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  • #16

    We get to relocate ALL of the illegals back to the bottom half and we turn the LAND into oceanfront resorts, oil fields, amusement parks, prisons and factories. We hire the locals at half the cost of good labor and we sit back and enjoy knowing Jesus has more elbow room.
    Making American the official language and Baptist the official religion would be the right thing to do.
    God bless America, the Second Amendment and the Constitution. God bless the United States Marine Corps and all who fight for Jesus in third world cess pools. God bless the GOP and all they stand for, Truth, Honesty and the American people. God bless Landover Baptist Church and all True Christians™ the world over. Curses to our Muslim President, his failure is our Salvation.


    • #17

      The US would have very little to stop its military from simply wiping the Mexican military off the map. It would be a horrific latino bloodbath and the Mexicalis would face certain annihilation at the hands of A Few Good Men.
      The Mexican military would fall within a week or so. Their Navy wouldn't last the the first week before they were either all sunk or so badly damaged they no longer pose a threat. I figure if America can manage to stifle the burrito supply then Mexico would be ours for the taking.
      God bless America, the Second Amendment and the Constitution. God bless the United States Marine Corps and all who fight for Jesus in third world cess pools. God bless the GOP and all they stand for, Truth, Honesty and the American people. God bless Landover Baptist Church and all True Christians™ the world over. Curses to our Muslim President, his failure is our Salvation.


      • #18
        Re: ANNEX MEXICO!

        Originally posted by Alphonse Alban View Post
        That is very good idea. It would make the south border security much easier too.
        Now it is just way too long, but if the border would be moved just little bit south, it becomes much shorter.
        I think it would be a mistake not to continue further south than your map suggested. Don't forget that the most narrow part of the continent is where America once built a canal and it would be nice resecuring it for the future, and to make sure it never again gets under control of the savage Cathlics.

        I am sure that hell has a very fine spot reserved for Carter who abandoned the canal to the heathens in the Torrijos-Carter Treaties.
        Revelation 22:13-14


        • #19
          Re: ANNEX MEXICO!

          Jimmy Carter was and is a disgusting treasonous scumbag. The logical way to solve the border security problem is to reduce the border to a manageable size. Then populate it with the military Berlin style. That was the best border on the planet, outdated and unrealistic so Reagan made that fat slob Gorbachev take a hammer and tear it down personally.
          God bless America, the Second Amendment and the Constitution. God bless the United States Marine Corps and all who fight for Jesus in third world cess pools. God bless the GOP and all they stand for, Truth, Honesty and the American people. God bless Landover Baptist Church and all True Christians™ the world over. Curses to our Muslim President, his failure is our Salvation.


          • #20
            Re: ANNEX MEXICO!

            Originally posted by Marshall View Post
            The US would have very little to stop its military from simply wiping the Mexican military off the map. It would be a horrific latino bloodbath and the Mexicalis would face certain annihilation at the hands of A Few Good Men.
            The Mexican military would fall within a week or so. Their Navy wouldn't last the the first week before they were either all sunk or so badly damaged they no longer pose a threat. I figure if America can manage to stifle the burrito supply then Mexico would be ours for the taking.
            A Few Good Men . . . that was a good movie.


            • #21
              Re: ANNEX MEXICO!

              It means the USMC. Nicholson is a Hollyweird homosexual Jew and should have never been cast in a military role.
              God bless America, the Second Amendment and the Constitution. God bless the United States Marine Corps and all who fight for Jesus in third world cess pools. God bless the GOP and all they stand for, Truth, Honesty and the American people. God bless Landover Baptist Church and all True Christians™ the world over. Curses to our Muslim President, his failure is our Salvation.


              • #22
                Re: ANNEX MEXICO!

                Originally posted by Marshall View Post
                It means the USMC. Nicholson is a Hollyweird homosexual Jew and should have never been cast in a military role.
                Then just say Marines.


                • #23
                  Re: ANNEX MEXICO!

                  Dont tell me what to do! I was gutting Islamists before you were born and until you've been forced to shoot a Haji off your bayonet then you have no traction here.

