chief” and his growing activist voter hoards of socialists, communists, anti-Semites, anti-Christians, atheists, radical gays and lesbians, feminists, illegal immigrants, Muslims, anti-Anglo whites and others.

          Hot Must ReadThreads!

          Time to come clean on Benghazi Mr Obama!


          • #6
            Re: "Progressive" taxes - UNFAIR to the POOR!

            Originally posted by Bobby-Joe View Post
            Maybe if we stop rewarding the poor for failure with free lunches they wouldn't chose to be poor. The people who are taxed the most should earn the least, that way people will be chose to be rich.

            Think what a great society it would be if everyone was in the top 10% of earners?
            Feeding the poor free food is an epic fail. If the doors to all the food banks were padlocked, they’d be forced to make better choices, join the bleached white collar sector and shoot for the highest tax bracket possible. Then again, I’m only just learning. My aspirations are set on wedding a True Christian with immense wealth, where taxes will be a non-issue.


            • #7
              Re: "Progressive" taxes - UNFAIR to the POOR!

              Originally posted by Choir Girl View Post
              Feeding the poor free food is an epic fail. If the doors to all the food banks were padlocked, they’d be forced to make better choices, join the bleached white collar sector and shoot for the highest tax bracket possible. Then again, I’m only just learning. My aspirations are set on wedding a True Christian with immense wealth, where taxes will be a non-issue.
              Amen sister! When the darkie steals a plasma TV and sells it for ten dollars, does he buy food or crack cocaine? Why would I want to enable his life of sin with free food at my expense? If he is truly hungry, there is plenty of protein in any inner city dumpster.

              Praise Jesus Christ!
              Matthew 19:14 "But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."



              • #8
                Re: "Progressive" taxes - UNFAIR to the POOR!

                It is truly amazing how the mainstream liberal media has duped poor people into expecting a handout and to slovenly suck at the teet of Big Government!! And so-called "progressive" (another word for commie-liberal) taxes are just another part of their scheme to get voters to throw away their future by expanding government into every corner of our lives. Can't these lazy poor people see that we're doing them a FAVOR in the long run? It may seem like tough love, because it is--- not too dissimilar from the loving spiteful wrath of God almighty.


                • #9
                  Re: "Progressive" taxes - UNFAIR to the POOR!

                  The important thing to remember here is what Jesus said about the poor:

                  11 "For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always."

                  - Matthew 26:11
                  Any socialist scheme that tries to thwart the will of Jesus mocks the Bible (KJV1611) and the Holy Word. Hypocritical liberals like Nancy Pelosi that talk about the "Word" and then enact legislation that redistributes income are going to wind up in a Lake of Fire.

                  Even the scientists recognize the Word of Jesus concerning the poor in what they call the "Normal Distribution" (or "Bell Curve"). There will always be those at the bottom (but why the distribution was always Gaussian as opposed to Poisson escaped me - but I digress).
                  Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
                  brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.
                  ...and get off my lawn


                  • #10
                    Re: "Progressive" taxes - UNFAIR to the POOR!

                    Originally posted by WilliamJenningsBryan View Post
                    The important thing to remember here is what Jesus said about the poor:

                    Any socialist scheme that tries to thwart the will of Jesus mocks the Bible (KJV1611) and the Holy Word. Hypocritical liberals like Nancy Pelosi that talk about the "Word" and then enact legislation that redistributes income are going to wind up in a Lake of Fire.
                    Why in the world would any God serving woman feel she was welcome in a place like goverment? Nancy [and all her kind] give those of us wanting to servre only Him a bad rap. She discusses me. The only stand I will take is to reach the top shelf in the kitchen.


                    • #11
                      Re: "Progressive" taxes - UNFAIR to the POOR!

                      I have always felt that if we taxed the blazes out of the poor we would have a lot less poverty.

                      Take the money incentive out of it and people will quit doing it.
                      Jud 1:15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are unGodly among them of all their unGodly deeds which they have unGodly committed, and of all their hard [speeches] which unGodly sinners have spoken against him.


                      • #12
                        Re: "Progressive" taxes - UNFAIR to the POOR!

