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  • Moses Did Not Stop Working for 40 Years Because of Free Mana

    A new fellow at the Freehold Senior Center wanted to argue yesterday. He said Moses was a lazy bum and did not work for 40 years because God gave him free food. I was not in the mood to argue so I quickly moved on.

    It is simply not true that Moses loafed for 40 years because God gave him and his people free meals. It is true they did not have to work for 40 years but this was not socialism. The 40 years of free food was a reward from God to Moses for guiding God's people out of Egypt. It was a win-win business deal.

    Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.

  • #2
    Re: Moses Did Not Stop Working for 40 Years Because of Free Mana

    Originally posted by Johny Joe Hold View Post
    A new fellow at the Freehold Senior Center wanted to argue yesterday. He said Moses was a lazy bum and did not work for 40 years because God gave him free food. I was not in the mood to argue so I quickly moved on.

    It is simply not true that Moses loafed for 40 years because God gave him and his people free meals. It is true they did not have to work for 40 years but this was not socialism. The 40 years of free food was a reward from God to Moses for guiding God's people out of Egypt. It was a win-win business deal.

    Some People! What exactly do they think Moses' job was? Bricklayer? Seamstress? Train driver? These are the same morons who say that Pastors don't do anything except charge people to hear whatever it is they're paying to hear (otherwise they'd go somewhere else and pay them instead) whereas, in reality, Pastors (and Moses) have the most important job description there is!

    First of all, God had to get His Chosen People to arrive at His Holy Mountain in time to receive The Ten Commandments – otherwise how would they know right from wrong? Left to their own devices they could have turned up at any old mountain and received laws from devils.
    I Corinthians 10:21 Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.

    Then they had to find The Promised Land. Imagine if they'd taken a wrong turn and finished up in The Yemen or Djibouti? Idols everywhere to this day! Quaffing away at the cup of devils, goodness only knows what temple rites they'd dream up, blasted forever. And God all alone on the correct mountain: “Where are they? Where my people gone?” so sad. Even now, although Redeemed, we are subject to devilish attack (futile attacks, admittedly) but before accepting Christ what guidance did we have? The guidance of Pastors to make sure we understood just as Maose made sure, all those years ago.


    • #3
      Re: Moses Did Not Stop Working for 40 Years Because of Free Mana

      Moses had the world's worst job. He somehow managed to keep tens of thousands of Jews on the righteous path of God--and we all know what complainers the Jews are! The man was a saint.
      The Christian Right: The Only Right Way to Be a Christian!


      • #4
        Re: Moses Did Not Stop Working for 40 Years Because of Free Mana

        Originally posted by WWJDnow View Post
        Moses had the world's worst job. He somehow managed to keep tens of thousands of Jews on the righteous path of God--and we all know what complainers the Jews are! The man was a saint.
        And think about what he was up against. He left to go up the mountain to chat with God. As soon as he was out of sight the Jews started worshipping idols. For 40 years he had to be on constant patrol, condemning idols that must have appeared as soon as his back was turned. He had to patrol constantly. I don't know how he did it. A free meal ticket was barely enough compensation.
        Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


        • #5
          Re: Moses Did Not Stop Working for 40 Years Because of Free Mana

          This whole exchange has me triggered - some people just don't read their Bible (KJV1611) to assert that Moses just sat on his posterior for 40 years.

          First of all, by some estimates there were between 1.5 and 2 million whining Jews that wandered around the desert for 40 years. Sure, the Manna (God's K-rations) was "free" - but then think about the organization. The Manna had to be picked up first, and then think about all the latrines that had to be dug outside of camp to keep away disease - and then the latrines had to be periodically covered up. And then consider the menstra problems that I won't go into.