                  Obviously shortening the border makes it easier to guard and defend. Obviously MORE land is better than LESS land. Less Mexicans are better than more Mexicans.
                  God bless America, the Second Amendment and the Constitution. God bless the United States Marine Corps and all who fight for Jesus in third world cess pools. God bless the GOP and all they stand for, Truth, Honesty and the American people. God bless Landover Baptist Church and all True Christians™ the world over. Curses to our Muslim President, his failure is our Salvation.


                  • #24
                    Re: ANNEX MEXICO!

                    Originally posted by Marshall View Post
                    Dont tell me what to do! I was gutting Islamists before you were born and until you've been forced to shoot a Haji off your bayonet then you have no traction here.

                    Obviously shortening the border makes it easier to guard and defend. Obviously MORE land is better than LESS land. Less Mexicans are better than more Mexicans.
                    I am not debating shortening the border, but I am saying that invading Mexico is a waste of time and money. We just had one war. We currently have one underway. Do you really think its a good idea to have another one?

                    Second, I wasn't telling what to do. I was telling you what to say.

                    Guess what, I don't care about Islamists. Gut as many as you want because I don't care. Also, WTF is a Haji? Enlighten us plebeians, Marshall.


                    • #25
                      Re: ANNEX MEXICO!

                      First of all a "war" with Mexico would be a zero loss victory. Have you ever met a Mexican? It would cost no more than the ammo and gas used to drive to Mexico City, then the cost of the US flag raised above their capital. Sounds worth it to me. Waste of money? I dont think so, have you ever been to Cancun? So yes I do think it would be a good idea, a great one in fact. Theres gold in Mexico too. Surely you dont think they import gold for all those buckles and teeth! Silver is plentiful and did I mention the entire Gulf of Bush? We would control 100% of the oil there! Gas prices would go down.
                      God bless America, the Second Amendment and the Constitution. God bless the United States Marine Corps and all who fight for Jesus in third world cess pools. God bless the GOP and all they stand for, Truth, Honesty and the American people. God bless Landover Baptist Church and all True Christians™ the world over. Curses to our Muslim President, his failure is our Salvation.


                      • #26
                        Re: ANNEX MEXICO!

                        I think it would be a low loss victory, but not a 0 loss. We would take no casualties from the mexican military, have you ever seen a toilet seat after a mexican uses it? They can't aim! We would however be bound to have a few casualties from vehicle mishaps, and if the army were to be sent in with the USMC there'd undoubtedly be some friendly fire casualties. Even Army dogs get a lucky shot on occassion.


                        • #27
                          Re: ANNEX MEXICO!

                          Originally posted by Beyondthesmegma View Post
                          "Confidence born out of ignorance. My mind, incapable of understanding."
                          Your new slogan?
                          2) Weird babbling is what you know as Spanish.
                          No, Spanish is what we know as weird babbling.

                          3) The US took Texas . . . justly so. But then they unjustly took California, Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico.
                          Conquest isn't "unjustly taking".

                          Now realize invading Mexico would not only contribute to the debt crisis, but it would also fail and be a waste of time.
                          Yes, because the terrified Mexicans would despise it if Americans liberated them from the drug lords who execute their elected leaders. Do you know anything at all about the level of corruption and violence in Mexico?

                          On 12 January 2011, the Mexican government unveiled a new database giving a total of 34,612 people killed over the past four years. This total included suspected drug gang members, members of the security forces as those considered innoncent bystanders. The total was a jump of some 4,000 on the previous total. The new list showed that 2010 was the bloodiest year so far, with 15,273 drug-related murders. Government officials have stressed that the vast majority of those killed are linked to the illegal drugs trade.
                          4) There is NOTHING in Mexico. Just lots of desert and rainforest.
                          Yes, nothing at all.
                          Located atop three tectonic plates (North American, Pacific and Cocos Plates), Mexico is one of the most geologically active regions of Earth. This has resulted in a varied topography, which includes the three Sierra Madre mountain ranges, the Mexican Altiplano (or Central Mexican Plateau) and the flat lands of the Yucatan Peninsula. Also, The Tropic of Cancer (23° 26' 22'' N) effectively divides the country into northern temperate and southern subtropical zones. Due to the combination of its climate, topography and extensive territory (1,972,550 square kilometers or 761,606 square miles, ranked 14th largest worldwide) Mexico is rich in natural resources:

                          Minerals: The mining sector was dominated by hydrocarbons, with some of the world's largest deposits of petroleum (17th) and natural gas (18th). Mexico is also ranked in the top 5 producers of silver (13% of world production), bismuth (20% of the world's total), celestite (7% of world output) and fluorspar (18% of world output); sixth in molybdenum; among the top 10 in barite, bentonite, arsenic, diatomite, graphite, cadmium, gypsum, mine lead, manganese ore, salt, sulfur, and mine zinc; and in the top 15 in mine copper, cement, gold, and crude steel (second largest producer in Latin America).

                          Fishing: With 9,330 kilometers (5,798 miles) of coast along the Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, fishery is very extensive in Mexico with a total catch of 1.02 million tonnes for 2007, accounting for 1.4% of the world's production and ranking at the 17th position.

                          Agriculture: This economic activity is another important area. Main crops include corn (ranked 4th worldwide), sorghum (4th), and beans (5th). Mexico is also a major producer and exporter of fruits, vegetables and other agricultural products, being among the top 10 producers of avocado, cacao, coffee, lemon, mango, orange, tomato, sugarcane, honey and banana. Mexico also has the climatic conditions which allow the production and export of cattle, pigs, goats and sheep.

                          Forestry: 39% of the Mexican territory is composed of forests and woodland. This includes scrub, oak and pine forests, low jungles and tall deciduous forests, combined with mangroves, marshes, and savannas. These forests are commonly used for providing timber - however wood production costs are 35-40% higher due to topography - as well as ecological and wildlife reserves and untapped pharmaceutical stores due to Mexico being a megadiverse country (see related questions).

                          Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_Mexico's_natural_resources#ixzz1JLa4ubIR
                          The only thing I hate more than a politically-correct libertard is a know-nothing-know-it-all.

                          I do object to fully annexing Mexico, Brother Marshall.

                          Imagine millions of Mexicans suddenly able to vote in American elections! They are socialists, you know. And refuse to learn to speak American.

                          No, we should make Mexico a territory. Require them to get their act together under American rule for a couple of generations, then consider adding them to the United States. Much like the European Union does.
                          Bible boring? Nonsense!
                          Try Bible in a Year with Brother V, or join Shirlee and the kids as they discuss Real Bible Stories!
                          You can't be a Christian if you don't know God's Word!


                          • #28
                            Re: ANNEX MEXICO!

                            Originally posted by Rev. M. Rodimer View Post
                            Imagine millions of Mexicans suddenly able to vote in American elections! They are socialists, you know. And refuse to learn to speak American.

                            No, we should make Mexico a territory. Require them to get their act together under American rule for a couple of generations, then consider adding them to the United States.
                            I think brother Marshal had plans to use USMC to root out those dangerous elements from Mexico. Total trash could be pushed easily further south to those completely useless countries like Argentina and Bangladesh.

                            I was thinking about that territory thing as well, but then again average life span of Messicant is, what, 10-12 years at max. Those bastards breed like rabbits, so generations of then just come and go.

                            Maybe there should be some short fixed transition period, say 50 years, when they would be officially called as Americants and they would have limited rights. Like, they would not be able to vote, but they would have right to pay taxes.


                            • #29
                              Re: ANNEX MEXICO!

                              Originally posted by Alphonse Alban View Post
                              Maybe there should be some short fixed transition period, say 50 years, when they would be officially called as Americants and they would have limited rights. Like, they would not be able to vote, but they would have right to pay taxes.
                              There ya go . . . 50 years of being a territory, or until they become American.
                              Bible boring? Nonsense!
                              Try Bible in a Year with Brother V, or join Shirlee and the kids as they discuss Real Bible Stories!
                              You can't be a Christian if you don't know God's Word!


                              • #30
                                Re: ANNEX MEXICO!

                                Excellent idea!

                                And while you yanks focus your attention south, us Canucks can continue pushing our secret plan to further infiltrate NHL teams into American cities in order to convert and subvert Yanks to our socialist/atheist way of life...

                                Psalm 14:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

