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  • Re: Ask an Ex-Negro

    Mr. LeBeau has inspired me even more to become an ex-sand nigress.

    It will be difficult, but I have faith that I can accomplish it, eventually.


    • Re: Ask an Ex-Negro

      Originally posted by Scheherazade View Post

      Mr. LeBeau has inspired me even more to become an ex-sand nigress.

      It will be difficult, but I have faith that I can accomplish it, eventually.
      Oh it takes some time getting used to something different, but all you have to do it STAND UP FOR JESUS, and say goodbye to your sand-crawling ways
      1st Timothy 2: 9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
      1st Timothy 2: 10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works ...

      1 Timothy 5: 16 If any man or woman that believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged; that it may relieve them that are widows indeed ...

      Proverbs 31: 26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness ...
      Proverbs 31: 27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness ...


      • Re: Ask an Ex-Negro

        i am upset because this thread is still being used here african americans should not be talked about like this because it is racist and discrimination i work at the aclu so i know discrimination when i see it
        remy you have to understand that this thread may be considered hateful and offensive to african americans all over the world the internet is global and this thread could be read in africa where there are a lot of people of color who might be unhappy with what you are writing
        think of their feelings before you post wouldn't it be nice to think about those people smiling instead of crying when they read your words
        this site should be removed because it offends those who choose to have alternative lifestyles and beliefs and that is wrong and discriminatory and i know discrimination when i see it


        • Re: Ask an Ex-Negro

          Dear John,

          Your have totally missed the point. Nobody has a problem with African Americans, European Americans or Asian Americans (except Horoshi). Why even Anarctic Americans are warmly embraced!

          We are talking about American Americans who choose to hip-hop, be-bop, chicken walk, talk da talk, and pick yo lock. Skin color has absolutely nothing to do with it.

          Come climb my mountains.


          • Re: Ask an Ex-Negro

            Originally posted by John Smith View Post
            i am upset because this thread is still being used here african americans should not be talked about like this because it is racist and discrimination i work at the aclu so i know discrimination when i see it
            But do you know a SHIFT key or a proper punctuation mark when you see it?

            What do you do for the ACLU? Are you the janitor?

            By the way, I'm sure you do see much discrimination at the ACLU. The way they treat Christians is appalling!
            remy you have to understand that this thread may be considered hateful and offensive to african americans all over the world the internet is global and this thread could be read in africa where there are a lot of people of color who might be unhappy with what you are writing
            think of their feelings before you post wouldn't it be nice to think about those people smiling instead of crying when they read your words
            This part is a joke, right?

            African-Americans are all over the world? Only those who travel!

            African-American is not a race, simpleton.

            African-American = AMERICAN of African descent. This includes, of course, white people from South Africa and also Semitic types from Egypt, along with Negroes. The only two things these people have in common is ancestry from a particular continent, and a desire not to be full Americans but rather hyphenate themselves.

            Negroes are a race. They have a particular hip-hopping, carjacking, pie-stealing, Kwanzaaing, jazz-musicking, welfare-breeding culture. Some folk, like Mr. LeBeau, give up that culture of death for Landover's Culture of Life in Christ Jesus!

            As a result, they are ex-Negroes, washed pure and white in the Blood of the Lamb!

            Now, won't you give up your Negro-hating ways, and help us to save these poor Children of Ham?
   - Your Christian News Source
            Huckabee/Palin Gingrich 2012 will reclaim America for Christ! PRAISE!

            Christian Ladies:
            Savor your separation in style at the Monthly Visitor!


            • Re: Ask an Ex-Negro

              Originally posted by Scheherazade View Post
              Mr. LeBeau has inspired me even more to become an ex-sand nigress.

              It will be difficult, but I have faith that I can accomplish it, eventually.
              If you'd like I could pull some strings to get you an acceptance into the Ex-Negro Academy Ex-Nigress Campus. You towel heads are always coming over to God's country through that student VISA program. Granted, it is usually your dirty hashish smoking males who just want to have sex with white women, drink american beer, pretend to be eye-talians, and go to strip clubs; which they aren't allowed in whatever sand traps they come from. Then they take airplane lessons and fly into our financial buildings because apparently there aren't enough joos to kill on their side of the world.

              They allow for women to be educated in Iran, correct? It doesn't matter anyway. I am a very wealthy man and I have connections in various corners of the world. I could have you smuggled into the United States if you wish. Once in Freehold I'll see to it that you get the proper education that a nigress(sand or jungle) deserves. You might even become white. You persian sandies are just as "white" as any eye-talian. The only difference is that eye-talians claim to be christians and you folk claim to be mudslims. God knows there are no white mudslims. We normally refer to "white mudslims" as confused or brainwashed when a they get it in their confused brainwashed heads that islamania is a real religion.