          Indeed, Moses had to have the skills and workload of a Mayor of a fair sized city in today's context - and without a limo and staff to drive him around to meetings.
          Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
          brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.
          ...and get off my lawn


          • #6
            Re: Moses Did Not Stop Working for 40 Years Because of Free Mana

            Originally posted by WilliamJenningsBryan View Post
            And there was all the livestock. Six hundred thousand men Exodus 12:37 together with, say, two wives each makes eighteen hundred thousand. Children were present but not counted so if each wife has 2 or 3, that's
            600,000 (men) × 2 (average wives)1,200,000
            1⅕ million (wives) × 2½ (children)3,000,000
            in addition to the initial 600,000 men. They are not described as having a few moth-eaten goats or pathetic herd of pygargs. Maybe a giraffe. Quite the reverse – livestock accompanying the Israelites was abundant. Egypt's fertile delta region, fed by the River Nile, is very productive land and The Israelites prevented famine during droughts through better farm management. That's why they were there in the first place, after Joseph saved the day for Pharaoh a few generations back. Another place having a similar population and excellent agricultural land is New Zealand. Sheep outnumber humans about 10 to 1 but recently cattle (dairy) have overtaken sheep and, they have large cities where there are no sheep at all. That is a good comparison, I thought.
            Exodus 12:38 And a mixed multitude went up also with them; and flocks, and herds, even very much cattle.
            That's "very much cattle" by Nile Delta standards so a goodish number, including sheep God would require for sacrifice after The Law was handed down, all of which would need to be kept alive. There weren't even any Levites designated at that stage – but Aaron assisted when he could be bothered to follow God's instructions.

            As far as I'm aware they kept on the move with intermittent semi-permanent camp sites but would have been spread out more than a city such as Aukland. I am not sure about the latrines but there'd be plenty of manure available and the manna went rotten overnight, spontaneously generating worms. Perhaps instead of latrines Moses used worm farms?
            Exodus 16:20-21
            Last edited by MitzaLizalor; 12-11-2022, 09:39 PM.


            • #7
              Re: Moses Did Not Stop Working for 40 Years Because of Free Mana

              Originally posted by MitzaLizalor View Post
              And there was all the livestock.
              in addition to the initial 600,000 men. They are not described as having a few moth-eaten goats or pathetic herd of pygargs. Maybe a giraffe. Quite the reverse – livestock accompanying the Israelites was abundant.
              Exodus 12:38 And a mixed multitude went up also with them; and flocks, and herds, even very much cattle.
              Psalm 28:74 tells us God provided bread and grain. It wouldn't make sense for Him to send down grain and bread if the livestock ate grass and provided meat and milk. God had to feed them all.
              Moses had plenty of work to do. Forty years, men would have forgotten how to farm so Moses had to teach this to all the children. There might have been a million babies born over this long period of time. In addition to this, Moses had to train all the young men about warfare--the Jericho thing was coming up. It must have been difficult to manufacture armament there in the desert but Moses did it.
              Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


              • #8
                Re: Moses Did Not Stop Working for 40 Years Because of Free Mana

                All the evidence suggests Moses was exceptionally gifted at Leadership. He gave speeches and went on retreats to the mountains from whence he brought forth Rules. He most assuredly would have commissioned Wellness™ seminars for the needy and overseen the nomination of supervisors for the delegating advisory committee executives, not to mention his close mentoring of young boys.
                If I have seen further, it is by standing on the heads of others.


                • #9
                  Re: Moses Did Not Stop Working for 40 Years Because of Free Mana

                  Originally posted by Dr. Anthony J. Toole View Post
                  All the evidence suggests Moses was exceptionally gifted at Leadership. He gave speeches and went on retreats to the mountains from whence he brought forth Rules. He most assuredly would have commissioned Wellness™ seminars for the needy and overseen the nomination of supervisors for the delegating advisory committee executives, not to mention his close mentoring of young boys.
                  Wellness™ seminars brings up another responsibility Moses had--the health of four million people. Maybe there were some doctors, but remember the Jews had all been slaves. I think the only source of medical expertise would have been Moses. He was one busy guy.
                  Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


                  • #10
                    Re: Moses Did Not Stop Working for 40 Years Because of Free Mana

                    In fact, why would an holy prophet (now a Saint in Heaven) going on vacantion for this?


                    • #11
                      Re: Moses Did Not Stop Working for 40 Years Because of Free Mana

                      Originally posted by Romeo Rovagnati View Post
                      In fact, why would an holy prophet (now a Saint in Heaven) going on vacantion for this?
                      Are you sure about that? Catholic Heaven must resemble a motel with "rooms by the hour" Moses popping in and out or returning to earth now and then. You will recall that he had a conversation with Jesus Mark 9:4, suggesting that he is not in Heaven after all. Additionally, many saints resurrected at the time of The Crucifixion Matthew 27:52. We know that humans only die once and subsequently face judgement (this happens in God's timeframe obviously so may appear instantaneous to the deceased person) after which Heaven is one option: there is another place for blaspheming heretics: the two realms are separated by a deep chasm as, no communication being possible with us. Your gem-encrusted skeletons and stuffed popes attest to this. If Moses can communicate with Earth, he must not yet have faced The Judgement. If he has not faced The Judgement, how can he be in Heaven?

