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  • #31
    Re: Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept

    Originally posted by Son of Liberty View Post
    Or maybe someone who's got a medical degree and is authorized to make such decisions, such as your local gynecologist
    Jesus is the only physician a True Christian™ woman needs.

    Hello, my name is Mary. I hope to fellowship with you! That is, unless you don't listen to church authority (Deuteronomy 17:12); are a witch (Exodus 22:17); are a homosexual (Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:24-32); or fortuneteller (Leviticus 20:27) or a snotty kid who hits their dad (Exodus 21:15); or curses their parents (Proverbs 20:20; Leviticus 20:9); an adulterer (Leviticus 20:10); a non-Christian (Exodus 22:19; Deuteronomy 13:7-12; Deuteronomy 17:2-5;Romans 1:24-32); an atheist (2 Chronicles 15:12-13); or false prophet (Zechariah 13:3); from the town of one who worships another, false god (Deuteronomy 13:13-19); were a non-virgin bride (Deuteronomy 22:20-21); or blasphemer (Leviticus 24:10-16), as God calls for your execution and will no doubt send you to Hell, and I have no interest developing a friendship with the Spiritually Walking Dead.


    • #32
      Re: Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept

      There's only one thing I know, and that is: God is the only one who knows a person's soul. And just because people's lives don't matter to you all, doesn't mean they don't matter to me. Personally, I find humans to be interesting, unique, and irreplaceable, and I will personally stand to protect them from any who may try to destroy them. If I die, so be it; at least I'll have died doing what I loved, and will go to heaven, or if that happens to not be real, then a void of nothingness like an eternal sleep. I commend my soul to God and the winds of fate. Amen.
      Life is a cage, death is the key, all your drugs are belong to me.

      ... so then I can sell them to braindead lunatics, to get money, to buy guns, to spread capitalism.


      • #33
        Re: Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept

        Originally posted by Blanche_Locke View Post
        There's only one thing I know, and that is: God is the only one who knows a person's soul. And just because people's lives don't matter to you all, doesn't mean they don't matter to me. Personally, I find humans to be interesting, unique, and irreplaceable, and I will personally stand to protect them from any who may try to destroy them. If I die, so be it; at least I'll have died doing what I loved, and will go to heaven, or if that happens to not be real, then a void of nothingness like an eternal sleep. I commend my soul to God and the winds of fate. Amen.
        Yes, Mr. Locke, it is I Harsha Shah here and I am engaging you. Yes, you are seeming to be an interesting person, a sad and beautiful person, yes. I am hoping that I am not offending you but I am asking you some questions, yes. I am also giving you some background, I am teaching RME that is religious and moral education to my young pupils here in Edinburgh and I am also a recovering Jainist that is currently not practicing any religions although I am practicing vegetarianism and ahimsa, yes.

        Yes, I am thinking that you are stating that your god knows our innermost thoughts and in another thread that your bible was produced by your god. I am inquiring how can you be knowing this? You are not providing evidence but you are providing your opinion. I am thinking that I might be offending you but why should I be trusting you and not these christians on this forum who are providing me with biblical verses as evidence, yes, I am now sure that I am offending you and them but I am thinking that these verses are low-level evidence and you are not providing even them, yes?

        Yes, are you being familiar with the tale of the blind men and the elephant, Mr. Locke? Yes?
        "Ecclesiastes 3:7
        A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak."
        Yes. Women are saving lives. It is time we are speaking! Yes!


        • #34
          Re: Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept

          Originally posted by Harsha Shah View Post
          Yes, Mr. Locke, it is I Harsha Shah here and I am engaging you. Yes, you are seeming to be an interesting person, a sad and beautiful person, yes. I am hoping that I am not offending you but I am asking you some questions, yes. I am also giving you some background, I am teaching RME that is religious and moral education to my young pupils here in Edinburgh and I am also a recovering Jainist that is currently not practicing any religions although I am practicing vegetarianism and ahimsa, yes.

          Yes, I am thinking that you are stating that your god knows our innermost thoughts and in another thread that your bible was produced by your god. I am inquiring how can you be knowing this? You are not providing evidence but you are providing your opinion. I am thinking that I might be offending you but why should I be trusting you and not these Christians on this forum who are providing me with biblical verses as evidence, yes, I am now sure that I am offending you and them but I am thinking that these verses are low-level evidence and you are not providing even them, yes?