              But first things first. How do I even know you aren't a man underneath that veil? I've heard that in Afghanistan the islamazoids are dressing like women in order to not get shot. Also boys dress like women all the time terrorist countries; some at bachelor/"boy love" parties and some are just sick freaks who act as "wives" to wealthy warlords. I'll need 3 photos for verification.

              Photo #1: No veil. Put one hand to the side of your head, just above the ears, making a "moose anteler" with said hands. Also your, tongue must be sticking out as if you were some punk gothtard teasing a normal human being. (Additional goofy face making exceptable)

              Photo #2: No veil. You must put am article of clothing(preferably a burka) in your mouth and pretend to chew on it like a dog. Make sure it is hanging from your mouth and not covering your face from the lip down.

              Photo #3: Of course, no veil allowed. A picture of yourself making doing a thumbs up with one hand.

              Once you have supplied me with these photos(PM or post on the open forum) we can begin to build trust and I'll see about rescuing you from the vile clutches of Islamomania before our Godly President orders an attack on your terrorist state in his last official act as president on his last day in office.
              Master of Godly Debating

              Latest Conquest:Sacred Heart

              Debate Record
              Currently Undefeated
              Lastest Debates:
              Catholic - Not Christian: Former Altar Boy/Molestation Victim with "Stockholm Syndrome" admits catholicism is false
              James Peter: Idiotic Catholic Retard Thwarted
              Vayhr of the Warhost: Unrepentant wigger struck down.
              Teflon: See the post that nailed him.
              86 Victories
              0 Defeats

              Past Victories (Archive):
              Uppity Atheist Pagan Witch finally keels over and DIES. America Wins Again!!!
              Uppity feeble minded witch needs to be taught how to debate
              Racist Nazi Feminazi Bulldyke CRUSHED in debate


              • Re: Ask an Ex-Negro

                Originally posted by John Smith View Post
                i am upset because this thread is still being used here african americans should not be talked about like this because it is racist and discrimination i work at the aclu so i know discrimination when i see it
                remy you have to understand that this thread may be considered hateful and offensive to african americans all over the world the internet is global and this thread could be read in africa where there are a lot of people of color who might be unhappy with what you are writing
                think of their feelings before you post wouldn't it be nice to think about those people smiling instead of crying when they read your words
                So now the TRUTH is horrifying to African Negroidials? They don't even have souls, much less internet access. There is no electricity in The Bush nor jungle canopies of the Congo. They are still living in mud huts and rely on witch doctors. These "people" don't feel emotion like we do.

                And I'm sorry for trying to celebrate nigra history month. Yeah, I know this "colored heritage" thing is a load of crap seeing as heritage requires culture and culture requires civilization and civilization requires intellect and intellect requires both a soul and the acceptance of Jesus as your Lord and Savior. SO THERE!!! Are you happy now you racist bastard?!?! Our janitors, gardeners, drivers, garbage men, cooks, maids, etc have been working their big standup butts off and I felt it was high time we did something for them. If you ALCU clowns have something against Colored History Month then take it up with the NAACP.

                The real travesty here is you complete lack of punctutation or capitalization. Your bigotry toward punctutation and capital letters is just as unacceptable as your hatred for coloreds.
                Master of Godly Debating

                Latest Conquest:Sacred Heart

                Debate Record
                Currently Undefeated
                Lastest Debates:
                Catholic - Not Christian: Former Altar Boy/Molestation Victim with "Stockholm Syndrome" admits catholicism is false
                James Peter: Idiotic Catholic Retard Thwarted
                Vayhr of the Warhost: Unrepentant wigger struck down.
                Teflon: See the post that nailed him.
                86 Victories
                0 Defeats

                Past Victories (Archive):
                Uppity Atheist Pagan Witch finally keels over and DIES. America Wins Again!!!
                Uppity feeble minded witch needs to be taught how to debate
                Racist Nazi Feminazi Bulldyke CRUSHED in debate


                • Re: Ask an Ex-Negro

                  I am ashamed of my carelessness. My family, though they've eased up on the threats, has taken it into their own hands to isolate me from my own camera.

                  I have the same photo I've posted before saved, but it is from sometime last year, sadly.

                  I will attempt to relocate my camera and take those pictures, but I am unsure if I will be able to do so.

                  I fear that these circumstances will prevent my soul from any salvation.....


                  • Re: Ask an Ex-Negro

                    Brother Remy, why not make a simple contractual agreement with Miss S?

                    If she arrives in Landover and is found to be male, we simply make her into a Eunuch for Jesus.

                    If she's female, then she has nothing to fear. If instead she's a man trying to pull the burqa over our eyes, he will become gender-neutral.