                      Originally posted by Johny Joe Hold View Post
                      Maybe there were some doctors, but remember the Jews had all been slaves.
                      And high functioning slaves. The first slave was something like a prime minister and speaker of the house rolled into one, overseeing all Pharaoh's business and managing the agricultural sector. That would be like Nancy Pelosi and Angela Merkel at the same time which, I submit, would be quite a handful for any overseer. Except there were millions of them.


                      • #12
                        Re: Moses Did Not Stop Working for 40 Years Because of Free Mana

                        Originally posted by MitzaLizalor View Post
                        And high functioning slaves. The first slave was something like a prime minister and speaker of the house rolled into one, overseeing all Pharaoh's business and managing the agricultural sector. That would be like Nancy Pelosi and Angela Merkel at the same time which, I submit, would be quite a handful for any overseer. Except there were millions of them.

                        I agree Sister Mitza, the meticulous records kept by the Egyptians show people with Jewish names at high levels of responsibility in Egypt prior to the Exodus. Yet, we know from the Bible the Jews were slaves.

                        The explanation has to be Egyptians had an award for some Jews called exJew. It would be just like Landover Baptist's award to some called exNegro.

                        These exJews would have had no reason to follow Moses like the four million who most certainly were enslaved. Maybe some exJews who were chariot drivers and were drowned after they tried to chase Moses through the parted water and Moses cleverly released the water on them.

                        The exJews, I believe, are the reason there are no records of four million leaving Egypt. The Egyptians would have recorded this but obviously these records were destroyed. That would have been done by the exJews who were running things in Egypt and had some sympathy for their enslaved and ill-treated relatives.

                        Moses and the Jewish slaves were clever in so many ways. When Moses parted the waters allowing the slaves and their animals to escape, how did he make the land under all that deep water have a hard surface allowing fast movement of four million people and animals?

                        Then, after the Jews escaped into the desert, they cleverly covered their tracks leaving no trail the Egyptian detectives could follow to catch up to them. Even though they were in the desert for 40 years living off of the grain and mana God dropped for them, no trace of their life there has ever been found. Somewhere there are the remains of a foundry because the Jews had fierce weapons they used in the Battle of Jericho.

                        The current government of Israel has paid archeologists to look for evidence of their heroic ancestors, probably to have a museum tourist attraction to make money. But all this work has come up with nothing. This is because Moses worked hard and was very skilled at leaving no evidence behind.
                        Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


                        • #13
                          Re: Moses Did Not Stop Working for 40 Years Because of Free Mana

                          Those are very interesting comments. Often the archaeologists look for manure, for example to support their claims about dinosaurs. Although I doubt universities have departments of ordure, fairly certainly such fixed locations as ancient latrines would be sought.


                          In that short "how to" demonstration around the 1 minute mark, we're told to fill the latrine in after each use. That sort of fixed site would still be there, just like the dinosaur droppings (admittedly now fossil lumps as shown) suggesting that Moses removed all the dung and they took it with them. I heard excavations had gone down to bedrock. Is any of that correct?


                          • #14
                            Re: Moses Did Not Stop Working for 40 Years Because of Free Mana

                            Originally posted by MitzaLizalor View Post
                            I heard excavations had gone down to bedrock. Is any of that correct?
                            Sister Mitza, there is only one thing we need to know about the liberal archeologists writing up this nonsense that contradicts the Bible. It is their names. They are Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Siberman.

                            We know they are Jews by their names. We know, also, Jews have been lying for 2,000 years. They have denied they killed Jesus.

                            These two archeologists have been digging in the Siani for a long time and report finding no evidence of the Exodus. Why would we believe them when the Bible tells us exactly what happened and why?
                            Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


                            • #15
                              Re: Moses Did Not Stop Working for 40 Years Because of Free Mana

                              Originally posted by Johny Joe Hold View Post
                              nonsense that contradicts the Bible.
                              I had to smile. How would they know where to dig if it wasn't for The Bible?