                        Originally posted by Oakland "Reb" Griner View Post
                        I have always felt that if we taxed the blazes out of the poor we would have a lot less poverty.

                        Take the money incentive out of it and people will quit doing it.
                        What poverty? The so-called "poor" have money to burn! From The Joo York Times:

                        [...]The problem is that the exceptional philanthropy of the superwealthy few doesn’t apply to the many more people defined as rich in the current debate over the Bush tax cuts — individuals earning over $200,000 and couples with revenues over $250,000. For decades, surveys have shown that upper-income Americans don’t give away as much of their money as they might and are particularly undistinguished as givers when compared with the poor, who are strikingly generous. A number of other studies have shown that lower-income Americans give proportionally more of their incomes to charity than do upper-income Americans.

                        In 2001, Independent Sector, a nonprofit organization focused on charitable giving, found that households earning less than $25,000 a year gave away an average of 4.2 percent of their incomes; those with earnings of more than $75,000 gave away 2.7 percent. [...]
                        You, know, it's quite obvious that the wealthy cannot compete with the poor: the wealthy have a certain lifestyle to maintain, and what a terrible struggle it must be. The greedy, selfish poor -- who don't have much in the way of a "lifestyle" to finance anyway -- ought to be donating their money to the wealthy! Not only would it be an act of Christian charity, it might just instill within them compassion; compassion for those who must endure the burden of wealth.
                        True Christians are Perfect!

                        Signs that you belong to a FALSE Christian Church.

                        Persecution You Have Endured for CHRIST: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger in Christ.

                        For True Christians™ only: please send me Project Habakkuk updates at gertruderogers@landoverbaptist.net. Thank you.


                        • #13
                          Re: "Progressive" taxes - UNFAIR to the POOR!

                          Originally posted by Choir Girl View Post
                          Why in the world would any God serving woman feel she was welcome in a place like goverment? Nancy [and all her kind] give those of us wanting to servre only Him a bad rap. She discusses me. The only stand I will take is to reach the top shelf in the kitchen.
                          It was bound to happen, Sister. The slippery slope started when women got the vote. Then driving cars, opening their yaps in the church, wearing pants, burning bras and all that tomfoolery.

                          We'll turn it all around when Brother Limbaugh sits in the Oval Office
                          Matthew 19:14 "But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."



                          • #14
                            Re: "Progressive" taxes - UNFAIR to the POOR!

                            Originally posted by Brother Harold Porter View Post
                            It was bound to happen, Sister. The slippery slope started when women got the vote. Then driving cars, opening their yaps in the church, wearing pants, burning bras and all that tomfoolery.

                            We'll turn it all around when Brother Limbaugh sits in the Oval Office
                            Brother Harold, I am blushing Dollars to doughnuts the women who burned their undergarments are no doubt secretly chaffing all the way to the Wal-Mart undie department. I would guess only the old Wal-Mart greeters know for sure just who was sneaking in the back door to fetch the last of the dusty Playtex Cross Your Heats.


                            • #15
                              Re: "Progressive" taxes - UNFAIR to the POOR!

                              Originally posted by Oakland "Reb" Griner View Post
                              I have always felt that if we taxed the blazes out of the poor we would have a lot less poverty.

                              Take the money incentive out of it and people will quit doing it.
                              It's always amazed me that the LIEberals are quick to enact "sin" taxes on things they don't feel people should be doing - things like smoking and drinking, or using "excessive" carbon. Their whole idea is if you "tax" it you will get less of it. The same thing is true with poverty, if you want less of it you will tax it. Conversely, if you want to encourage something desirable you give "tax breaks" - things like home ownership is a case in point.

                              George W. Bush had the right idea with his tax breaks for the wealthy, lower taxes and you get more wealthy - the very thing the LIEberals detest, not to mention increasing income disparity (which is mainly the result of eliminating taxes on the poor - lower taxes on the poor and you get more poor).

                              The poor need to have an incentive to work and get into higher income brackets where they will be taxed less.
                              Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
                              brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.
                              ...and get off my lawn

