I live in a mixed, godforsaken ghetto (I imagine somewhere next to the Valley of Death) where sin runs rampant, so once or twice a week I hear my neighbor starts to roar at the top of his lungs, very angry with his wife (or "girlfriend" - you never know) in between thumps so hard that I can hear them a wall and a floor away. When I don't hear the sound of his knuckles hitting her body, I hear what must be her body being hit against the floor. During six months now, my concern for his wife has increased. To my knowledge she has never raised her voice against her husband even once, so she must be so possessed by demons that she no longer feels pain or human emotions. I can't imagine why this man still allows her to live, or at least why he doesn't just leave her.
I wish I could offer them both more direct help, but I don't even know which of my neighbors it is, and I'm kind of afraid what would happen to me if she decided to harm me in one of those dire times when I have to leave my protected shelter, so I put my faith in the power of prayer, to cure this woman of her evil ways, and I ask for your help to join me.
I wish I could offer them both more direct help, but I don't even know which of my neighbors it is, and I'm kind of afraid what would happen to me if she decided to harm me in one of those dire times when I have to leave my protected shelter, so I put my faith in the power of prayer, to cure this woman of her evil ways, and I ask for your help to join me.