Ever wondered how the liberal media gets those numbers on whoever has died in this or that war? And have you wondered if anyone questions the reliability of these epidemiologists and statisticians and such?
Well, let's look at a current example of two bodycounters: a Medical Journal called The Lancet, and a polling firm called "O.R.B."
For the liberal bias of The Lancet, just remember that these are most likely germunists (supporters of the Germ Theory, and enemies of the Intelligent Healing Theory).
As for ORB, on one hand it has been hired by Margaret Thatcher, but on the other hand it's also been hired by Ronald Reagan, whose Vice-President was George Bush Sr., who opposed the occupation of Iraq. Proof that ORB has an anti-Iraqi-liberation bias.
Which means a lot, since they just published a report on how many Iraqis have died due to the occupation of Iraq.
Here's how The Lancet does its bodycounting:
So using these methods, what did they find?
Now on to ORB, which more recently used similar methods to give us this:
So, with these obviously unreliable numbers to debunk, how do we get the real ones? It turns out nobody in the US government has been keeping track. Luckily, we have do have a very reliable way of getting the true numbers, right here at our fingertips:
Okay, so let's round the real number to 10,000. With the liberal holohoaxers claiming about 1,000,000, that's a thousand-fold exageration.
This allows us to calculate the true number of Jews killed in the Holocaust. The statasticians say it's 6,000,000, which means the true number is actually 60,000.
The same amount of Americans are killed in car accidents every year.
Yet you don't see the hollywood liberals making movies like "Ford's List" or "Mercede's Diary" or whatever.
No doubt these same flawed statistical methods are also used to exagerate the number of people killed by smoking, guns, and other all-American things the Judeo-Socialist culture warriors hate.
Well, let's look at a current example of two bodycounters: a Medical Journal called The Lancet, and a polling firm called "O.R.B."
For the liberal bias of The Lancet, just remember that these are most likely germunists (supporters of the Germ Theory, and enemies of the Intelligent Healing Theory).
As for ORB, on one hand it has been hired by Margaret Thatcher, but on the other hand it's also been hired by Ronald Reagan, whose Vice-President was George Bush Sr., who opposed the occupation of Iraq. Proof that ORB has an anti-Iraqi-liberation bias.
Which means a lot, since they just published a report on how many Iraqis have died due to the occupation of Iraq.
Here's how The Lancet does its bodycounting:
"The survey was conducted between May 20 and July 10 [2006] by eight Iraqi physicians organized through Mustansiriya University in Baghdad. They visited 1,849 randomly selected households that had an average of seven members each. One person in each household was asked about deaths in the 14 months before the invasion and in the period after. The interviewers asked for death certificates 87 percent of the time; when they did, more than 90 percent of households produced certificates."
"We estimate that between March 18, 2003, and June, 2006, an additional 654,965 (392,979–942,636) Iraqis have died above what would have been expected on the basis of the pre-invasion crude mortality rate as a consequence of the coalition invasion. Of these deaths, we estimate that 601,027 (426,369–793,663) were due to violence."
Americans were asked in an AP poll conducted earlier this year how many Iraqi civilians they thought had been killed as a result of the invasion and occupation, and the median answer they gave was 9,890.
This allows us to calculate the true number of Jews killed in the Holocaust. The statasticians say it's 6,000,000, which means the true number is actually 60,000.
The same amount of Americans are killed in car accidents every year.
Yet you don't see the hollywood liberals making movies like "Ford's List" or "Mercede's Diary" or whatever.
No doubt these same flawed statistical methods are also used to exagerate the number of people killed by smoking, guns, and other all-American things the Judeo-Socialist culture warriors hate.