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  • #16
    Re: President Teaches Us Why Wind Energy is a Hoax

    He isn't wrong, but it does work and is a cleaner alternative for energy. Perhaps if the windmills were placed at higher points where wind blows harder and longer it would work better, the trick is getting it all set up at a higher points such as mountains.


    • #17
      Re: President Teaches Us Why Wind Energy is a Hoax

      Not only is wind energy unreliable, it is dangerous. We learned from the President last week the noise from wind generators causes cancer.

      The President, of course, has advisers who are the top people in their field. Since they report to him he would be the first to learn about this health hazard. He immediately passed it on to the public. We can all be grateful we have a President watching over our health:

      Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


      • #18
        Re: President Teaches Us Why Wind Energy is a Hoax

        Originally posted by Scoutman03 View Post
        He isn't wrong, but it does work and is a cleaner alternative for energy. Perhaps if the windmills were placed at higher points where wind blows harder and longer it would work better, the trick is getting it all set up at a higher points such as mountains.
        Idiot. If wind really worked, why did airplanes stop using propellers and now only use jet engines - powered by gasoline, fracking and coal?
        If I have seen further, it is by standing on the heads of others.


        • #19
          Re: President Teaches Us Why Wind Energy is a Hoax

          Originally posted by Dr. Anthony J. Toole View Post
          Idiot. If wind really worked, why did airplanes stop using propellers and now only use jet engines - powered by gasoline, fracking and coal?
          Good point, Dr Toole. Also, re the post above yours, if the answer were to put wind farms on higher points such as mountains, how come the so-called experts put them offshore, in the sea? Could it be because wind speeds tend to be higher and steadier offshore than on land? Or maybe it's just a way of reducing the seagull population - a VERY good thing.
          Vaccinated by the love of Jesus!!!


          • #20
            Re: President Teaches Us Why Wind Energy is a Hoax

            Originally posted by crazyjack13 View Post
            I would hope to see our God-appointed President's ideas on Solar, as well. No doubt he is intelligent enough to see that the panels will sap energy from the sun, putting it in danger of going out entirely.Of course, all our Lord would have to do then would be to make a new one, but why go through the hassle in the first place?
            Not to mention that they're ugly. Covering your house in mirrors isn't just an afront to God, it's an affront to human decency and traffic safety!
            Imagine the look on those liberals' faces when they get sued for their 'clean' energy causing a fatal crash! Energy can't be clean when you have the blood of True-Christian™ pedestrians on your hands.
            Why do all this when the usual methods have been working so well for centuries, without any negative reprocussions? Going against the natural order like this is just spitting in the face of Christ himself!
            Um... no. Solar energy doesn't sap energy from the sun. It simply absorbs the light that the sun makes, similarly to how plants photosynthesize, and then uses the heat that light generates and converts it into energy. Not to mention, the Sun will only go out once it runs out of chemicals to burn, and solar panels aren't absorbing those chemicals; along with the fact that our little disc of life is too far away from the Sun to directly absorb the chemicals.


            • #21
              Re: President Teaches Us Why Wind Energy is a Hoax

              Originally posted by James Hutchins View Post
              Now, I am not a Biblical scholar or a scientist, I only have a Masters in organic chemistry. However, this wind faem hockun should be an obvious hoax to anyone.

              The wind is invisible. How can nothing do something?
              These giant fans are plugged in. Did it ever occur to anyone that the electricity makes them turn like the ceiling fans on my porch, thus making the wind?

              I've driven by these places and sometimes, even on windy days, they are not spinning. Just like when you go to the county fair, long lines of people at the Ferris wheel and it is not turning. Just like having a Church full of people does not make them Christians. You have live by the Holy Bible to get to the Truth!
              That's not how wind turbines work. Wind turbines generate energy, they don't use it. When wind blows on one, it turns the mill. This turning action of the blades makes the rod in the center turn, causing friction that is used to create energy. Also, while the wind might not blow at all times, it does blow more often than naught in certain locations like Kansas; the reason why is because Kansas is mainly flat plains, with no mountains or hills to block the wind, allowing the wind to blow more.


              • #22
                Re: President Teaches Us Why Wind Energy is a Hoax

                Originally posted by Azrael Jackson View Post
                That's not how wind turbines work. Wind turbines generate energy, they don't use it.
                Sure, sure. Something for nothing. Socialists think when the government provides food it doesn't cost anyone anything. You and the other wind whackos are buying into the same false narrative.

