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  • Jesus's Big But

    I recently read the following in a thread:

    Originally posted by PikeyUK View Post
    Because God is all forgiving
    Friends, this really gets my dander up. Where do people learn these sorts of things? To be clear: God is in NO WAY "all-forgiving."

    First off, if you commit ANY sin at all and you do not ask for forgiveness before you die, what do you think God will do? Will he shrug his impressive shoulders and say "Oh well, I know he did masturbate that one time and then died before asking for forgiveness, but he used his millions of dollars to save a whole continent from starvation. I will be 'all forgiving' and let him into heaven?" NO! He won't. He will say "BURN IN HELL YOU SINNER!"

    Second, even if you DO ask for forgiveness, God will refuse you for at least one one UNFORGIVABLE SIN that Jesus told us about in great detail THREE DIFFERENT TIMES in the Bible:

    “And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: BUTunto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.” – Jesus
    Luke 12:10
    “Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: BUT he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.
    ” – Jesus
    Mark 3:28-29
    “Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: BUT the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: BUT whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.
    ” -Jesus
    Matthew 12:31-32
    Basically, this means that the second you even think to yourself, "You know, there is absolutely no evidence for this Holy Spirit thing. In fact, there are tons of valid arguments against the existence of the Holy Spirit," even if you think it for a second and then apologize to Baby Jesus and pray for forgiveness for the rest of your life, you are damned to Hell forever and there is nothing you can do about it. (This is why it is a good idea for TrueChristians™ not to do too much thinking.)

    Compare that to Hitler: If he asked for forgiveness on his deathbed, as long as he never blasphemed the Holy Spirit, he is in Heaven right now! Isn't that a nice thought? Anyone can get to heaven by 1) accepting Jesus as your LORD and Savior, and 2) never EVER even questioning the existence of the Holy Spirit in your entire life.

    As I tell high-school students when I witness to them by having them read the quoted scripture above, "You may have been told that 'God is All-Forgiving.' While God will forgive must things IF you ask for forgiveness before you die, don't forget about Jesus's "BIG BUT." This gets a big laugh but it makes the point.

    So, in closing, don't YOU forget about Jesus's big but!
    Yours In Christ,

    Gabriel Reproba, Esq. (Lawyer for the Lord)

    Further reading to help you become a True Christian™

    Stoning Sinners: A How-To Guide
    Scientific Study: Bible is NOT "All About Love"
    The One Sin Jesus Says He Won't EVER Forgive!
    Should we only follow SOME of the Bible?
    How will YOU sacrifice your kids?
    20 Questions To See If Your Son Is A Fag
    God: Dress Like A Whore...Get Raped!
    Bible: If You Love Your Wife, Beat Her!
    Logic and Bible Agree: Gay is a choice!
    Nursery Rhymes Teach kids that Christ is Lord!
    There is no such thing as an "agnostic!"
    Science: People are Only Islamic Because They are Depressed!

    Reading only the parts of the Bible your pastor tells you to (those that make you feel warm and fuzzy) is nothing but mental and spiritual masturbation. Read the WHOLE Bible to find out what Christianity is REALLY all about! Only then can you talk to us about why we try so hard to save people from Hell.

  • #2
    Re: Jesus's Big But

    Preach it Brother!!!
    Most of the Unsaved Trash we get in here are totally unaware Jesus had such a BIG BUT so you bringing it to their attention is wonderful.

    Sister Talitha

    Markswoman, Circumcisionist, Platinum Tither.

    HE took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha Cumi; which is,
    being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise!...Mark 5:41


    • #3
      Re: Jesus's Big But

      Originally posted by Talitha View Post
      Preach it Brother!!!
      Most of the Unsaved Trash we get in here are totally unaware Jesus had such a BIG BUT so you bringing it to their attention is wonderful.
      And most of those false "John 3:16" Christians out there (I am looking at you, Tim Tebow) don't even know about Jesus's huge but...even though it is staring them in the face every time they read the New Testament. Oh wait...that's right... They DON'T read the Bible because if they did, God's word would be too inconvenient to follow. Where do they get the message of what Christianity is all about? Hollywood movies, homo sexual preachers, their own conscience, all sort of places that are NOT the written word of God. All you have to do to be a TrueChristian™ is focus on the Bible and the rules in in like Jesus's big but.
      Yours In Christ,

      Gabriel Reproba, Esq. (Lawyer for the Lord)

      Further reading to help you become a True Christian™

      Stoning Sinners: A How-To Guide
      Scientific Study: Bible is NOT "All About Love"
      The One Sin Jesus Says He Won't EVER Forgive!
      Should we only follow SOME of the Bible?
      How will YOU sacrifice your kids?
      20 Questions To See If Your Son Is A Fag
      God: Dress Like A Whore...Get Raped!
      Bible: If You Love Your Wife, Beat Her!
      Logic and Bible Agree: Gay is a choice!
      Nursery Rhymes Teach kids that Christ is Lord!
      There is no such thing as an "agnostic!"
      Science: People are Only Islamic Because They are Depressed!

      Reading only the parts of the Bible your pastor tells you to (those that make you feel warm and fuzzy) is nothing but mental and spiritual masturbation. Read the WHOLE Bible to find out what Christianity is REALLY all about! Only then can you talk to us about why we try so hard to save people from Hell.

