We at Landover Baptist thank Jesus every day we have Pastor Zeke at the helm. What I worry about is the liberal media trying to destroy him. So many wonderful Pastors have been victims of relentless and unfair attacks. When you look at the number of preachers destroyed it is sobering:
Ted Haggard, Jim Bakker, Robert Tilton, Peter Popoff, Ted Coy, Jimmy Swaggart, Josh Duggar, Jane Duggar, Perry Stone, Craig Duke, Jerry Falwell, Jr.
I don't need to tell Landover Baptists about even more fallen preachers not on that list.
The thing is, Pastor Zeke has his own life when he is not on the clock. We can't have reporters nosing in on his private life. I realize the Pastor has a security detail made up of very young men from, I believe, the Philippines. But is this enough?
Ted Haggard, Jim Bakker, Robert Tilton, Peter Popoff, Ted Coy, Jimmy Swaggart, Josh Duggar, Jane Duggar, Perry Stone, Craig Duke, Jerry Falwell, Jr.
I don't need to tell Landover Baptists about even more fallen preachers not on that list.
The thing is, Pastor Zeke has his own life when he is not on the clock. We can't have reporters nosing in on his private life. I realize the Pastor has a security detail made up of very young men from, I believe, the Philippines. But is this enough?