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  • #46
    Re: URGENT: How do I change my tithe amount?

    Originally posted by Faith_Machine View Post
    Hello I have not slept since my last post forgive me if I ramble at all I just want to say I love you guys it's all about positivity that's the key you have to stay positive and radiate love vibes please don't worry about me I am doing really well I made over $100 just in the last 24 hours say does anybody here have a
    Just lay low on the coffee and you will be fine. If coke is the problem, I will happily use sell get rid of it.
    Jeremiah 6:21 Therefore thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will lay stumblingblocks before this people, and the fathers and the sons together shall fall upon them; the neighbour and his friend shall perish.

    Best wishes for the people in Ukraine.


    • #47
      Re: URGENT: How do I change my tithe amount?

      II Corinthians 11:14


      • #48
        Re: URGENT: How do I change my tithe amount?

        Thank you Mitza for that lovely Corinthian I still have not slept did you know that if you go long enough without sleep you start to dream while you are awake I just learned that
        In accordance with article 7 of the Swaggart Amendment to the Landover Baptist Church Constitution, you are hereby notified that this forum user is a
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        • #49
          Re: URGENT: How do I change my tithe amount?

          Originally posted by Faith_Machine View Post
          Thank you Mitza for that lovely Corinthian I still have not slept did you know that if you go long enough without sleep you start to dream while you are awake I just learned that
          Ok, here's what you need to do. Take that cash money you've been earning and go to the bank, wire 80% of it to Pastor Zeke's jet airplane fund and the other 20% to President Trump's 2024 reelection campaign. Then read Proverbs 3:24 and go to sleep.

          Some people
          I was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore,
          Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more;
          But the Master of the Sea heard my despairing cry,
          From the waters lifted me, now safe am I!


          • #50
            Re: URGENT: How do I change my tithe amount?

            Originally posted by Faith_Machine View Post
            Thank you Mitza for that lovely Corinthian I still have not slept did you know that if you go long enough without sleep you start to dream while you are awake I just learned that
            II Corinthians is a great read anytime, anyplace.

            Anywhere I share it the response is always positive. And beneficial. You know, perhaps there's a bond between us? My disquiet is the opposite of yours: always oversleeping. It's as though Maxwell's demon is operating at your end, using Artificial Radioactivity and the principle of Simultaneity to funnel sleep particles [as yet undiscovered but similar to photons] from thee to me. Did you know sometimes I wake up at 2 p.m. regardless of what time I went to bed?

            As to your other point, that would depend on the dream. If your "waking dream" is zigzags——with luminous spiders, flying scorpions, buzzes, bangs, crashes and randomly appearing flashing spirals——that is probably not a dream. Secular medicos will have assorted explanations ranging from migraine to stroke; in both cases that would be demons. Have you ever noticed a smell of SO₂ or H₂S during your episodes?
            I looked up "photons" just to make sure.
            During that process, I discovered some other particles (compounds, it said) which I've included.
            Using my new Unicode keyboard so hope everything comes out OK.
            Then there is food. If you've taken up tuna, brown rice, Brussels sprouts, wild poultry, cider or apple juice, perry or pear juice, well water, beers and/or red wines, the possibility of As(CN)₃ must be considered.
            random or otherwise

            Arsenic is a well-known stimulant. Recreational use has lessened since it was removed as an ingredient from fly papers. Old stock is still available from general stores with a low turnover and is sought out by those wishing to eat them: maniacs, in other words. Or if not to begin with, certainly after ingestion. You don't need to scrape arsenic-infused sticky off fly papers, though. Here is the spectrum of arsenic.

            Do your "waking dreams" whether zigzags, spirals or flying scorpions, appear in any of those hues? If not, certainly it's demons. Heathens actually starve themselves, sit in caves breathing gasses (such as ethylene) or blatantly eat toadstools to enter their frenzy. They do not acknowledge God and mostly have never heard of Jesus, therefore their ravings glorify devils and the hallucinations are a form of induced demonic possession. Christian fasting is not the same thing at all – because Christians do acknowledge God and glorify Jesus.

            A word of caution: exorcism by exotic creeds from Italy or Algeria do not remove demons. They simply introduce more and more with each exorcism. Contact the Pastors for more advice.

