The disgusting harlot of 1960's film, Doris Day, is still tainting humanity and despoiling the Kingdom of God with her disgusting, filthy, sinful, outrageous abominations. Why won't she die, painfully, in excruciating agony?
I think no one would disagree with me that Doris Day has been one of the most destructive, corrupting, evil forces ever to walk the earth. Her name is synonymous with evil. She mocks God deliberately. She is a piece of human filth. She defiles humanity with her barbaric depravity. Her sadistic cruelty knows no bounds. She ought to have been taken out and lynched YEARS AGO as a faint, modest gesture to the dignity of the human race.
I think no one would disagree with me that Doris Day has been one of the most destructive, corrupting, evil forces ever to walk the earth. Her name is synonymous with evil. She mocks God deliberately. She is a piece of human filth. She defiles humanity with her barbaric depravity. Her sadistic cruelty knows no bounds. She ought to have been taken out and lynched YEARS AGO as a faint, modest gesture to the dignity of the human race.