                And, what about airplanes? Those blades could reach up and strike an airplane. Let's think a little about safety instead of socialism here.
                Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


                • #23
                  Re: President Teaches Us Why Wind Energy is a Hoax

                  Originally posted by Johny Joe Hold View Post
                  Sure, sure. Something for nothing. Socialists think when the government provides food it doesn't cost anyone anything. You and the other wind whackos are buying into the same false narrative.

                  And, what about airplanes? Those blades could reach up and strike an airplane. Let's think a little about safety instead of socialism here.
                  Windmills don't extend into the jet stream. If a plane was flying that low, then the pilot would not be flying properly. Also, as I explained, the turbines don't move on their own. The wind is caught by the blades which causes them to turn, generating the friction that is used to create energy. They're turned the same way as the little wind direction compasses some people have on their property, or those little fans with the plastic handles you buy for your kids to run around with.


                  • #24
                    Re: President Teaches Us Why Wind Energy is a Hoax

                    Originally posted by Azrael Jackson View Post
                    Windmills don't extend into the jet stream. If a plane was flying that low, then the pilot would not be flying properly. Also, as I explained, the turbines don't move on their own. The wind is caught by the blades which causes them to turn, generating the friction that is used to create energy. They're turned the same way as the little wind direction compasses some people have on their property,
                    More fawning socialism. Haven't you heard the old adage, "If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is." It's something for nothing and any rational person will not buy it. Thank goodness our President is a clear thinker.
                    Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


                    • #25
                      Re: President Teaches Us Why Wind Energy is a Hoax

                      Originally posted by Johny Joe Hold View Post
                      More fawning socialism. Haven't you heard the old adage, "If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is." It's something for nothing and any rational person will not buy it. Thank goodness our President is a clear thinker.
                      I know how they work because I helped my uncle repair one and learned first-hand how they operate. Also, it's not 'something for nothing' as you claim. Making windmills requires material. I'm not a moron.


                      • #26
                        Re: President Teaches Us Why Wind Energy is a Hoax

                        Originally posted by Azrael Jackson View Post
                        Windmills don't extend into the jet stream. If a plane was flying that low, then the pilot would not be flying properly. Also, as I explained, the turbines don't move on their own. The wind is caught by the blades which causes them to turn, generating the friction that is used to create energy. They're turned the same way as the little wind direction compasses some people have on their property, or those little fans with the plastic handles you buy for your kids to run around with.
                        So far as I know, the only "energy" friction generates is heat - and "heat" contributes to Globull Warming.
                        Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
                        brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.
                        ...and get off my lawn


                        • #27
                          Re: President Teaches Us Why Wind Energy is a Hoax

                          Originally posted by WilliamJenningsBryan View Post
                          So far as I know, the only "energy" friction generates is heat - and "heat" contributes to Globull Warming.
                          1: You spelled 'Global' wrong.

                          2: Global Warming isn't caused by simple heat. If that were the case, we'd already be dead because of the existence of the sun. Global Warming is a phenomenon that has occurred several times throughout history, however, the problem with it now is that it's happening at a much faster rate. Global Warming is caused by certain gases being trapped in the stratosphere before they eventually fall down in the form of precipitation; these gases trap the sunlight in and keep it from leaving for longer periods. This happens all the time, but the reason it's so harmful now is because these gases, such as methane, are being produced at higher rates due to factors such as factories and people burning trash. As such, there is so much of it in the atmosphere that it traps far more heat than normal, causing it to be more catastrophic.


                          • #28
                            Re: President Teaches Us Why Wind Energy is a Hoax

                            Originally posted by Azrael Jackson View Post
                            1: You spelled 'Global' wrong...
                            That's because they don't believe the spherikal spharicle sfericul round like a ball earth heresy round these here parts.

                            If you'd read the Bible, you'd know why.


                            • #29
                              Re: President Teaches Us Why Wind Energy is a Hoax

                              Originally posted by Azrael Jackson View Post
                              2: Global Warming isn't caused by simple heat. If that were the case, we'd already be dead because of the existence of the sun. Global Warming is a phenomenon that has occurred several times throughout history, however, the problem with it now is that it's happening at a much faster rate. Global Warming is caused by certain gases being trapped in the stratosphere before they eventually fall down in the form of precipitation; these gases trap the sunlight in and keep it from leaving for longer periods. This happens all the time, but the reason it's so harmful now is because these gases, such as methane, are being produced at higher rates due to factors such as factories and people burning trash. As such, there is so much of it in the atmosphere that it traps far more heat than normal, causing it to be more catastrophic.
                              Brethren and sisters,

                              Here we can see the perils of self-righteousness. A person simply asserts some scientific-sounding items without bothering to check the facts - even from the secular viewpoint. In addition, the person provides no references for fact-checking. This is very different from us, as we provide Biblical references all the time. My reply is color-coded for the benefit of this person.

