I would like to ask all the Bible-believing Christians here to pray for a little 12 year old boy in my congregation called Ajani. He comes from good family stock, his father is a very honest man, he tithes generously and is the church accountant
. But unfortunately this little boy went out meddling with ouija boards last Saturday, and since then he has not been the same.
Since this day he has been seen reading a pornographic magazine, and whenupon his father reprimanded him, the spoke back and SWORE A CURSE WORD at his parents.
His mother and father are lost for what to do, and they brought him to me this morning.
Upon examination, I have found evidence that he is possessed by at least one demon, probably more. I have told his parents to bring him round to my house tonight after dark, and there I shall assemble the church elders. We will pray over the child and drive the demon out in the name of Jesus Christ
All indications are this will be a tough one, the demon seems very stubborn indeed, and has caused this good and Godly family much heartache. Please remember us in prayer.

Since this day he has been seen reading a pornographic magazine, and whenupon his father reprimanded him, the spoke back and SWORE A CURSE WORD at his parents.

Upon examination, I have found evidence that he is possessed by at least one demon, probably more. I have told his parents to bring him round to my house tonight after dark, and there I shall assemble the church elders. We will pray over the child and drive the demon out in the name of Jesus Christ

All indications are this will be a tough one, the demon seems very stubborn indeed, and has caused this good and Godly family much heartache. Please remember us in prayer.