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  • What to do with a billion?

    I am never one to brag, so I doubt many of you know that last September I passed the billion dollar mark. Most of it is in CD's, Treasury Bonds, and T-Notes.

    Now here is my dilemma. While in Dallas for my annual Revival weekend there, I failed to use my GPS and managed to find my way into Arlington. It wasn't long before I was in the worst neighborhood I could imagine. Junk cars lined the streets and paint peeled off of ramshackle houses. The place was filthy, grimy, deplorable. I saw a young buck darkie selling lemonaid, and after glancing around to rule out an ambush, rolled down the window and asked him for directions. I noticed the niglet had scabs and a rash, and out of character for me, asked him what was wrong. He said it was scabies, and he was selling lemonaid in order to purchase medication for it because his mother couldn't afford it.

    I found an exit ramp and hightailed it out of there, my pulse rate dropping out of overdrive as the scenery improved. But I found that I couldn't sleep that night in my suite at the Westin Stonebriar Resort. I kept thinking "Me with one billion dollars, and those poor people living in slums. Children having to work in order to buy medicine their parents can't afford. Nobody should live like that, nobody!"

    So my question to you all is, should I leave my money in these low interest accounts, or should I diversify my portfolio to include mutual and money market funds that yield better interest rates? I know God doesn't ever want me to end up like those Arlington Negroes, so He probably wants me to have a stronger portfolio to act as a buffer against the economy, right?
    Psalm 137:9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.