Dear Friends,

Unfortunately, many historical figures with whom we True Christians(tm) differ pass on before we can engage them in constructive dialogue. One such person is Martin Luther King, Junior. Thankfully, based on direct quotes from Dr. King's body of work, we have been able to reconstruct how such an exchange would go.

Therefore, I present to you:


BAB: "Dr. King, thank you for joining me for this conversation."

MLK: "Lawz, ol' Martin ain't no doctor -- I'ze jus' a kindly ol' Tom who do go on!" Strength to Love, introduction, p. ii.

BAB: "But you do realize that everyone calls you Doctor King? Is that just a fraud on your part?"

MLK: "I supposition dat about the one time I stepped in a dawg's turd -- welladay, ebber since den all dem pickaninnies be callin' me Dawg-Turd Martin and dont it stick!" Strength to Love, introduction, p. ii-iii.

BAB: "Martin, I think the state of black leadership in the nation today is deplorable. The demand for equal opportunity has given way to a culture of complaint and victimization. Any defense of the movement you kickstarted?"

MLK: "Las' thing Negros find nessitacious iz a buncha high yallers think they better'n white folk. Al-a-us gotta hole on for white folk let'n us boat when dey good an' ready." The Trumpet of Conscience, p. 67.

BAB: "Really? people interested in boating?"

MLK: "Shucks, I dun meant VOTE... Lawdy, ol' Martin can't rightly think straight widda pie whiftin' in the breeze from yonder winda!" The Trumpet of Conscience, p. 68.

BAB: "Tell me, since we seem to be surprisingly on the same page, is there any respect in which you're proud of what the civil rights movement has accomplished since your death?"

MLK: "[N]o." Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech.

BAB: "Do you see any reason at all that the country shouldn't just let the States go back to Jim Crow laws as they see fit?"

MLK: "[N]o." Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech.

BAB: "Thank you Martin, this has been a real eye-opening conversation. Any last words?"

MLK: "When Tater says he'z a gwine to take dat watermelon, I done tol' him mebbe Jesus be peepin' from Hev'm, an' he better don't." Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?, p. 5.

BAB: "Amen!"

Yours in Him,