Originally posted by agnesaliencat
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, as it's basically saying "I brought you into this world, and now I get to choose who you love".
Who said "love"?. Maybe we just want our grandchildren to be safe marrying our daughters to good Christian men. That is LOVE. The fact that your child loves or not their spouses is a modern concept, the same modernity that brought atomic bombs and AIDS. I prefer to stick to God.
Is that how children's rights work?
Children do not have any "rights". In fact, no one has them.
If you are theist, then your God gfave you your rights, they do not belong to you and they are limited to what your God wants.
If you are atheist, then you know "having" rights is BS. You have what you have earnt; you have to earn your rights. Tell a Saudi they have the right to free speech, or a French they have the right to defend their ground and not surrender for a change. Hint: they don't.
Not just that, but if you force a child to go through pregnancy and childbirth, you better be prepared for the possible complications (ie. be able to take them to hospital etc), because pregnancy and childbirth can both kill, and the chance of that happening is far higher if the pregnant parent is a child.
Define child. And please, find facts in history, like the age of pregnancy in the middle ages and how humanity survived your apocalyptic prophecy.
That also makes you a hypocrite, as you condemn homosexuality because it can cause injuries
We don't condem homosexuality, God does. Yes, He. We just pass the messenger, don't get mad at us.
(all forms of sex can, by the way), but yet you're okay with children being raped even though you know full well that the injuries that said child can sustain could actually result in them needing surgery or even dying due to massive internal bleeding, and that's not including childbirth which can cause deadly infections to occur aswell as labor-related complications.
What kind of sex are you watching in your atheist porn marathons? Sex is only for procreation with minimal contact. But again, define child, because a 14 yo is not the same as 6 yo.
And that's your God's will?
Something something mysterious ways. Yes.
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