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  • Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

    Hello again scout raper. Prepare to have your definition busted by a Christian female! Cults are generally exclusive, authoritiarian, and/or exclusive. Landover Baptist Church in itself isn’t a religion. It focuses on Christianity which is the most accepting and loving religion which anyone can simply follow by reading The Bible. Landover Baptist Church is a place of worship for True Christians™️ who practice Christianity in its purest form. Christians also don’t worship a false prophet or report to any figure in unrest. Christians believe that Jesus (love him) is the savior and Lord. The truth is also not secretly locked away. It is out in the open and you can read all about it in The Bible. Cults, on the other hand, hide their intentions unless they are someone that climbs the ranks through money or physical labor. Christians don’t REQUIRE that. Tithing is always encouraged but nobody has been turned away for not tithing enough. Granted, there are the tin tithers who could afford to pay up their fair share but that’s a different issue entirely.
    My name is Maxine Levantine. I am 17 and follow the KJV Bible to a T. If you are wanting to hit on me you can turn away. THIS is reserved for Jesus and my future husband (whoever that may be).


    • Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

      Originally posted by Scoutman03 View Post
      Cult: a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.By definition, Landover can be considered a cult.
      That was almost a good post. So close. If only you'd shown the source for your definition...

      HINT: SHOW YOUR SOURCES, else you're just sharing your opinion (which no one is interested in [and even less so with each of your posts]).

      Now, go learn about denotations and connotations. o wtf am i saying "learn something"


      • Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

        Originally posted by Scoutman03 View Post
        Cult: a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.By definition, Landover can be considered a cult.
        Young man, here at Landover Baptist Church, we are used to having people signing up just for the sake of trying to stir up some trouble. If you think we are bothered by your silly, irrelevant statement, then the joke is on you. Your accusation is without merit. You have no proof, and your intent to poke fun at the True Christian servants of the Lord Jesus Christ is one that you will regret very deeply.

        You need to examine some Holy Scripture, to see the severity of your foolishness. In the following verses from the King James Version (1611) of the Holy Bible, I ask that you pay very close attention to verses 15 and 19, as these describe your situation to a "T".

        Revelation 22:14, 15:
        14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
        15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
        19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

        And please do not think that we are going to be upset with your suggesting that we are a cult. Goodness, no; we've heard it all before. You are not the first foolish person to try this, and you will not be the last. Rather, your issue is with the Lord Himself. Attacking His servants is one thing, but the bigger issue is that you have insulted God and mocked Him for providing a way for you to escape the fires of HELL that you so surely deserve, and to where you are headed!

        Think on, young man, think on. Is it worth your time to mock True Christian believers who are merely informing you of your eternal destiny and of how you can change that course of destruction IF you choose the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior?

        I will leave one more verse for you to consider very carefully:

        Romans 6:23 " For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

        Isabella W.
        (Mrs.) Isabella White

        Hebrews 10:19 " Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the of "


        • Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

          Originally posted by Didymus Much View Post
          That was almost a good post. Soclose. If only you'd shown the source for your definition...
          The source is Google. The definition provided is literally the first result that comes up when you search for the word "cult."

          Originally posted by Scoutman03 View Post
          Cult: a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.By definition, Landover can be considered a cult.
          For one thing, we do not venerate any objects. That would be idolatry, which is a sin (1 Corinthians 10:14). The Bible doesn't count as an object because it is God (John 1:1). Also, God is not a "particular figure" because He is an eternal, omnipotent being.

          Landover Baptist is less a cult than atheism, with their fanatical worship of Charles Darwin and Richard Dawkins.
          I was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore,
          Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more;
          But the Master of the Sea heard my despairing cry,
          From the waters lifted me, now safe am I!


          • Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

            Originally posted by Dennis Lukes View Post
            The source is Google. The definition provided is literally the first result that comes up when you search for the word "cult."
            Wow! It is! I just checked! I also checked the "bing" (same result) and the "duck duck go" (different result) where without following any links I got
            The term cult usually refers to a social group defined by its religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs, or its common interest in a particular personality, object or goal. The term itself is controversial and it has divergent definitions in both popular culture and academia and it also has been an ongoing source of contention among scholars across several fields of study.
            Just so much wrong with that definition. So wrong. There's something going around universities where, in certain departments, the expression "cultic practices" is used to describe all aspects of idolatry, fetish obsession, sacred prostitution, droning chants, fire worship, ritual cannibalism, collecting beads, those sorts of things; its purpose is to level everything out and pretend that flaying someone alive and sewing yourself into their skin going around saying "Look at me I've come back to life" is the same as finding a shiny pebble and deciding to wear it on a thread around your neck. They pretend these things, as cultic practices, have equal significance to the tribes which practise them. Satan thinks they're equal, obviously, because they equally divert attention away from God. Whether collecting a special magic pebble causes more harm than homoerotic jungle cliques worshipping rhinoceroses gives rise to contention among scholars across several fields of study extending even to what idiocy caused writing do disappear from the Indus valley. And that's the key word, isn't it. Idiocy.

