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  • LIEtino HATEspanics and Their Attempt to Distort History!

    I've been absent from the forums for a short while, doing the LORD'S work in my community and at home (we baptized a former Wiccan last week, who assured us she wasn't a lesbian, so the baptism was all she needed after a proper reeducation!). It's good to be back, but unfortunately I feel obligated to bring some disturbing news.

    The racist LIEtino organization "La Raza" has been sabotaging education (albeit PUBLIC education, which we already know is a failure) with their version of U.S. history. I see Rev. Osborne and Rev. Rodimer have already made astute observations regarding their tactics on the forums, but they're at it again. There WAS a video (up until the HATEspanics presumably had it removed) of a disturbed parent reading at the Tucson School Board meeting detailing the garbage being taught to third graders, and a borderline riot was staged by a "student mob" demanding that the MexiCON agenda be taught as legitimate history:

    ...apparently the students and La Raza are enraged that their agenda only be offered as an elective course rather than required reading, but should True Christians stand silent while even the OPTION of blatant historical lies are taught? Not only is the "curriculum" full of obscenities (in the Mexican language, of course, making their stories essentially a Trojan Horse with the intent of teaching foul Mexican language to good American students), but it's also chock full of blatant lies about how the white man is evil and has tried to destroy Chicano culture. Obviously, Obama NEEDS the votes of this demographic to even stand a chance in 2012, so his administration is turning a blind eye while children are essentially witnessing pornography without the pictures. According to La Raza, "whitey is responsible for all the world's problems." Even the Caucasian terrorist Ward Churchill has shown his support.

    I actually find myself partially on the side of Steven Pinker, who at least had the cojones (pardon the pun ) to inform the world that NO pre-state society was pacifist and peace-loving. But La Raza's goal is to spread the lie that the Caucasian Christian somehow introduced violence, rape, torture, and dishonesty to "their people" (aren't they a mix of Spanish and Injuns, anyway? Who are their people?) and promote an ideology that kids have the "right" to revolt rather than learn true American history.

    I'm afraid I'll say some cruel things if I continue any further, so I must retire for the night, good Christians. Hopefully when I wake up there won't be Mexican drug cartels running the schools here in Wisconsin.
    Member of Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879 (NOT the Heretical Council of 1912!)

  • #2
    Re: LIEtino HATEspanics and Their Attempt to Distort History!

    I see there were no rape statistics included in this blog. Did you know that %100 of Mexican men have committed rape at some time in their life? Link
    Usually the victims are white women, of course, because white women are more attractive, but they will even rape other Mexicans if they can't find a white woman!
    The Only Real Climate Change Will be Hell!

