Yes. The language called American really DOES exist. To those who may insist on calling the world’s most geographically, numerically, internetically and spiritually dominant language ‘English’… message is this:
Take a long hard look at your conscience.
Pray for guidance and read the facts exhibited here.
American can no longer be falsely claimed as a dialect of English.
In my capacity as Landover Baptists Church Linguistics Consultant to the Pastors I am in possession of the know-how, the know-when, and the know-why to elucidate on the language-hood of American, for many the newest official member of the Germanic languages.
Let’s look at the history of the language itself.
Linguists classify languages into groupings. The Indo-European family of languages is just one of many which God created in his anger at Mankind’s audacity and disrespect in the ‘TowerofBabelgate’.
Genesis 11:9Therefore is the name of it called BABEL, because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad vpon the face of all the earth.
God subsequently divided the Indo-European languages into groups called Celtic, Germanic, Greek, Albanian, Slavic, Romance (including Latin), the ‘Stani’ Muslim languages and a whole host of other groups of little importance to Christianity.
The Anglic Languages

Within Germanic, God created the Anglo-Frisian group consisting of Frisian, in northern Belgium, and on the later to be sin-riddled island of England he put the Anglic languages; English and Scots. English and Scots developed separately: English became a rather gay sounding dialect far removed from its macho Germanic and Viking ancestors and equally unsuitable for the purposes of Jesus our Saviour who really could not be party to anything which His Own Book condemns with death. Meanwhile, Scots, like Dutch at least preserved a bit of manliness about it.
Scots continued to be a far more suitable vehicle for communication of God’s Word, with its peak as the native tongue of King James VI (the Scotch king who took over England and wrote the KJV1611 – the only Bible fit for use.) despite Scotland’s dabblings with Calvinism. Nevertheless both English (naturally) and Scots (unfortunately) fell by the wayside of God’s approval with the eventual extinction of Scotch and, with His designation of America as the Promised LandTM, American was born.
John 15:16Ye haue not CHOSEN me, but I haue CHOSEN you, and ordeined you, that you should goe and bring foorth fruit, and that your fruite should remaine: that whatsoeuer ye shall aske of the Father in my Name, he may giue it you.
Since then, American has exceeded all expectations and superseded its ancestor English not only in number, importance and spirituality, but God Himself has seen to it that its evolution into a world language has seen it become a language dominant in pure, self-explanatory logic. It is the language King James dreamed of so long ago. It is the language of all world communication. Or at least all communication that matters. It is the language of America, of Reagan, Of Bush, of True ChristiansTM and of Landover Baptist Church.
1 Chronicles 28:4Howbeit, the Lord God of Israel chose me before all the house of my father, to be king ouer Israel for euer: for he hath chosen Iudah to be the ruler; & of the house of Iudah, the house of my father; and among the sonnes of my father, he LIKED me to make me king ouer all Israel:
The fact that American is a now a separate and distinct language in its own right (and cannot now be classified as a dialect of English) does not mean that English and American have gone their separate ways. Quite the contrary. And the opposite as well in fact.
American really has taken off. With the help of the Lord it has beaten limey English totally into submission, so much so that rather than being an endangered language, English has simply rolled over to become American’s willing, and rightly submissive concubine. This is, of course, in perfect accordance with Scripture. And thus, English is now the sponge God has chosen to absorb American. There’s little left of real limey English now too. No-one is mourning its passing either.
Job 38:17Haue the gates of DEATH bene opened vnto thee? Or hast thou seene the doores of the shadow of DEATH?
Let’s look at how and why American is using English as its alternative Biblically permitted bed-mate and filling it with Godly essence, impregnating it with the seed of God’s favorite language that will not be spilled in vain. English’s own native vocabulary, once proud, independent and ‘ruling the waves’ is of course, being hounded out of England by new American words and grammar.
This is not surprising. American grammar and vocabulary are far superior for the ways of the Lord to reach His people.
Let’s look at the proof.
To take one example, the now obsolete, British English ‘pavement’ has been replaced with ‘sidewalk’. The beautiful simplicity of ‘piece of the planet next to the road for WALKing on’ is more than just intelligently designed from on High, it makes learning the world’s most important language so easy that even Japanese and Wetbacks can learn to use it! (Shout Gloooooory!