          Yes, are you being familiar with the tale of the blind men and the elephant, Mr. Locke? Yes?
          First of all, it would be Miss Locke, although it doesn't matter too much. As for verses to support me... the folks at Answers in Genesis state the basics pretty well. Anything I say would just be quoted from their website, so I won't bother. Suffice to say, there's plenty of evidence that the bible is divinely inspired. As for God speaking to us... John 10:27-28, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.
          Jeremiah 33:3, Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.
          Genesis 26:5, Because Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.”
          If we take the bible to be true, then there is plenty of evidence to be found therein that God speaks to us.
          Life is a cage, death is the key, all your drugs are belong to me.

          ... so then I can sell them to braindead lunatics, to get money, to buy guns, to spread capitalism.


          • #35
            Re: Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept

            Originally posted by Blanche_Locke View Post
            First of all, it would be Miss Locke, although it doesn't matter too much. As for verses to support me... the folks at Answers in Genesis state the basics pretty well. Anything I say would just be quoted from their website, so I won't bother. Suffice to say, there's plenty of evidence that the bible is divinely inspired. As for God speaking to us... John 10:27-28, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.
            Jeremiah 33:3, Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.
            Genesis 26:5, Because Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.”
            If we take the bible to be true, then there is plenty of evidence to be found therein that God speaks to us.
            Yes, Miss Locke, I am very sorry that I was offending you by assuming that you were a young male, yes. This was because you are writing exactly in the same self-assured style as my 13 year-old boy pupils in early puberty. Yes. I am appreciating that you were copying some bible verses and the link but the academic community is not considering those as hard evidence. I could also be saying that the Jaina Sutras provide evidence for their own truth value but that would be doing circular reasoning, yes? I am not bothering sending you the links nor writing that stuff because apparently that is the way you are also discussing things, and I hope that I am not offending you. Yes, there is also lots of opposing evidence of bible stories that would not be true, and I am certain that you know of this criticism so I am not bothering you by quoting them or linking them. What are you thinking about them? I am thinking that looking at your own ideas in a critical manner might be offending your psyche but I am hoping that you would be an open-minded person, yes? This was Harsha Shah answering your nice post, yes.
            "Ecclesiastes 3:7
            A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak."
            Yes. Women are saving lives. It is time we are speaking! Yes!


            • #36
              Re: Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept

              Originally posted by Harsha Shah View Post
              Yes, Miss Locke, I am very sorry that I was offending you by assuming that you were a young male, yes. This was because you are writing exactly in the same self-assured style as my 13 year-old boy pupils in early puberty. Yes. I am appreciating that you were copying some bible verses and the link but the academic community is not considering those as hard evidence. I could also be saying that the Jaina Sutras provide evidence for their own truth value but that would be doing circular reasoning, yes? I am not bothering sending you the links nor writing that stuff because apparently that is the way you are also discussing things, and I hope that I am not offending you. Yes, there is also lots of opposing evidence of bible stories that would not be true, and I am certain that you know of this criticism so I am not bothering you by quoting them or linking them. What are you thinking about them? I am thinking that looking at your own ideas in a critical manner might be offending your psyche but I am hoping that you would be an open-minded person, yes? This was Harsha Shah answering your nice post, yes.
              My confidence does tend to catch people off-guard. Interesting that you say the academic community does not consider these to be hard evidence; this leaves us with two possibilities. The first is that the academic community is wrong on the matter, and the second is that the bible is wrong. In my opinion, it's a mixture between the two. The academic community disregards AiG's work offhandedly because it is religious in nature. At the same time, belief in the bible takes faith, and faith is not something that can be explained away with facts. You have to make up your own mind about putting faith in something. I will say again, this is my opinion more than anything. But at the end of the day, most things are more or less based on opinion. No one can tell you what to choose, you must do that for yourself. It's both terrifying and exhilarating when you realize just how much you are on your own, making your own choices. Personally? I would recommend continuing without a religion for a while longer. I would also recommend spending minimal time here, and taking most things they say here with a pinch of salt.
              Cheers, Blanche Locke.
              Life is a cage, death is the key, all your drugs are belong to me.

