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    Have you heard of the equally Satanic game Counte-Strike: Source? You can play as terrorists! How shameful!



      Where in the flying fuck did you get your information from. I've been playing Call of Duty since Call of Duty 2 and never have I ever seen or done the actions that you state. No one ever does the actions that you speak of. Is everyone on this forum bat shit insane?



        Originally posted by Penis69 View Post
        Where in the flying piffle did you get your information from. I've been playing Call of Duty since Call of Duty 2 and never have I ever seen or done the actions that you state. No one ever does the actions that you speak of. Is everyone on this forum bat shit insane?
        Most of us are crazy for Jesus! You should try it!

        Crack open the Good Book and take a load off

        God Bless
        Psalm 137:8-9 O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.
        Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.




          Originally posted by Penis69 View Post
          Where in the flying piffle did you get your information from. I've been playing Call of Duty since Call of Duty 2 and never have I ever seen or done the actions that you state. No one ever does the actions that you speak of. Is everyone on this forum bat shit insane?
          You are pretty stupid my friend You never know when you will decide to shoot open some people in an airport, i hope you open up the God's Bible before you go to hell!



            Originally posted by ilovegodverymuch View Post
            You are pretty stupid my friend You never know when you will decide to shoot open some people in an airport, i hope you open up the God's Bible before you go to hell!
            Easy now, friend. Don't stoop to the level of a Jesus-hater.

            Now, how about starting a thread of your own in the Introduction Forum...we want to get to know you!

            Yours in Christ,

            Z. Smyth



              Originally posted by Jeb Stuart Thurmond View Post
              Dear Friends,

              The torrent of bad news continues. Children can download Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, a game where innocent, perky little 12-year olds are free to burn, rape, and loot booty.

              Call of Duty, the video game series infamous for allowing children to imagine themselves as one of Stalin's footsoldiers, has now taken the next logical step of allowing children to imagine themselves as terrorists.

              While Playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, a child can shoot a person, stand over the corpse, look down at the dead person's face, and then put down their game controller, whip out their penis, and slap it against their computer monitor, simulating an act of "turkey-slapping" necrophillia.

              Also, while Playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, children can do stand over the corpse, then bite their lip and suck on their monitor, simulating drinking the blood of the dead. They can even fart on the dead person's face (digestive system permitting) or simulate desecrating the corpse by urinating on their monitor (though I didn't test this for fear of damaging my keyboard.)

              When I called Activision to ask them to confirm or deny that the Columbine killers were avid players of the Call Of Duty series of games, my calls were not returned. Or even answered. They even turned off their answering machine, which is an admission of guilt in my opinion.

              What horrible games will children be playing next year? "Cowboys and Indians", where they can shoot and scalp settlers while making wild indian war-cries? "Cops and robbers" where they will pretend to be cop-killers? What ever happened to the good old days, when boys would just get together in the treehouse and imagine themselves as doctors? Whatever happened to simple activities like "show and tell"? Those were the days.

              Even worse than terrorism, there is even a league of Call of Duty players who proudly call themselves "F.A.G.S." and wear the label as a badge of honor. They claim it's an acronym for "Fight Against Grenade Spam" but that makes no sense. Viagra spam, Nigerian scam spam - my mailbox is filled with them, but I get no spam mails offering to sell me grenades. I would actually like to get some grenade spam. It would sure beat all of the "come back soon" emails from Des Moines area gay massage parlors that seem to be the most common kind of spam these days. Don't you just hate those? They don't even bother to make a proper ad, they just send an empty message titled "You left your watch here" - yeah right, buddy. I'm certain I saw my watch under the couch the other day.

              In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: players can assasinate Bush, Cheney, and a very unflatteringly-portrayed Sarah Palin.
              What they mean by grenade spam is that people in game will constantly throw grenades into the enemies spawn point, therefore instantaneous killing anybody unlucky to spawn infront of said grenades, causing a very unfair game. Some people have dedicated themselves to getting rid of such people, as they ruin hundreds of matches a day.


              • Re: BAN CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 2!

                Originally posted by TheHatterOfMad View Post
                What they mean by grenade spam is that people in game will constantly throw grenades into the enemies spawn point, therefore instantaneous killing anybody unlucky to spawn infront of said grenades, causing a very unfair game. Some people have dedicated themselves to getting rid of such people, as they ruin hundreds of matches a day.
                Friend, I can relate to this.