But of course, one swallow does not make a summer, so here are some more of the 10,000 points that prove American is a language in its own right.
Some basic characteristics of this, the newest and final development of the Germanic languages, the language to end the pointfulness of all others bothering to develop further, can be briefly summarised as follows:
1) Pronunciation. American actually conserves, along with its moribund sister language Scots., the faithfully preserved vowel sounds and beautiful ‘R’ of times when the KJV was being written, subsequenty lost in England. Scots preserves to this day the sounds, grammar of the period, that same ‘Mither Tuingue’ of the KJV’s author, King James (God bless him in Heaven, surely playing boules and smoking his ivory pipe and swapping hunting stories with Jesus Himself right now), and that, let’s be honest, is as we know it should be.
American, on the other hand preserves many of the original sounds of ‘ye olde Englonde’ whilst England has abandoned them. England was God’s chosen kingdom for his author here on Earth and should have made its language superior even to Scots. Sadly for England, it didn’t. The sinfulness of that Kingdome led God to create America and American.
2) Grammar: although similarities exist between English and American, the differences are overwhelming. American has restructured its grandmother language to maximize grammar optimization. Past events?
American is far more accurate and straight to the point. And, like God, neither does it pussyfoot around with what it's trying to say.
Why bother saying as they do in England; ‘Ecktually old chap, I have, by pure chance, just seen your good lady wife having tea with someone who is, shall we say, not you.’
When American provides one with ‘I just saw (Past Simple tense – simpler, more to the point) with some guy.’
For learners of the language, the beauty of American grammar can
have some practical value too. Complex Verb Tenses for past
situations (I went, I have gone, I should have gone, Might I have gone, I
was going, I was about to go, I had just gone, I was thinking of
goingetc etc)? Just use the simple past, or, if black or Messicant just
use the present tense (I do it) and add yesterday/10 minutes ago/’fo’ da cops arrive dude/already/. and the meaning will be perfectly clear.
3) American has also preserved the original meanings of many words as God intended them to be used whereas in England they have either changed meaning or disappeared. This liberal attitude to language is not at all what Jesus approves of, as with other aspects of daily life. Jesus hates a homer just the same as he hates an Englishman messing about with the American Language.
American conserves original words like Rooster (English replaced this lovely word with C*ck…), Get Mad, Fall (instead of the now current English Autumn), Democracy (English swapped it for ‘Monarchy’) among many others.
American also sensibly uses ‘regular’ in its proper sense: ‘normal sized’ – as in ‘a regular coffee’. English has changed this for ‘coming at intervals’ so that where buses are regular (3 come at the same time). No wonder they have no idea what a regular coffee is!
4) Expressing Excitement. American wins. Hand sdown. And hands up for that matter. E.g.''Yaaayyy - Way to go!'' At a sporting event is far more encouraging and expressive than the thoroughly Neandertal ‘Yeeeeeeeeeeees, ***** Yeeeeeeessssss, koom on koom on, etc’ you will hear in Britain until a goal is scored.
The American ‘Alright already!’, - I mean, it can express so many emotions all at once whereas English can only resort to typically uptight, pole-up-one’s-bottom-English euphemisms such as, ‘Euw, I say ratheeeer, jolly good show old chap’ and the like. (The English national sport of football hooliganism, of course, is an exception to this pussyfooting in interpersonental communication. They simply apply a more direct approach)
5) American has easier and more eloquently melodic vowel harmony. This is why American accents are nice to listen to and other accents are not.
6) The ‘R’ in American when accompanying vowels is far more pleasant than the surviving vestigial ‘R’s of England. This feature of English is thankfully moribund. Their problem with their ‘R’s is best laid to rest once and for all.
7) The Importance of American: It’s God’s favourite country, internet, invented by an American (now in Hell, true but even a Hellbound American was deemed more worthy than the most pious Brit.) Had America been properly discovered before 1611 the KJV would’ve been written by an American and the New World discovered by one too! The Lord works in mysterious ways.
8) English today: the fate of English today is quite simple. It is being gradually replaced by American. English folks today talk about commercials instead of adverts, order regular coffees and ‘download from internet’ instead of the traditional native expression dating back to the late nineteenth Century of ‘‘Go down to’t shops.’’ As one can see, the preferable version is glaring us in the face. God Bless America. In fact God Bless God!