              ... so then I can sell them to braindead lunatics, to get money, to buy guns, to spread capitalism.


              • #37
                Re: Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept

                Originally posted by Blanche_Locke View Post
                Interesting that you say the academic community does not consider these to be hard evidence; this leaves us with two possibilities. The first is that the academic community is wrong on the matter, and the second is that the bible is wrong.
                Yes, Miss Locke, I am happy that you are answering my questions. I am hoping that I am not offending you but how are you telling when the bible is correct and when it is not??
                belief in the bible takes faith, and faith is not something that can be explained away with facts. You have to make up your own mind about putting faith in something. I will say again, this is my opinion more than anything. But at the end of the day, most things are more or less based on opinion.
                Yes, Miss Locke, I am seeing that you are thinking about these things a lot and I am appreciating that. Yes, I am thinking that things are not quite as obscure as you are stating, yes. People have been inventing things and one one them is the concept of probability, yes. Some things can be believed by a higher degree of confidence based on past probability, yes. I am hoping that I am not offending you. I am thinking that unless you are falling into hard solipsism, you are operating in the world based on these different levels of confidence. I am also thinking that many of the things that the writers of the bible or even the Jaina Sutras have been describing fall into the category of very low prior probability. Yes, these things are the miracles and the resurrections and the claims without evidence.

                Yes, while I am thinking that I could be offending you, it really is not only about opinion. Yes, it is the level of confidence and and how you are testing your levels of confidence. You have been explaining what you are believing but your why is remaining a bit obscure. Yes, if you are believing simply based on opinion, the level of confidence is not high enough for me to be accepting that. It is like the story of the blind men and the elephant. One is feeling its belly and experiencing how the elephant is nice and warm and seeming safe and another one is touching the tusks and thinking that they are dangerous spears. Yes, the bible is the elephant. Who is seeing the whole elephant is the question?

                And, yes, who is the one is seeing that around the elephant is the niche of its surroundings and around that is the vaste space of wonders, yes? I am sure that I am offending you, but the science really is looking at the surroundings and the elephant and while it is making an opinion, it is looking at many more things and the confidence level is becoming better and better. They are beginning to see, perhaps, yes.

                Why are you believing that there is a biblical god? If it is being an opinion, how are you testing the probability and confidence level of this opinion, yes?
                "Ecclesiastes 3:7
                A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak."
                Yes. Women are saving lives. It is time we are speaking! Yes!


                • #38
                  Re: Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept

                  Originally posted by Blanche_Locke View Post
                  My confidence does tend to catch people off-guard...
                  Confidence based on ignorance is arrogance. You and Donald J. have a lot in common.


                  • #39
                    Re: Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept

                    Originally posted by Blanche_Locke View Post
                    My confidence does tend to catch people off-guard. .... I would also recommend spending minimal time here, and taking most things they say here with a pinch of salt.
                    Cheers, Blanche Locke.
                    Miss Block, those of us here who have been awarded the status of True Christian™ have years of experience with others who arrive at Landover Baptist. It is obvious to me you are struggling with your soul and use a veneer of confidence to mask your insecurities.

                    Only by accepting Jesus and His Bible as the ultimate source of truth can one become confident. We urge you to repent of your sins and become the person you can be, confident and brave. Our pastors stand ready to help.
                    Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


                    • #40
                      Re: Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept

                      Originally posted by Harsha Shah View Post
                      Yes, Miss Locke, I am happy that you are answering my questions. I am hoping that I am not offending you but how are you telling when the bible is correct and when it is not??Yes, Miss Locke, I am seeing that you are thinking about these things a lot and I am appreciating that. Yes, I am thinking that things are not quite as obscure as you are stating, yes. People have been inventing things and one one them is the concept of probability, yes. Some things can be believed by a higher degree of confidence based on past probability, yes. I am hoping that I am not offending you. I am thinking that unless you are falling into hard solipsism, you are operating in the world based on these different levels of confidence. I am also thinking that many of the things that the writers of the bible or even the Jaina Sutras have been describing fall into the category of very low prior probability. Yes, these things are the miracles and the resurrections and the claims without evidence.

