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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: Tolerance

    For a moment there I thought you were going to say FSO. A little while ago I was obliged to borrow one of these, the alternative being too dreadful to contemplate. In many respects, however, its precision and that of Azrael Jackson have rather a lot in common. The following review highlights some of them.

    Answers on a postcard to the usual address:
    Azrael Jackson

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  • Brother Gonzalez
    Re: Tolerance

    Originally posted by Azrael Jackson View Post
    Two things:

    One: In most European countries, the word 'love' is simply used in the same context as 'sir' or 'buddy'.

    Two: Don't forget, the original biblical scriptures were the Gutenberg Bible, not the KJB.
    What's the KJB? A communist mix of the Holy Bible and the KGB?

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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: Tolerance

    Just for clarification, are you saying that there wasn't any Bible prior to the 4th century?

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  • Azrael Jackson
    Re: Tolerance

    Originally posted by Basilissa View Post
    And why would we care about this, sweetie? This is America.

    I'm just trying to clarify.

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  • Basilissa
    Re: Tolerance

    Originally posted by Azrael Jackson View Post
    Two things:

    One: In most European countries, the word 'love' is simply used in the same context as 'sir' or 'buddy'.
    And why would we care about this, sweetie? This is America.
    Two: Don't forget, the original biblical scriptures were the Gutenberg Bible, not the KJB.
    Vulgate (which is the Bible translation published by Gutenberg) is not the original.

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  • Azrael Jackson
    Re: Tolerance

    Originally posted by Pastor Isaac Peters View Post
    First, I think you should stop calling me "love" unless you mean it in Christian love, which I doubt. Second, I think that it is you who are intolerant of Jesus. What did He ever do to you, other than provide a way for you to escape eternal damnation? Almighty God temporarily sacrificed Himself to Himself to avert His own wrath, and He did it all so that you could be saved. Does that mean nothing to you?
    Two things:

    One: In most European countries, the word 'love' is simply used in the same context as 'sir' or 'buddy'.

    Two: Don't forget, the original biblical scriptures were the Gutenberg Bible, not the KJB.

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  • Talitha
    Re: Tolerance

    Originally posted by Rev. M. Rodimer View Post
    His silence is deafening, Sister.

    He doesn't even know that "turning the other cheek" is an act of defiance and non-violent resistance to authority, as anyone with any grounding in Biblical scholarship (say, someone claiming to be a Papist priest like him) should know.

    He can't comprehend that someone striking you on the right cheek must have backhanded you, as a man strikes a slave; turning the left cheek also to him would require him to strike forehand, as a man strikes an equal.

    Why do these imbeciles show up claiming theological backgrounds when they have never even so much as read the Bible itself?

    Lamentations 3:27-29

    He has no answer. There is no answer other than that which God has chosen to give us.
    He cannot argue with The Word of God.

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  • ExGay Alex
    Re: Tolerance

    Originally posted by Samuel Coleridge View Post
    I suppose you believe it is you who will be saved and they will go to hell? How very judgmental of you.

    I believe in a very large heaven where even the Landovarians will go there. My only hope is they aren't my neighbors.
    Don't worry, we won't be your neighbors. You'll see us from the pit of Hell you are roasting in, and when you are being sodomized by demons remember your behavior on this forum.

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  • Samuel Coleridge
    Re: Tolerance

    Originally posted by Father_Jason_Christ View Post
    When the day comes we shall see who truly are the faithful to our lord in thought and deed.
    I suppose you believe it is you who will be saved and they will go to hell? How very judgmental of you.

    I believe in a very large heaven where even the Landovarians will go there. My only hope is they aren't my neighbors.

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  • Rev. M. Rodimer
    Re: Tolerance

    Originally posted by Talitha View Post
    We have no interest in your personal opinions.
    If you have something to say, please back it up with Scripture explaining why we are wrong.
    His silence is deafening, Sister.

    He doesn't even know that "turning the other cheek" is an act of defiance and non-violent resistance to authority, as anyone with any grounding in Biblical scholarship (say, someone claiming to be a Papist priest like him) should know.

    He can't comprehend that someone striking you on the right cheek must have backhanded you, as a man strikes a slave; turning the left cheek also to him would require him to strike forehand, as a man strikes an equal.

    Why do these imbeciles show up claiming theological backgrounds when they have never even so much as read the Bible itself?

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  • Talitha
    Re: Tolerance

    Originally posted by Father_Jason_Christ View Post
    This site is about saving People from damnation?
    Explain to me how this is executed?
    In all my years of preaching i have never seen such futile attempts as on this site this is nothing more than a finger held high in ignorance to our lord and savior!
    I have talked to god myself and hardly anything that is said here has been backed up. What happened to turning the other cheek? The Lord will come and then HE and ONLY HE will judge it is not up to us to accuse others of being or doing that is his Lords work.
    You are nothing but a smudge of his creation he does not care more about your rich pompous thoughts.
    When the day comes we shall see who truly are the faithful to our lord in thought and deed.
    We have no interest in your personal opinions.
    If you have something to say, please back it up with Scripture explaining why we are wrong.

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  • Father_Jason_Christ
    Re: Tolerance

    This site is about saving People from damnation?
    Explain to me how this is executed?
    In all my years of preaching i have never seen such futile attempts as on this site this is nothing more than a finger held high in ignorance to our lord and savior!
    I have talked to god myself and hardly anything that is said here has been backed up. What happened to turning the other cheek? The Lord will come and then HE and ONLY HE will judge it is not up to us to accuse others of being or doing that is his Lords work.
    You are nothing but a smudge of his creation he does not care more about your rich pompous thoughts.
    When the day comes we shall see who truly are the faithful to our lord in thought and deed.

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  • ExGay Alex
    Re: Tolerance

    Originally posted by Nachodemon View Post
    And yes, I have read all of it, my apologies, I was misinformed on the quote, but it still stands that the bible never commanded judgement, just did not condone it.

    Did you know Bestiality wasn't condoned in some American States until 4 years ago? It's one of those things you just don't do, same with judging other humans. For it is not our place to judge.
    Your statement might make more sense if you were to look up the definition of the word "condone."

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  • BelieverInGod
    Re: Tolerance

    Originally posted by cristiano View Post
    This is why i am here to learn more about the bible! but all i get is rude comments and then a female trying to preach, she must be put in her place and let the men discuss the teaching. But everyone likes to argue with me
    Would you like me to put my 10-year-old online? I'm sure he could teach you a thing or two.

    Perhaps you should look up women in the Bible, try researching:

    • Deborah, a woman who was set up as a Judge by God.
    • Tamar, who humbled her own father-in-law
    • Ruth, loyal to the end
    • Esther, saved a king and all of the Jewish people in Persia.
    • Mary and Elizabeth, cousins that were blessed by God
    • Tabitha
    • Priscilla taught right along with Paul

    Try learning what scripture means before you start spewing your garbage all over our forums.

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  • Oliver Brendan Hayve
    Re: Tolerance

    Originally posted by cristiano View Post
    This is why i am here to learn more about the bible! but all i get is rude comments and then a female trying to preach, she must be put in her place and let the men discuss the teaching. But everyone likes to argue with me
    They're arguing with you because you apparently know next to nothing about your own religion.

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