                    No anaesthetic, of course.

                    That seems much more respectful than treating her like one of those 419 scammer scum.

           - Your Christian News Source
                    Huckabee/Palin Gingrich 2012 will reclaim America for Christ! PRAISE!

                    Christian Ladies:
                    Savor your separation in style at the Monthly Visitor!


                    • Re: Ask an Ex-Negro

                      I can understand your suspicions, but isn't believing me to be male a little too much?


                      • Re: Ask an Ex-Negro

                        Look here black Shmoo, nobody wants to see whats under your shame tent so keep your breasts and genitalia away from Remy. He's come a long way from Godless carjacking negro to the testament of the Lords Mercy that you see posting here. He doesn't need the distraction of unwrapping an Islamic burrito only to find extra meat instead of extra cheese if you catch my drift. The mans got the Lords work to do.
                        God bless America, the Second Amendment and the Constitution. God bless the United States Marine Corps and all who fight for Jesus in third world cess pools. God bless the GOP and all they stand for, Truth, Honesty and the American people. God bless Landover Baptist Church and all True Christians™ the world over. Curses to our Muslim President, his failure is our Salvation.


                        • Re: Ask an Ex-Negro

                          What arguments are there to defend this suspicion of me being a young man, as opposed to a young woman?

                          I fail to see it, but I may be disillusioned due to my area of residence.


                          • Re: Ask an Ex-Negro

                            Originally posted by Scheherazade View Post
                            What arguments are there to defend this suspicion of me being a young man, as opposed to a young woman?

                            I fail to see it, but I may be disillusioned due to my area of residence.
                            There's the whole "you admitted to being a man born with female curves" thing, dear.

                            Pretending it didn't happen doesn't make it go away.
                   - Your Christian News Source
                            Huckabee/Palin Gingrich 2012 will reclaim America for Christ! PRAISE!

                            Christian Ladies:
                            Savor your separation in style at the Monthly Visitor!


                            • Re: Ask an Ex-Negro

                              Dearest Brother Remy - do black people only look at pornography, or are they able to read as well?
                              The devil, whose business is to pervert the truth, mimics the exact circumstance of the Divine Sacraments. He baptises his believers and promises forgiveness of sins...he celebrates the oblation of bread, and brings in the symbol of the resurrection. Let us therefore acknowledge the craftiness of the devil, who copied certain things of those that be divine."
                              Tertullian (155-222 AD) from The Prescription Against Heretics' Ch XL


                              • Re: Ask an Ex-Negro

                                Originally posted by Scheherazade View Post
                                What arguments are there to defend this suspicion of me being a young man, as opposed to a young woman?

                                I fail to see it, but I may be disillusioned due to my area of residence.
                                It has come to my attention that you are a hermaphadite. Hmmm, I don't know if any True Christian men would be willing to gamble their immortal souls to the torments of eternal Hellfire by rolling the dice with you no matter how pretty you are. And there would be that looming threat of you entering their poop shoot while they sleep.

                                First and foremost, you're going to have to get either that tallywhacker removed or become the prettiest man in Freehold. The choice is yours. But is there really a choice? Who would actually choose to be an simple minded woman?

                                Originally posted by Brother Guy View Post
                                Dearest Brother Remy - do black people only look at pornography, or are they able to read as well?
                                Seeing that, among negroidials, all the black as midnight tar colored "people" typical live in the deepest darkest jungles of the Congo... I'd say no, they can't read nor do they look at porn. In those dark savage jungle the negroidial are true primordial beastmen who don't use porn like civilized sinners. When they get the "urge" and no females are present to rape they just rape some hapless chimpanzee or the females just bend over and present their standup bottoms to the first silverback they see. It's a very stark contrast to their more tamed cousins because as you know the tamed negroidial needs to shave an orangutan to commit abominations with it so that it at least looks like your typical female negroidial, but the black negroidial of the dark places does his debauchery with fury unshaven critters.
                                Master of Godly Debating

                                Latest Conquest:Sacred Heart

                                Debate Record
                                Currently Undefeated
                                Lastest Debates:
                                Catholic - Not Christian: Former Altar Boy/Molestation Victim with "Stockholm Syndrome" admits catholicism is false
                                James Peter: Idiotic Catholic Retard Thwarted
                                Vayhr of the Warhost: Unrepentant wigger struck down.
                                Teflon: See the post that nailed him.
                                86 Victories
                                0 Defeats

                                Past Victories (Archive):
                                Uppity Atheist Pagan Witch finally keels over and DIES. America Wins Again!!!
                                Uppity feeble minded witch needs to be taught how to debate
                                Racist Nazi Feminazi Bulldyke CRUSHED in debate