And there we have it. The American Language. A brief description. Feel free to add Brethren.
Take a long hard look at your conscience.
Pray for guidance and read the facts exhibited here.
American can no longer be falsely claimed as a dialect of English.
In my capacity as Landover Baptists Church Linguistics Consultant to the Pastors I am in possession of the know-how, the know-when, and the know-why to elucidate on the language-hood of American, for many the newest official member of the Germanic languages.
Let’s look at the history of the language itself.
Linguists classify languages into groupings. The Indo-European family of languages is just one of many which God created in his anger at Mankind’s audacity and disrespect in the ‘TowerofBabelgate’.
Genesis 11:9Therefore is the name of it called BABEL, because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad vpon the face of all the earth.
God subsequently divided the Indo-European languages into groups called Celtic, Germanic, Greek, Albanian, Slavic, Romance (including Latin), the ‘Stani’ Muslim languages and a whole host of other groups of little importance to Christianity.
The Anglic Languages

Within Germanic, God created the Anglo-Frisian group consisting of Frisian, in northern Belgium, and on the later to be sin-riddled island of England he put the Anglic languages; English and Scots. English and Scots developed separately: English became a rather gay sounding dialect far removed from its macho Germanic and Viking ancestors and equally unsuitable for the purposes of Jesus our Saviour who really could not be party to anything which His Own Book condemns with death. Meanwhile, Scots, like Dutch at least preserved a bit of manliness about it.

Scots continued to be a far more suitable vehicle for communication of God’s Word, with its peak as the native tongue of King James VI (the Scotch king who took over England and wrote the KJV1611 – the only Bible fit for use.) despite Scotland’s dabblings with Calvinism. Nevertheless both English (naturally) and Scots (unfortunately) fell by the wayside of God’s approval with the eventual extinction of Scotch and, with His designation of America as the Promised LandTM, American was born.
John 15:16Ye haue not CHOSEN me, but I haue CHOSEN you, and ordeined you, that you should goe and bring foorth fruit, and that your fruite should remaine: that whatsoeuer ye shall aske of the Father in my Name, he may giue it you.
Since then, American has exceeded all expectations and superseded its ancestor English not only in number, importance and spirituality, but God Himself has seen to it that its evolution into a world language has seen it become a language dominant in pure, self-explanatory logic. It is the language King James dreamed of so long ago. It is the language of all world communication. Or at least all communication that matters. It is the language of America, of Reagan, Of Bush, of True ChristiansTM and of Landover Baptist Church.
1 Chronicles 28:4Howbeit, the Lord God of Israel chose me before all the house of my father, to be king ouer Israel for euer: for he hath chosen Iudah to be the ruler; & of the house of Iudah, the house of my father; and among the sonnes of my father, he LIKED me to make me king ouer all Israel:
The fact that American is a now a separate and distinct language in its own right (and cannot now be classified as a dialect of English) does not mean that English and American have gone their separate ways. Quite the contrary. And the opposite as well in fact.
American really has taken off. With the help of the Lord it has beaten limey English totally into submission, so much so that rather than being an endangered language, English has simply rolled over to become American’s willing, and rightly submissive concubine. This is, of course, in perfect accordance with Scripture. And thus, English is now the sponge God has chosen to absorb American. There’s little left of real limey English now too. No-one is mourning its passing either.
Job 38:17Haue the gates of DEATH bene opened vnto thee? Or hast thou seene the doores of the shadow of DEATH?
Let’s look at how and why American is using English as its alternative Biblically permitted bed-mate and filling it with Godly essence, impregnating it with the seed of God’s favorite language that will not be spilled in vain. English’s own native vocabulary, once proud, independent and ‘ruling the waves’ is of course, being hounded out of England by new American words and grammar.
This is not surprising. American grammar and vocabulary are far superior for the ways of the Lord to reach His people.
Let’s look at the proof.
To take one example, the now obsolete, British English ‘pavement’ has been replaced with ‘sidewalk’. The beautiful simplicity of ‘piece of the planet next to the road for WALKing on’ is more than just intelligently designed from on High, it makes learning the world’s most important language so easy that even Japanese and Wetbacks can learn to use it! (Shout Gloooooory!

But of course, one swallow does not make a summer, so here are some more of the 10,000 points that prove American is a language in its own right.