                In the world today we have a similar problem, except it is real. You see, homosexuals do the same thing. They rape babies as soon as they are born, without giving them a chance to grow up. It is very sad.

                Like these players you mention, I too have dedicated my life to the pursuit of justice by standing between homosexuals and children whenever I can. Only when I do this, it actually matters, whereas what you are talking about, actually makes no difference at all.
                The Only Real Climate Change Will be Hell!


                • Re: BAN CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 2!

                  Originally posted by Jeb Stuart Thurmond View Post
                  Dear Friends,

                  The torrent of bad news continues. Children can download Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, a game where innocent, perky little 12-year olds are free to burn, rape, and loot booty.
                  This is so bad! Children who are saved are now no longer saved. This should not exist.

                  We should save our children and show them Christ. No child should be trained as a soldier of Satan!!!
                  "my advice... is: first, that their synagogues be burned down, and that all who are able toss sulphur and pitch; it would be good if someone could also throw in some hellfire.." Martin Luther ("On the jews and their lies" 1543)


                  • Re: BAN CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 2!

                    You can't rape in any call of duty game. You play as both enemy and American soldiers in the game but it is not a terrorist simulator. A player would not do any of what you said they CAN do. Why would they piss on there monitor/tv screen or anything else it would ruin there monitor gamers are sadistic creeps. And a person will not go kill in a video game then go kill in real life a game is consequence free that is why it is fun and stimulating.

                    Ps your complaint is on a old version of call of duty a new call of duty just came out hopefully you play it before ranting on it as you obviously will


                    • Re: BAN CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 2!

                      Originally posted by Hugh.J.Bahls829 View Post
                      You can't rape in any call of duty game. You play as both enemy and American soldiers in the game but it is not a terrorist simulator. A player would not do any of what you said they CAN do. Why would they piss on there monitor/tv screen or anything else it would ruin there monitor gamers are sadistic creeps. And a person will not go kill in a video game then go kill in real life a game is consequence free that is why it is fun and stimulating.

                      Ps your complaint is on a old version of call of duty a new call of duty just came out hopefully you play it before ranting on it as you obviously will
                      God commands His children to rape the bereaved virgins of the heathen peoples He commands them to exterminate. If this game will not even allow His victorious servants to comply with Biblical law by spreading the faith in this way, how then is it Christian?

                      Behold the wisdom of the Lord:

                      Deuteronomy 20:10-14
                      King James Version (KJV)
                      10 When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it.

                      11 And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee.

                      12 And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it:

                      13 And when the Lord thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword:

                      14 But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the Lord thy God hath given thee.
                      They should rape the virgins automatically in some sort of animation. It shouldn't even be a choice.
                      The Only Real Climate Change Will be Hell!


                      • Re: BAN CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 2!

                        The government (Satan and his minions) want your children to play FPS games to get them in the mental state of killing. They turned us into monsters. Into the darkness.


                        • Re: BAN CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 2!

                          Originally posted by TheLordIsMyBullet View Post
                          The Bible (Jesus and his minions) want your children to read the Bible to get them in the mental state of killing. They turned us into monsters. Into the darkness.

                          Body count in MW2 (single player mode): couple of dozen, maybe?

                          Body count in the Bible: 3,000,000+ (note: does not include unspecified kills, such as the Flood)


                          • Re: BAN CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 2!

                            Originally posted by Jeb Stuart Thurmond View Post
                            Dear Friends,

                            The torrent of bad news continues. Children can download Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, a game where innocent, perky little 12-year olds are free to burn, rape, and loot booty.

                            Call of Duty, the video game series infamous for allowing children to imagine themselves as one of Stalin's footsoldiers, has now taken the next logical step of allowing children to imagine themselves as terrorists.

                            While Playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, a child can shoot a person, stand over the corpse, look down at the dead person's face, and then put down their game controller, whip out their penis, and slap it against their computer monitor, simulating an act of "turkey-slapping" necrophillia.

                            Also, while Playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, children can do stand over the corpse, then bite their lip and suck on their monitor, simulating drinking the blood of the dead. They can even fart on the dead person's face (digestive system permitting) or simulate desecrating the corpse by urinating on their monitor (though I didn't test this for fear of damaging my keyboard.)

                            When I called Activision to ask them to confirm or deny that the Columbine killers were avid players of the Call Of Duty series of games, my calls were not returned. Or even answered. They even turned off their answering machine, which is an admission of guilt in my opinion.

