Dear Friends,
Feeling like "yes we can't" ever since Obama started wrecking our economy? Lost your house in the latest natural disaster? Did some Muslim steal your job by blowing up your workplace? Did your latest credit card bill cause your spouse to file for a divorce?
Why wait for the joys of Heaven until you are dead when you can have a good life of EASE, FUN and WEALTH while you are still alive! With my patent pending method of combined positive thinking and intensive prayer you will become a Millionaire, GUARANTEED! It is IMPOSSIBLE you will not become a Millionaire with this method! This method is approved by Jesus Christ Himself! "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" (Amos 3:3)
Did you ever wonder why your life is a total failure? It's your attitude! You should STOP thinking and acting like a loser and START thinking and acting like a Millionaire. How? By thinking like they do! And you can easily learn how to think like them with my amazing book! It is the second best book money can buy! The best being the Holy Bible of course. Praise The LORD for these amazing books! "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you." (John 15:14)
Of course, many God loving Christians like yourself will already be successful millionaires. That doesn't mean you don't need this book! Do you have some retard in your family who keeps whining for money? Give them this book instead! And when you bought this book for them, it never hurts to read it and earn some serious money before you give it away! "Whoever sows generously will also reap generously"! (2nd Corinthians 9:6)
Yours in Christ,
Pastor J.C. Manning, M.D., Ph.D.
Disclaimer: All investments involve different degrees of risk. You should be aware of your risk tolerance level and financial situations at all times. Furthermore, you should memorize the entire Holy Bible and read all transaction confirmations, monthly, and year-end statements of everyone in America. Read any and all prospectuses carefully, then burn all evidence and do extensive multi-year research before making any investment decisions. You are free at all times to accept or reject all investment recommendations made by me or my book, although I have to warn you that you risk burning in Hell for all eternity when you choose not to buy my book or when you ignore my advice of hiring me for an excessive fee as your investment adviser. All transactions I execute on your behalf are subject to market risk and may result in the entire loss of your investment. (For example: excessive withdrawals may result in the depletion of your account and also in the accumulation of excessive debt which will become entirely yours and your responsibility). Please understand that any losses are always attributed to divine intervention or market forces beyond my control. As you know, a recommendation, which you are free to accept or reject, is not a guarantee for the successful performance of an investment and I expressly prohibited from guaranteeing against losses arising from market conditions or the excessive fees you will have to pay me for my services or my book. Includes free wine glass holder, wine not included.
Feeling like "yes we can't" ever since Obama started wrecking our economy? Lost your house in the latest natural disaster? Did some Muslim steal your job by blowing up your workplace? Did your latest credit card bill cause your spouse to file for a divorce?
Why wait for the joys of Heaven until you are dead when you can have a good life of EASE, FUN and WEALTH while you are still alive! With my patent pending method of combined positive thinking and intensive prayer you will become a Millionaire, GUARANTEED! It is IMPOSSIBLE you will not become a Millionaire with this method! This method is approved by Jesus Christ Himself! "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" (Amos 3:3)
Did you ever wonder why your life is a total failure? It's your attitude! You should STOP thinking and acting like a loser and START thinking and acting like a Millionaire. How? By thinking like they do! And you can easily learn how to think like them with my amazing book! It is the second best book money can buy! The best being the Holy Bible of course. Praise The LORD for these amazing books! "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you." (John 15:14)
Of course, many God loving Christians like yourself will already be successful millionaires. That doesn't mean you don't need this book! Do you have some retard in your family who keeps whining for money? Give them this book instead! And when you bought this book for them, it never hurts to read it and earn some serious money before you give it away! "Whoever sows generously will also reap generously"! (2nd Corinthians 9:6)
Yours in Christ,
Pastor J.C. Manning, M.D., Ph.D.
Disclaimer: All investments involve different degrees of risk. You should be aware of your risk tolerance level and financial situations at all times. Furthermore, you should memorize the entire Holy Bible and read all transaction confirmations, monthly, and year-end statements of everyone in America. Read any and all prospectuses carefully, then burn all evidence and do extensive multi-year research before making any investment decisions. You are free at all times to accept or reject all investment recommendations made by me or my book, although I have to warn you that you risk burning in Hell for all eternity when you choose not to buy my book or when you ignore my advice of hiring me for an excessive fee as your investment adviser. All transactions I execute on your behalf are subject to market risk and may result in the entire loss of your investment. (For example: excessive withdrawals may result in the depletion of your account and also in the accumulation of excessive debt which will become entirely yours and your responsibility). Please understand that any losses are always attributed to divine intervention or market forces beyond my control. As you know, a recommendation, which you are free to accept or reject, is not a guarantee for the successful performance of an investment and I expressly prohibited from guaranteeing against losses arising from market conditions or the excessive fees you will have to pay me for my services or my book. Includes free wine glass holder, wine not included.