                      Yes, while I am thinking that I could be offending you, it really is not only about opinion. Yes, it is the level of confidence and and how you are testing your levels of confidence. You have been explaining what you are believing but your why is remaining a bit obscure. Yes, if you are believing simply based on opinion, the level of confidence is not high enough for me to be accepting that. It is like the story of the blind men and the elephant. One is feeling its belly and experiencing how the elephant is nice and warm and seeming safe and another one is touching the tusks and thinking that they are dangerous spears. Yes, the bible is the elephant. Who is seeing the whole elephant is the question?

                      And, yes, who is the one is seeing that around the elephant is the niche of its surroundings and around that is the vast space of wonders, yes? I am sure that I am offending you, but the science really is looking at the surroundings and the elephant and while it is making an opinion, it is looking at many more things and the confidence level is becoming better and better. They are beginning to see, perhaps, yes.

                      Why are you believing that there is a biblical god? If it is being an opinion, how are you testing the probability and confidence level of this opinion, yes?
                      You don't have to worry about offending me, hun <3
                      I never said that I disregard science. On the contrary, I have great respect for the knowledge and advancements that the scientific community has brought to us. At the same time... let's not forget the difference between historical science and observational science. Observational science refers to science that is repeatable and verifiable and thus falsifiable with the senses. This type of science is what takes place today. It can be empirically tested thus can be known. Historical science, on the other hand, is an investigation of the past. The past is something that is not repeatable or verifiable with the senses thus it cannot be falsifiable. Since it cannot be empirically tested, it cannot be known.
                      Luckily, we have something that tells us exactly what happened. If you go from the assumption of there being a creator god, as described in the holy bible, then everything falls into place.
                      Apologies for the shortness of my answers right now, but I'm not in the best condition. Late night last night, and too much caffiene today.
                      Cheers, Blanche Locke.
                      Life is a cage, death is the key, all your drugs are belong to me.

                      ... so then I can sell them to braindead lunatics, to get money, to buy guns, to spread capitalism.


                      • #41
                        Re: Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept

                        Originally posted by Blanche_Locke View Post
                        There's only one thing I know, and that is: God is the only one who knows a person's soul.
                        Miss Blanche, I do appreciate your confidence that there is a God - not a Goddess or a whole committee of gods. I am sure the True Christians here appreciate that, too. Blind faith is very important for Salvation, and I envy yours. Which is a sin, too, but as an unbeliever I'm going to hell one way or another, so why not extend my rap sheet, right?

                        Personally, I find humans to be interesting, unique, and irreplaceable, and I will personally stand to protect them from any who may try to destroy them.
                        I deeply appreciate your commitment to destroy viruses, bacteria, fungi, predatory animals, and poisonous plants. We need more people like you!

                        However, what happens when you encounter a human who tries to destroy another human? How do you decide which side of the conflict is right and which one is wrong?

                        at least I'll have died doing what I loved, and will go to heaven, or if that happens to not be real, then a void of nothingness like an eternal sleep. I commend my soul to God and the winds of fate. Amen.
                        I admire your blind faith, but here is my worry: there are so many religions in the world - how do you know which one is right? What it you have bet on the wrong horse, and God hates your religion and sends you to Hell for following the wrong one?

                        Originally posted by Blanche_Locke View Post
                        At the same time, belief in the bible takes faith, and faith is not something that can be explained away with facts.
                        You will fit right in with these godly folks here at Landover! That's exactly their position: that in order to be Saved, people need to believe the Bible, not the facts.
                        John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.


                        • #42
                          Re: Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept

                          Originally posted by Blanche_Locke View Post
                          There's only one thing I know, and that is: God is the only one who knows a person's soul. And just because people's lives don't matter to you all, doesn't mean they don't matter to me. Personally, I find humans to be interesting, unique, and irreplaceable, and I will personally stand to protect them from any who may try to destroy them. If I die, so be it; at least I'll have died doing what I loved, and will go to heaven, or if that happens to not be real, then a void of nothingness like an eternal sleep. I commend my soul to God and the winds of fate. Amen.
                          [Sniff. Sob.] The courage displayed. . . I am so moved. . . I must sign off now and reconsider ever position that I have ever taken
                          His left hand should be under my head, and his right hand should embrace me.

                          Guns For God and the Economy


                          • #43
                            Re: Sanctity of Life is NOT a Biblical Concept

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