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  • Didymus Much
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by Chance Morris View Post
    Proud "Boodist" here...
    Is why you aren't.

    ...Would just like to tell y'all that my religion Promotes Peace and understanding between all man and not this disgusting hill billery racism you are all promoting.

    Awesome job so far.

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  • Chance Morris
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by Roland View Post
    Hi Morris,

    In the previous post you mentioned you were a "Boodist¨. You have shown not to be a Buddhist merely by your behaviour. Please be so kind not to frame this argument to make me seem like someone with a dislike of people who actualy live by the teachings of Buddha.

    With caution,

    My sincere apologies, I hope we can both find common ground in the future. For future reference, call me Chance or "Soda" not Morris

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  • Roland
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by Chance Morris View Post
    I have actually had the pleasure of visiting Brussels. Very Historic city riddled with beautiful monuments. Oh btw Molenbeek is a muslim neighborhood not a buddhist one. Now go spread some peace in Stockholm, will ya?
    Hi Morris,

    In the previous post you mentioned you were a "Boodist¨. You have shown not to be a Buddhist merely by your behaviour. Please be so kind not to frame this argument to make me seem like someone with a dislike of people who actualy live by the teachings of Buddha.

    With caution,


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  • Chance Morris
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by Roland View Post
    Have you visited Molenbeek, Brussel lately?
    I have actually had the pleasure of visiting Brussels. Very Historic city riddled with beautiful monuments. Oh btw Molenbeek is a muslim neighborhood not a buddhist one. Now go spread some peace in Stockholm, will ya?

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  • Roland
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by Chance Morris View Post
    Proud "Boodist" here

    Would just like to tell y'all that my religion Promotes Peace and understanding between all man and not this disgusting hill billery racism you are all promoting.
    Have you visited Molenbeek, Brussel lately?

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  • Chance Morris
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Proud "Boodist" here

    Would just like to tell y'all that my religion Promotes Peace and understanding between all man and not this disgusting hill billery racism you are all promoting.

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  • Alvin Moss
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by The Questioner View Post
    how about Baptists
    You joined this forum 16 months ago and waited all this time to make a comment. After more than a year, this is the best you can come up with?

    This is only a three word sentence, but you have failed to capitalize the first word and there is no punctuation. What are you, some kind of idiot or what?

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  • Didymus Much
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by The Questioner View Post
    how about Baptists
    Of the 1539 posts in this thread before yours, about 500 have been that exact, very lame joke.

    You never get a second chance at making a good first impression.

    Grats on blowing yours. :slowclap:

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  • The Questioner
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by Brother Temperance View Post
    I've added Mudslimes, if that's who you were thinking of... any others?
    how about Baptists

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  • John Carpenter
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Muslims are the worst because they are activly trying to kill us and bring down America. They're even worse than the satan worshippers.

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  • Back against wall
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by buffaloBuodousquie View Post
    I have faith that because I have accepted the divine light of Christ into my life
    Hello Buffy. You say you have found Jesus but we are yet to witness anything that resembles this. Sister Basilissa has already suggested asked that you toddle off over to the Introduction Forum and follow the guides on how to introduce yourself.
    Theres a good girl.

    Brother BAW

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  • buffaloBuodousquie
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    i don't have to research into them, its becoming a big part of the culture here. They are constantly in the news and constantly throwing events around town, I run into members wearing their memorabilia everywhere I go. They have an event space/"art gallery"/ temple literally right around the corner from me and its starting to creep me out. I have faith that because I have accepted the divine light of Christ into my life that I will be saved, but I worry for the vulnerable people in my community being duped by these people and their crooked ways.

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  • Basilissa
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by buffaloBuodousquie View Post
    Chewbacchus is a Mardi Gras Parading organization in New Orleans that has officially changed its tax status to that of a Religious organization. They claim to worship a mashup between Bacchus and the Star Wars character Chewbaccha. They have a prayer book, prayers, a false idol they have erected and parade with. They have a shrine where they prey and do rituals involving a sensory deprivation chamber. These guys are seriously troubled and they keep recruiting huge numbers of people. They've only been around for a few years and they have estimated numbers around 3k people. They are a bunch of druggy cosplay nerds promoting idolatry in public streets in New Orleans. People bring there kids to see this and think its innocent, though they have no clue whats going on. They just had a giant festival where they burned a giant effigy of their false god.

    please spread the word of this dangerous organization...
    Hello, dear, and to our Godly forum!

    I believe you might need to spend less time researching heathen religions, and more time reading the Holy Bible.

    Please drop by the Introduction Forum and create a thread to introduce yourself, and please do follow the directions!

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  • buffaloBuodousquie
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Chewbacchus is a Mardi Gras Parading organization in New Orleans that has officially changed its tax status to that of a Religious organization. They claim to worship a mashup between Bacchus and the Star Wars character Chewbaccha. They have a prayer book, prayers, a false idol they have erected and parade with. They have a shrine where they prey and do rituals involving a sensory deprivation chamber. These guys are seriously troubled and they keep recruiting huge numbers of people. They've only been around for a few years and they have estimated numbers around 3k people. They are a bunch of druggy cosplay nerds promoting idolatry in public streets in New Orleans. People bring there kids to see this and think its innocent, though they have no clue whats going on. They just had a giant festival where they burned a giant effigy of their false god.

    please spread the word of this dangerous organization...

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  • Roland
    Re: POLL: The Worst False Religion?

    Originally posted by buffaloBuodousquie View Post
    how was that a link to pornographic material? excuse my ignorance.
    The Christians™ here are easily aroused. They want you to be saved. I am pretty sure most of the men in the congregation are just waiting to fill you with the Huge Love of Jesus.

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