                              But I won't bother providing the references either, it is good for those who simply rely on their fallible memories to do some actual data retrieval themselves.
                              • Item: We'd be dead because of the Sun/heat (badly phrased in the citation above so I had to deduce what the person actually meant with the ambiguities). On the contrary, if we only had the Sun to warm us (from the viewpoint of atheist science from now until until told otherwise) the average temperature of the Earth would be significantly below freezing (around 252-254K). We'd not be "dead" because "of the existence of the Sun", we'd not even be here as the Earth would be permanently frozen.
                              • Item: Stratosphere is above the layers responsible for the "trapping of the greenhouse gases". It is actually cooling down. Some water vapor in it contributes to the "global warming" but only by a fraction compared to the lower atmosphere. In fact, the issue is controversial even among the secular community as some recent data indicate how the decrease in the amount of water vapor in the stratosphere might actually slow down the global warming process.
                              • Item: Methane is mostly a biological product, partly produced by ruminant flatulence (hence, the secularists don't want you to eat meat), partly by, e.g., previously formed and trapped methane now leaking from the thawing permafrost (e.g., in Siberia). While intensive livestock husbandry can be called man-made it is still biological. Burning fossil fuels (that obviously have biological origins, as well) does contribute but if you discuss science, please try to avoid the over-simplifications.
                              (Secular viewpoint off from now on) It a person cannot get her secular facts exact and correct, why by J.C. should we trust her when it comes to the actually important, Spiritual, matters? A person reciting these claims may be sincere, but that is no excuse for laziness or inadequate skills to actually check the facts. Regarding both our opposition, the secular science, and our ally, Jesus Christ. I am looking forward to a reply with Repentance but will most probably encounter tu quoque, special pleading, ad misericordiam or a few strawmen spiced with the inevitable "no, but"...

                              1 John 5:9
                              If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son.

                              Yours in Christ,

                              2 Kings 18:25 - Am I now come up without the LORD against this place to destroy it? The LORD said to me, Go up against this land, and destroy it.

                              Check out our Research in Creation Science:


                              • #30
                                Re: President Teaches Us Why Wind Energy is a Hoax

                                Originally posted by Azrael Jackson View Post
                                1: You spelled 'Global' wrong.

                                2: Global Warming isn't caused by simple heat. If that were the case, we'd already be dead because of the existence of the sun. Global Warming is a phenomenon that has occurred several times throughout history, however, the problem with it now is that it's happening at a much faster rate. Global Warming is caused by certain gases being trapped in the stratosphere before they eventually fall down in the form of precipitation; these gases trap the sunlight in and keep it from leaving for longer periods. This happens all the time, but the reason it's so harmful now is because these gases, such as methane, are being produced at higher rates due to factors such as factories and people burning trash. As such, there is so much of it in the atmosphere that it traps far more heat than normal, causing it to be more catastrophic.
                                Son, you need to grow a pair and do your own research instead of listening to some glib flannel mouth female bar tender from the Bronx that is telling everyone that we're all going to be burned to a crisp in 12 years (not to mention that the first woman on earth listened to a talking snake).

                                Below is a chart that "scientists" say is the temperature record of the last 11,000 years (even though we know the earth is only about 6,000 years old) after the last ice age. You can see the time where the Jews were coming out of Egypt to God's "promised land" (the land of "milk and honey") it was warmer than it is now (and the temperature was rising faster than it is now).

                                The same can be said for the Roman period when God sent Jesus to atone for our sins, but then Jesus became increasingly upset with the rise of the cathylick church and cooled things off a bit leading to the fall of the Roman Empire. There was some hope when the Medieval Warm Period came and things improved (but the cathylicks still dominated things). It was only during the Little Ice Age that the King James Bible was written to finally remove the corruption of the Gospel by the cathylicks - and God started to warm things up again, and its been warming ever since.

                                Today we have barely recovered from the Little Ice Age, and the temperature rise rate has not exceeded any record of the past. Indeed, we are all hoping that when the warmth finally returns Jesus will come back - and we still have a bit to go before we reach the temperatures of the Roman period.

                                As an aside, animal (cows and other) farts (methane) have been around a long time, and they do not remain in the atmosphere (a half-life of 7 years).

                                Click image for larger version

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                                Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
                                brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.
                                ...and get off my lawn

