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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by RoccoSiegheili View Post
    No Asatru , Rodnovery, Romuva ect?

    Those are the best "false religions"
    We're actually looking for THE WORST false religions.

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  • RoccoSiegheili
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    No Asatru , Rodnovery, Romuva ect?

    Those are the best "false religions"

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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    We've already covered Carl with a C. Please try to keep up. Perhaps some more Swiss music is necessary?

    Now will you accept Christ?

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  • Didymus Much
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by Mandemulus View Post
    All religions are bad.This is because all religions are false other then the one of the true lord[hint hint it's not that anorexic middle eastern man]Karl.
    It's Carl, with a C.

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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by Mandemulus View Post
    All religions are bad.This is because all religions are false other then the one of the true lord[hint hint it's not that anorexic middle eastern man]Karl.
    Karl? Is that the new crackpot religion?

    Landover is not based on "religion(s)" but on simple historical facts. Maybe you're thinking of Carl Jung – but he's not middle eastern. He's Swiss. Here's some Swiss music.

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  • Roland
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by Mandemulus View Post
    All religions are bad.This is because all religions are false other then the one of the true lord[hint hint it's not that anorexic middle eastern man]Karl.
    Who are you? Would you care to introduce yourself?

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  • Mandemulus
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    All religions are bad.This is because all religions are false other then the one of the true lord[hint hint it's not that anorexic middle eastern man]Karl.

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  • Dennis Lukes
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by Toidel Mahoney View Post
    French Canadian bottom sissy
    I didn't know Justin Trudeau was a YouTube personality or that he was a member of the Russian Orthodox false church.

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  • Toidel Mahoney
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    What about those bearded Russian faggots who like to talk about our Savior but the truth is not in them! They are now poisoning the souls of 'Muricans because of one French Canadian bottom sissy on YouTube who doesn't even deserve to be named.

    You know who I'm talking about! At least that Tchaikovsky gave himself cholera for being a faggot. He could have turned to Christ but he thought he already had Him.

    Yes, the dangerous false religion that call themselves "The Orthodox." They say they were the true church of the apostles but true Christians know John the Baptist was a Baptist!

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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Having to chose which faith should go away first is very hard, since if one disappears, who knows what could happen
    The ones you've listed will all disappear at the same time, quite soon now as Jesus predicted. There seems to be some confusion regarding the Hare Krishna cult. Jesus did in fact create the universe. You can read about in John 1:1-17.

    I'm not clear what you mean by "protestants" - for example are so-called "non-conformists" included?

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  • Romeo Rovagnati
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    I don't remember which option i have voted. Anyway, the choice is very hard.
    • Catholics: Well, i am a Catholic Priest and it would be very hard for me to chose that. As for actual "Mary worship" i would include the Catholics who believe post-John XXIII Church is evil while claiming that Our Lady is God.
    • Jews: It also depends. Some of them may be good for Christianity even without converting it. I mean, Dennis Prager is an example: he loves Conservatism, God-fearing Christians, Christmas, the Middle Ages. Unfortunately, he also loves money more than Jesus, something that will not save him from Heaven.
    • Buddhists and Hindus: While they have different purpose, the core belief is the one that it will take us many lives to actually stop this costant cycle of life death and reincarnation. As for the doctrines themselves, too much blabbling to the point that the head of any Christian who try to understand it explodes.
    • Non-Baptists: Well, considering that both the argument of "Apostolic succession" and "we are older" are not relevant, i guess only Indipendent Baptist Churches that follow the Bible 100% are worth following. The rest of them have no problem considering themselves "Protestants" (wethever Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran, Calvinist ecc.) while forgetting that their God was there before the Catholic Church was founded.
    • Devil worshippers: I would definitely stay away from them, before they turn me into a frog.
    • Muslims: We may agree on some terms (such as Homosexuality, Abortion, ecc.) but i cannot stand the fact that they keep telling me to not eat salami.
    • Deus Vult: They won't stay there forever, therefore God will surely get rid of all of them one day (in the most merciful and brutal way, of course).
    • Hare Krishna: This is a cult originated in Hinduism, however it differs from it in many ways. I cannot understant how they believe that this Krishna created the world when he came later and is supposed to be an incarnation of Vishnu. Wouldn't it be like if Christians suddently declared that Jesus created the world even before The Father was born?
    • Psychologists: They steal believers from the church, pretending to listening them while confusing them. A confession is 100% better.
    • Economists: Not interested in politics, sorry. Money should be spent for the Church or Christian-related activities.
    • Obamaism: He surely isn't a Messiah, let alone the Biblical Antichrist. Shouldn't his cult be dead by this point, considering that he can't be president of the United States anymore? Oh, wait, he still has cultists in other parts of the world.
    • Pastafarians: They may be fools, but atleast they are honest enough to say that they don't believe it (unlike some other superstitions who believes in talking animals and such). They will become credible only when they manage to form a real pirate crew and sail the sea while hailing the carbs.
    • Scientologists: Isn't it funny that the founder claimed that religion is harmful while conveniently creating one with the purpose of evading taxes? It makes me wonder if Xenu is supposed to be a mockery of Jesus.
    • Mormons: I'll give them credit, since they created a rip-off of the Catholic Church, replacing Saints with Gods that rules other planets, while at the same time claiming that the Bible has been "modified" by the other Churches. Yet, i cannot take seriously the one who wrote their Book of Mormon, considering that he also wrote many fairy tales. Imagine if the entire Pentateuch was actually written as some sort of joke and we all claimed it was true. Thankfully, it has been proven otherwise.
    Having to chose which faith should go away first is very hard, since if one disappears, who knows what could happen.

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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by AkiraK View Post
    why do you hate non-baptist christians? just curious
    Not all non-Baptists are Christians. New Guinea cannibals for instance are not Baptists and are not Christians either. Perhaps my outlook is too liberal, yet missionaries in the darkest islands report that a savage can come to Jesus without there being any Church at all. Is he a Christian? Well, YES if he accepts what Jesus taught and follows His commandments. Ideally he'd get out of the jungle to avoid being eaten if for no other reason, and then he enters PHASE TWO. Finding a congregation for fellowship.
    Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

    That means somewhere following what Jesus taught and accepting His commandments. A single ex-cannibal on cannibal island is probably not a Baptist. But we know he's a Christian. When he finds a congregation it will almost certainly be a Baptist Church BUT until he does find that, he may well attend somewhere else, "No," he may think, "This is not what The Bible teaches."

    Most so-called denominations do not follow The Bible, reject what Jesus taught and laugh outright at His commandments. Therefore they are not Christians.

    How do you identify a Christian?

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  • Mary Etheldreda
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by AkiraK View Post
    why do you hate non-baptist christians? just curious
    I don't hate anyone, dear. Jesus does (Revelation 3:16), and so why would I put my heart out for those destined for eternal torture? That would be so sad to me and Jesus doesn't want me sad. He loves me.

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  • Des
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by AkiraK View Post
    why do you hate non-baptist christians? just curious

    Because they lure people away from the TRUE faith and straight into Satan's waiting arms.

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  • AkiraK
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    why do you hate non-baptist christians? just curious

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