Some basic characteristics of this, the newest and final development of the Germanic languages, the language to end the pointfulness of all others bothering to develop further, can be briefly summarised as follows:
1) Pronunciation. American actually conserves, along with its moribund sister language Scots., the faithfully preserved vowel sounds and beautiful ‘R’ of times when the KJV was being written, subsequenty lost in England. Scots preserves to this day the sounds, grammar of the period, that same ‘Mither Tuingue’ of the KJV’s author, King James (God bless him in Heaven, surely playing boules and smoking his ivory pipe and swapping hunting stories with Jesus Himself right now), and that, let’s be honest, is as we know it should be.
American, on the other hand preserves many of the original sounds of ‘ye olde Englonde’ whilst England has abandoned them. England was God’s chosen kingdom for his author here on Earth and should have made its language superior even to Scots. Sadly for England, it didn’t. The sinfulness of that Kingdome led God to create America and American.
2) Grammar: although similarities exist between English and American, the differences are overwhelming. American has restructured its grandmother language to maximize grammar optimization. Past events?
American is far more accurate and straight to the point. And, like God, neither does it pussyfoot around with what it's trying to say.
Why bother saying as they do in England; ‘Ecktually old chap, I have, by pure chance, just seen your good lady wife having tea with someone who is, shall we say, not you.’
When American provides one with ‘I just saw (Past Simple tense – simpler, more to the point) with some guy.’
For learners of the language, the beauty of American grammar can
have some practical value too. Complex Verb Tenses for past
situations (I went, I have gone, I should have gone, Might I have gone, I
was going, I was about to go, I had just gone, I was thinking of
goingetc etc)? Just use the simple past, or, if black or Messicant just
use the present tense (I do it) and add yesterday/10 minutes ago/’fo’ da cops arrive dude/already/. and the meaning will be perfectly clear.
3) American has also preserved the original meanings of many words as God intended them to be used whereas in England they have either changed meaning or disappeared. This liberal attitude to language is not at all what Jesus approves of, as with other aspects of daily life. Jesus hates a homer just the same as he hates an Englishman messing about with the American Language.
American conserves original words like Rooster (English replaced this lovely word with C*ck…), Get Mad, Fall (instead of the now current English Autumn), Democracy (English swapped it for ‘Monarchy’) among many others.
American also sensibly uses ‘regular’ in its proper sense: ‘normal sized’ – as in ‘a regular coffee’. English has changed this for ‘coming at intervals’ so that where buses are regular (3 come at the same time). No wonder they have no idea what a regular coffee is!
4) Expressing Excitement. American wins. Hand sdown. And hands up for that matter. E.g.''Yaaayyy - Way to go!'' At a sporting event is far more encouraging and expressive than the thoroughly Neandertal ‘Yeeeeeeeeeeees, ***** Yeeeeeeessssss, koom on koom on, etc’ you will hear in Britain until a goal is scored.
The American ‘Alright already!’, - I mean, it can express so many emotions all at once whereas English can only resort to typically uptight, pole-up-one’s-bottom-English euphemisms such as, ‘Euw, I say ratheeeer, jolly good show old chap’ and the like. (The English national sport of football hooliganism, of course, is an exception to this pussyfooting in interpersonental communication. They simply apply a more direct approach)
5) American has easier and more eloquently melodic vowel harmony. This is why American accents are nice to listen to and other accents are not.
6) The ‘R’ in American when accompanying vowels is far more pleasant than the surviving vestigial ‘R’s of England. This feature of English is thankfully moribund. Their problem with their ‘R’s is best laid to rest once and for all.
7) The Importance of American: It’s God’s favourite country, internet, invented by an American (now in Hell, true but even a Hellbound American was deemed more worthy than the most pious Brit.) Had America been properly discovered before 1611 the KJV would’ve been written by an American and the New World discovered by one too! The Lord works in mysterious ways.
8) English today: the fate of English today is quite simple. It is being gradually replaced by American. English folks today talk about commercials instead of adverts, order regular coffees and ‘download from internet’ instead of the traditional native expression dating back to the late nineteenth Century of ‘‘Go down to’t shops.’’ As one can see, the preferable version is glaring us in the face. God Bless America. In fact God Bless God!
And there we have it. The American Language. A brief description. Feel free to add Brethren.