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  • Professor Tyeisha X's it is time to come clean

    Professor Tyeisha X's,

    I am calling you out, It is time for you to stop pretending. From day one in this forum you crush on me has been blatant for all and source for much amusement. You really haven't fooled anyone. Every one sees the eyes you keep on making at me. This is perfectly normal since everyone knows a lesbian is just a woman saving herself for the man she really loves.

    But look Tyeisha X, this will never work. Beyond you are a hell bound liberal and a I am a goodly TRUE Christian. There are other problems.
    • My Marriage. While separated I still remain a married NOT gay man.
    • Politics. You hate FREEDOM while I love FREEDOM.
    • Illness. Due to your hi risk, girl on girl lifestyle you are of high risk of AIDs.
    • 14th Amendment Issue Since you are from California that means you are not a REAL American citizen and I don't support anchor babies.

    So Tyeisha, you need to stop fooling yourself with this Bobby-Joe crush of yours. Yes it is understandable, hoods do look good, but you got to move on with your life.

    Time to reclaim our FREEDOM from the “Mullah in Chief” and his growing activist voter hoards of socialists, communists, anti-Semites, anti-Christians, atheists, radical gays and lesbians, feminists, illegal immigrants, Muslims, anti-Anglo whites and others.

    Hot Must ReadThreads!

    Time to come clean on Benghazi Mr Obama!

  • #2
    Re: Professor Tyeisha X's it is time to come clean

    Let's hope she finally moves on now. Or at least stops talking.

    1st Timothy 2:11-12 "Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."
    5 Reasons why GOD HATES WOMEN!
    To most "Christians" The Bible is like a license agreement. They just scroll to the bottom and click "I agree". All those "Christians" will burn in Hell!
    James 2:10 "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."


    • #3
      Re: Professor Tyeisha X's it is time to come clean

      I thought lesibens were just women who weren't able to find man-dates, probably cuz their so dang ugly.
      Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left. -- Isaiah 24:6 KJV


      • #4
        Re: Professor Tyeisha X's it is time to come clean

        I'm sure she secretly wishes you would ride up to her on your noble steed bare backed and bare chested, your man boobs flapping in the breeze.
        Proverbs 25:21-22 If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink:
        For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the LORD shall reward thee.


        • #5
          Re: Professor Tyeisha X's it is time to come clean

          Originally posted by Samuel Coleridge View Post
          I'm sure she secretly wishes you would ride up to her on your noble steed bare backed and bare chested, your man boobs flapping in the breeze.
          “Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science.” Charles Darwin The Descent of Man (1871)


          • #6
            Re: Professor Tyeisha X's it is time to come clean

            Originally posted by Samuel Coleridge View Post
            I'm sure she secretly wishes you would ride up to her on your noble steed bare backed and bare chested, your man boobs flapping in the breeze.
            Why do you hate freedom friend?

            Time to reclaim our FREEDOM from the “Mullah in Chief” and his growing activist voter hoards of socialists, communists, anti-Semites, anti-Christians, atheists, radical gays and lesbians, feminists, illegal immigrants, Muslims, anti-Anglo whites and others.

            Hot Must ReadThreads!

            Time to come clean on Benghazi Mr Obama!


            • #7
              Re: Professor Tyeisha X's it is time to come clean

              Originally posted by Samuel Coleridge View Post
              I'm sure she secretly wishes you would ride up to her on your noble steed bare backed and bare chested, your man boobs flapping in the breeze.
              Bobby-Joe does not have man-boobs. I know, having met him at one of Pastor Ezekiel's men's prayer circles when I last visited Freehold.

              Brother B-J is solid as a rock, my friend, hard as steel.

              Bible boring? Nonsense!
              Try Bible in a Year with Brother V, or join Shirlee and the kids as they discuss Real Bible Stories!
              You can't be a Christian if you don't know God's Word!


              • #8
                Re: Professor Tyeisha X's it is time to come clean

                Bumpining this

                Tyeish X, we need to talk. Stop tying to deny your love for me.

                Time to reclaim our FREEDOM from the “Mullah in Chief” and his growing activist voter hoards of socialists, communists, anti-Semites, anti-Christians, atheists, radical gays and lesbians, feminists, illegal immigrants, Muslims, anti-Anglo whites and others.

                Hot Must ReadThreads!

                Time to come clean on Benghazi Mr Obama!


                • #9
                  Re: Professor Tyeisha X's it is time to come clean

                  Originally posted by Samuel Coleridge View Post
                  I'm sure she secretly wishes you would ride up to her on your noble steed bare backed and bare chested, your man boobs flapping in the breeze.
                  Spare us your bear fantasies, nancy.
                  This church is dedicated to preaching True Christianity™ and the King James Bible exactly as they are, with no alterations to make them more politically correct for modern liberals. If you think that we've misquoted or twisted Scripture or quoted any verse out of context, please explain in detail how we've done so. Otherwise, if what you read on this site offends you, then you're offended by Almighty God and His Word, not by us.

                  Questions to ask liberal "Christians"Things that the Bible doesn't sayTolerance