            Christians do not have religious beliefs. It's a simple matter of historical fact. Jesus lived and died for a reason. He told us what that reason was. Now we know. By coming back to life He assured us that what He said was true. Therefore we know that He's coming back.

            In the same way, philosophical beliefs have no function when you understand reality. No "Could it be this?" or "Could it be that?" because Christians have those questions answered already. Ideas stemming from alternative facts strung together like beads and changing like the clouds are not Christian whether they claim to be or not.

            Clearly Christians are not in a cult. God has explained that associating with people who are not Christians—whether they claim to be or not—is bad. They're all locked into narrow world views having no basis in reality. Christianity is the opposite. of a cult.


            • Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

              Oh, I am so tired of the claim that LBC is a cult!

              In cults, the leaders claim to have some secret knowledge or higher truth that they, alone, can share with the lower ranks.

              All our knowledge is available straight from the Bible. Anybody can read it for themselves. All its truths are self-evident.

              Read the Bible. Decide what you think about it. Come and go through its pages as you wish. Visit our website or not. How is that cultist?

              If LBC is a cult than I guess Christianity is a cult? How many people make that claim? Maybe the Romans did in the first century, I don't know, I wasn't there.

              I also wasn't there when the Bible was written, but I can pick it up and learn from it as I choose, that is not a cultist concept.

              Obviously, we can't force people to read the Bible--because we are not a cult--but if someone wants to participate in discussions here without looking like an idiot--then it is highly recommended.

              Sometimes I think that idiocy is a cult, but it could be simple epidemic. That's a discussion for a different thread, I suppose.

              Excuse me while I go page through the book that holds all of my "cult's" "secret knowledge"-- the highest selling book in the world that has printed in pretty much every language ever spoken.
              His left hand should be under my head, and his right hand should embrace me.

              Guns For God and the Economy


              • Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

                Amen! Sister Handy, as ever you get right to the point.

                Another thing that cults do is to encourage - or even force - people to engage with them, then make them go and live in some gated compound for brainwashing purposes. Anyone who has ever tried to gain access to the City of Freehold, let alone obtain a residence permit, can confirm that this is not how we conduct ourselves.

                So many of the UnSaved barge in here accusing us of who knows what, preaching their atheistical tosh and claiming all sorts of nonsense. But do we accost them on their privately-owned Godless forums? No, we do not!
                Vaccinated by the love of Jesus!!!


                • Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

                  Originally posted by handmaiden View Post
                  Read the Bible. Decide what you think about it. Come and go through its pages as you wish.
                  I had to smile as I read that. Because the people claiming Christianity is a cult simply don't apply their "standards" uniformly. We have both read The Bible. We know what it claims about history—including God's commandments, when and how they were delivered, which parts were temporary (such as the heave offerings) until Christ's Perfect Sacrifice was complete, what is prohibited, what is required—and can see how desperate secularists become when God challenges their agenda.

                  It's based on false beliefs. They want to see a multicultural utopia but are ignorant of what those cultures are. Imagine a tank full of chameleons and crickets. Throw in a few mealworms. Some tiny lizards. Each to live in harmony having respect one for another. How will it work out? By looking at the history of chameleons, it's very easy to predict. Saying that they'll all respect one another is ridiculous because unless the chameleon gives up chameleonism and (in this example) becomes a vegetarian everything is vulnerable to its slimy tongue.


                  I am not suggesting the lunatics have taken over the asylum. It would be very difficult for them to do so. Once the chameleon nature revealed itself the greater cultural ogre would swing into action and although that would be the end of the chameleons it would be the end of a lot of other things too. Unfortunately the social engineers, by concentrating on society rather than culture, don't seem to understand this.

                  A merest glance at history reveals the results of ignorance. Say you thought co-existence was possible without reading the verbose tomes written by the founders of cultures you wished to integrate. They do have something in common: a world where only their ideology prevails. Some of them say this will eventuate with personal enlightenment………eventually. Others are explicit in offering a choice with the options of death or subjugation bringing up the rear. Yet again there are revolutionaries bent on the guillotine or bullet. They claim their victims were incapable of change. And it's all spelled out in their hallowed writings, done by nutters, drummed into future generations by glum gurus with about as much nous as a frog on ouzo.