                            What horrible games will children be playing next year? "Cowboys and Indians", where they can shoot and scalp settlers while making wild indian war-cries? "Cops and robbers" where they will pretend to be cop-killers? What ever happened to the good old days, when boys would just get together in the treehouse and imagine themselves as doctors? Whatever happened to simple activities like "show and tell"? Those were the days.

                            Even worse than terrorism, there is even a league of Call of Duty players who proudly call themselves "F.A.G.S." and wear the label as a badge of honor. They claim it's an acronym for "Fight Against Grenade Spam" but that makes no sense. Viagra spam, Nigerian scam spam - my mailbox is filled with them, but I get no spam mails offering to sell me grenades. I would actually like to get some grenade spam. It would sure beat all of the "come back soon" emails from Des Moines area gay massage parlors that seem to be the most common kind of spam these days. Don't you just hate those? They don't even bother to make a proper ad, they just send an empty message titled "You left your watch here" - yeah right, buddy. I'm certain I saw my watch under the couch the other day.

                            In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: players can assasinate Bush, Cheney, and a very unflatteringly-portrayed Sarah Palin.
                            This isn't true Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2 puts you in the first person view of a American soldier fighting for our country and we don't call ourselves F.A.G.S we call ourselves gamers
                            and did you really think a computer would prevent you from slapping the computer with your tallywaker or farting on it and if 12 year olds did do that the need serious mental help.
                            Psalm 14:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done
                            abominable works, there is none that doeth good.


                            • Re: CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 2

                              Originally posted by Cranky Old Man View Post
                              So selling drugs to little kids is no problem, just as long as you didn't make the drugs? Murdering people is no problem because you did not make the bullet? Starting to get the picture here? Video games are evil. Activision is evil. Case closed.
                              Call Of Duty games are for like 17 and up so no kid with a responsible parent would let them play it.
                              Psalm 14:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done
                              abominable works, there is none that doeth good.


                              • Re: BAN CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 2!

                                Anyone who denies that "Call of Duty" creates murderers and paedophiles, need only read this:
                                Cody Wygant was an avid player of video games like Aliens Extermination and Call of Duty. The role-playing games were so important that the persistent screams of his 16-month-old son was too much of an annoyance, according to the Citrus County sheriff's office in Florida.
                                So Wygant, an unemployed resident of Homosassa, Florida, about 144 kilometres west of Orlando, suffocated the boy and left him in a playpen, officials allege.
                                "It is inconceivable that a father could kill his infant son - it just baffles the mind," Citrus County Sheriff Jeff Dawsy said in a statement.
                                Wygant, 24, was ordered held in lieu of $US100,000 ($107,204) bail on Friday on charges including third-degree murder, which is an unplanned killing, and child neglect with great bodily harm, sheriff's spokeswoman Heather Yates said. He faces more than 10 years in prison if convicted on the murder charge.
                                Wygant recently moved to Florida from California, where he had a rap sheet including charges varying from trespassing to sexual assault. He served two years in state prison for a charge of having unlawful sex with someone between 3 and 18 years of age, Yates said.
                                According to Yates, Wygant was living in a mobile home with four other adults and two children. The relationships among the people were still being investigated, she said.
                                In the early hours of Thursday, Wygant was playing Aliens Extermination on his X-box when his son Daymeon began crying, officials said. The game apparently requires the player to wear a headset.
                                Daymeon apparently was crying uncontrollably, Wygant told investigators later. According to the court affidavit filed in the case, Wygant said that about 1 am Thursday, he put his hand over the boy's mouth and nose for three to four minutes until the child appeared "exhausted" and "lethargic."
                                Wygant then put his son in a playpen and covered him from head to toe with several layers of bedding in such a way that the child was prevented from getting fresh air, investigators said in the affidavit.
                                Wygant told investigators he played video games and watched three episodes of the television show Fringe for about five hours before checking on the boy, who by then was blue and unresponsive.
                                Someone in the house called 911. The sheriff’s office responded and Wygant was taken into custody.
                                The medical examiner is conducting additional tests to determine the official cause and time of death, Yates said.
                                Wygant is the primary caregiver for the child, and the mother - Wygant's girlfriend - was not at home, officials said.
                                They also have a 3-month-old daughter, who is in the custody of the Department of Children and Families.