                  Jesus is not like that. We are encouraged to emulate Him, which is easy enough to verify by reading The Bible, but the social reconstructionists seem not to have read the veriest texts of crickets and lizards they're attempting to amalgamate.

                  Philippians 2:5-11 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


                  • Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

                    LEmme fact check real quick

                    ok, so i qouldnt say its a cult, id say its a fundamentalist group.
                    Welcome to belgrade my friend.


                    • Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

                      Originally posted by ElmoRise View Post
                      LEmme fact check real quick...
                      Who put you in charge of "facts"?

                      ...ok, so i qouldnt say its a cult, id say its a fundamentalist group.
                      They aren't sending us their finest.

                      I hope.


                      • Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

                        Originally posted by Didymus Much View Post
                        Who put you in charge of "facts"?

                        ...ok, so i qouldnt say its a cult, id say its a fundamentalist group.
                        They aren't sending us their finest.
                        Oh. I'd thought it was an attempt for comedic effect, like the "Simon says" game. But with Simon replaced by a cunning reference to the "lizard brain" or "id" as they say, referring to my lizard analogy.

                        you know:
                        Jesus he say "forgive"
                        id say "kill"

                        pope say worldwide communion of beliefs
                        id say fundamentalist group


                        • Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

                          Hello I am a tightly circumcised man of Christ! How tight do you ask? Well I am circumcised tight like True American Christian Values! Are you the kind of church that takes a stand against Biden's uncircumcised hood of socialism? Do you have plans to circumcise Antifa for Christ? These Mexicans aren't circumcised and hop our borders! Tight circumcision, tight borders! These Chinee don't circumcise the hood of socialism. The libtards thing hygienic circumcision is rape but then scramble a baby in the womb and make us wear face diapers! It's like foreskin on your face! The scriptures talk about circumcised lips. Circumcise socialism from America! Stay high and tight unlike them European countries.

                          I AM A PROUD WHITE CIRCUMCISED AMERICAN MAN! MAGA! These liberal communists call me a rapist for circumcising my son tight for Jesus and hygiene but then they're putting those poison vaccines in those needles. Soyboy injections are fine but how dare I give my son a hygiene trim!

                          Does this church circumcise for Christ? I want to know if you are circumcised high and tight, so tight you can hardly breathe. I want to know if this church loves the circumcised Christ.


                          • Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

                            Well,,, quite a mouthful there BUT it's something that can happen when pope Frank gets mentioned. Or any other pope. Ew.

                            You see popes run an actual cult, one whose tendrils have taken root in rocks having nothing to do with Christ Jesus.

                            God is Jesus and through The Epistles has addressed this question. Perhaps you could use some of the following references in your own introduction?

                            Titus 1:10

                            Colossians 3:9-11

                            Philippians 3:2-3

                            Galatians 6:15

                            I Corinthians 7:16-19


                            • Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

                              Originally posted by circumcisedforchrist View Post
                              Hello I am a tightly circumcised man of Christ! How tight do you ask? Well I am circumcised tight like True American Christian Values! Are you the kind of church that takes a stand against Biden's uncircumcised hood of socialism? Do you have plans to circumcise Antifa for Christ? These Mexicans aren't circumcised and hop our borders! Tight circumcision, tight borders! These Chinee don't circumcise the hood of socialism. The libtards thing hygienic circumcision is rape but then scramble a baby in the womb and make us wear face diapers! It's like foreskin on your face! The scriptures talk about circumcised lips. Circumcise socialism from America! Stay high and tight unlike them European countries.

                              I AM A PROUD WHITE CIRCUMCISED AMERICAN MAN! MAGA! These liberal communists call me a rapist for circumcising my son tight for Jesus and hygiene but then they're putting those poison vaccines in those needles. Soyboy injections are fine but how dare I give my son a hygiene trim!

                              Does this church circumcise for Christ? I want to know if you are circumcised high and tight, so tight you can hardly breathe. I want to know if this church loves the circumcised Christ.
                              One can only pray that you are soon returned to your institution with minimal damage to yourself and the security guards.

                              58 If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name, THE LORD THY GOD; 59 Then the LORD will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plagues of thy seed, even great plagues, and of long continuance, and sore sicknesses, and of long continuance. 60 Moreover he will bring upon thee all the diseases of Egypt, which thou wast afraid of; and they shall cleave unto thee. 61 Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, them will the LORD bringk upon thee, until thou be destroyed.

                              Deuteronomy 28: 58- 61


                              • So many don't know what a cult is.
                                This is not a debate forum. The purpose of this site is to praise and glorify the Lord, Jesus Christ. It is a place for Christians to fellowship and worship. The goal of the Landover Baptist Church forum is to draw people to Jesus Christ because Scripture confirms that salvation comes only through Him. Luke 6:22 tells us

